
Chintoq Funny video For dj Chintoq, becoming a deejay was a completely natural & logical process. Nowadays he's playing Electronic Dance Music.

Being active in the night-life scene, organizing as well as going out, his musical background was already formed at a very early stage. At first influenced by hardcore, then by sounds of that legendary club Cherrymoon in Lokeren (Belgium) and in the end the incredible world of techno opened its doors. Dj Ghost, one of his biggest heroes, has always had a great influence on dj Chintoq. He was the m

an who gave Chintoq’s first project, the Chinlao dj’s, a chance to play at the Ghoststyle event in Wieze (2005). At the moment Chintoq is working on his solo-career, continuously developing his style and skills. His main goal being to make the crowd go wild and feel good, just as he did when he first discovered music.





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