COLLECT COLLECT maakt u wegwijs in de wereld van kunst en antiek. COLLECT verschijnt 9x/jaar en is te koop in de dagbladwinkel

COLLECT is de referentie in België en Nederland voor de actieve verzamelaar en de geïnteresseerde liefhebber in kunst of antiek.


The street artist’s latest work, on a wall near Kew Bridge, Richmond, depicts the animal teetering on a ledge


Exhibition from royal collection will include about 160 works from Titian, Michelangelo, Leonardo and others


Deze zomer verkent de cultuurredactie het thema water als onuitputtelijke inspiratiebron voor filmmakers, beeldend kunstenaars en schrijvers. Aflevering 2: Panorama Mesdag doet terugverlangen naar het oude Scheveningen, het vissersdorp van vóór het massatoerisme.


Daciërs in Drente: Weinig is over de Daciërs bekend, het ‘volk bedekt met goud’, dat meer dan 2.000 jaar in het huidige Roemenië leefde. Het Drents Museum laat hun mystieke wereld tot leven komen. „Langzaam komt er meer kennis naar boven.”


He transfixed Pasolini and painted Seamus Heaney’s favourite artwork – and now David Hockney is paying tribute to this very modern Renaissance master in a joint show


Werk van meer dan honderd Russische kunstenaars die zich verzetten tegen het regime van Poetin is vanaf zaterdag te zien in Amsterdam. Ook van een kunstenaar die net is vrij gekomen door de gevangenenruil.


BVD-onderzoek: Dat zich in het naoorlogse Amsterdam een artistieke revolutie voltrok, is bekend. Het Stedelijk Museum onder directeur Willem Sandberg steunde de geest van vernieuwing. Dat gold niet voor de Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst: die hield zowel Sandberg als de kunstenaars nauwlettend in de....


Kunstsmokkelaar Michel van Rijn, die vorige week overleed, werd jarenlang achterna gezeten door de opsporingsdiensten. Later ging hij met ze samenwerken om kunst op te sporen. Hij grossierde in sterke verhalen.


Hoe lang hangt de Mona Lisa nog in het Louvre? De discussie over de rechtmatige eigenaar van het wereldberoemde schilderij is weer opgelaaid nu een omstreden Egyptische archeoloog het idee van een ‘terugkeer’ steunt.


Auteur en kunsthandelaar Michel van Rijn is op 73-jarige leeftijd overleden. Dat meldt zijn voormalige uitgever Lex Spaans (uitgeverij Vassallucci). Ook een andere bron bevestigt aan het ANP zijn overlijden. Van Rijn overleed vorige week in Italië, waar hij al jaren woonde.


Sp***en en stikken in het Centraal Museum in Utrecht combineert graffiti met textielwerk, twee kunstvormen die volgens het museum beide vaak politieke opvattingen uitdragen.


In de rubriek Han Lips kijkt tv schrijven verschillende redacteuren van Het Parool elke dag over wat hun opvalt op tv. Vandaag: Verzamelaarsfortuin.


After years of standing by their sides, these guards find these pieces of art deeply meaningful. You might too.


Het oeuvre van kunstenaar Frieda Hunziker was jarenlang grotendeels opgeborgen. Nu er in een keer tientallen van haar kleurige schilderijen op de markt komen, blijkt de belangstelling groot – bij liefhebbers én beleggers.


With the Olympic Games Paris 2024 now upon us, we take a look at how the ancient forerunners of today's Olympics have been memorialised through artefacts offered in our salerooms – some 2,800 years after they began


A historian spots the work from the 1590s in the background of a photo shared on the social media site.


Costanza Piccolomini was physically disfigured by her lover, the Baroque sculptor Bernini: 400 years later her story can finally be told


De Nachtwachtzaal in het Rijksmuseum, waar bezoekers kunnen bekijken hoe de Nachtwacht wordt onderzocht en gerestaureerd, heeft een nieuwe glazen wand. Goed voor de wetenschappers én voor het publiek. ‘Het was een constante kakofonie in het glazen huis.’


Tentoonstelling: De vele tegenpolen maken de moderne zwemmer een interessant thema, blijkt op een expo in Museum MORE: tussen gekleed en ontkleed, tussen paradijselijk en unheimisch, tussen privé en sociaal.


Twintig kunstenaars uit binnen- en buitenland lieten zich voor de tweejaarlijkse Papier Biënnale inspireren door George Orwells allegorie over macht. Niet alleen deze fabel, maar ook het begrip papierkunst wordt door hen breed geïnterpreteerd.


Friedensreich Hundertwasser

To Read📖Biography
Born in Vienna on December 15th as Friedrich Stowasser.

Following Austria's annexation, forced removal to his aunt's and grandmother's home on Obere Donaustraße.

69 of his Jewish relations on his mother's side are deported and killed.

End of schools. Spends three months at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.

Adopts the name Hundertwasser. Start of extensive travelling. Develops his own style.�In Florence he meets René Brô and follows him to Paris.

First exhibition in Art Club of Vienna.

Paints his first spiral.

First exhibition in Paris at the Studio Paul Facchetti. Develops the theory of "trans-automatism" and begins to number his works.

Exhibition at Carlo Cardazzo's Galleria del Naviglio, Milan.

Publishes his theory of "Transautomatism" in "Cimaises" and "Phases" in Paris.

Publishes the "Grammar of Seeing".

Reads his "Mould Manifesto against Rationalism in Architecture" on the occasion of a congress in Seckau Monastery.

Together with Ernst Fuchs and Arnulf Rainer, founds the "Pintorarium", a universal academy of all creative fields. As guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Art in Hamburg, he draws the "Endless Line" with Bazon Brock and Schuldt.

Visits Japan. Successful exhibition in Tokyo.

Marries Yuko Ikewada (divorced 1966). Paints in a Studio on the Giudecca, Venice.�Very successful retrospective at the Venice Biennale.

Large retrospective in the Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, with œuvre catalogue.

First documentary film, produced by Ferry Radax.

N**e speech for "The Right to a Third Skin" in Munich.

The "San Giuseppe T" is converted into the "Regentag" in dockyards in the Venice lagoon.

N**e speech and reading of "Los von Loos" (Loose from Loos) in Vienna.

Museum exhibitions in the United States.

Lives and works on board of "Regentag" in the Venice lagoon. Works on the Olympia poster for Munich in Lengmoos.

Collaboration with Peter Schamoni on the film "Hundertwasser's Regentag". Works on the print portfolio "Look at it on a rainy day" in Dietz Offizin in Lengmoos, Bavaria.

Friendship with Joram Harel.�In the TV show "Wünsch dir was" (Make a Wish), demonstrates in support of roof forestation and individual façade design. Publishes manifesto "Your window right – your tree duty".

First portfolio with Japanese woodcuts: "Nana Hyaku Mizu". Hundertwasser is the first European painter to have his works cut by Japanese masters. Takes part in the Milan Triennial, where c. 15 tree tenants are planted in the Via Manzoni. �Touring exhibition in New Zealand.

Exhibition in Haus der Kunst, Munich. Manifesto "Humus-Toilet" in Munich. Designs a postage stamp for Austria: "Spiral Tree". Hereby launches the series "Modern Art in Austria". Engraver of all postage stamps: Wolfgang Seidel.
Beginning of the world travelling exhibition tour in the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, continues until 1983 in 27 countries and 43 museums. In the Albertina, Vienna, start of the world travelling exhibition of his complete graphic œuvre. It continues until 1992 in 15 countries and more than 80 museums and galleries.�Sails the "Regentag" across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal to�the Pacific.

Designs "Peace flag for the Holy Land" with a green Arab sickle moon and blue Star of David against a white background and publishes his "Peace Manifesto".

Three stamps printed for the Senegal. Reads manifesto on recycling "S**t Culture – Holy S**t" at Pfäffikon on the Lake of Zurich. The touring exhibition "Hundertwasser Is Painting" with 40 new works starts in New York.

Speaks on ecology, against nuclear power and for an architecture befitting man and nature in the U.S. Senate, the Corcoran Gallery, and the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C., in Berlin, in Vienna and Oslo Technical Universities. "Hundertwasser Day" in Washington, D.C., tree planting in Judiciary Square, Washington, D.C.

Appointed to the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Writes "Guidelines for the Hundertwasser Master School".

Postage stamps for the Cape Verde Islands.

Designs six postage stamps for the United Nations. Founds a committee for the preservation of the old Kawakawa Post Office, New Zealand. Works in Spinea on silkscreen 860 Homo Humus Come Va How Do You Do in 10.002 different versions. �Designs a flag for New Zealand, the Koru.

Takes an active part in campaigns to save Hainburg leas. Camps in the leas for a week.

Start of the cooperation with the architect Peter Pelikan. Works all year on the building site of the Hundertwasser House in Vienna.�70.000 visitors attend the "Open House".

Designs "Uluru – Down-under Flag" for Australia. Design of the Brockhaus Encyclopaedia.

Redesigns St. Barbara's Church in Bärnbach, Styria, and plans a Children's Day-care Centre in Heddernheim, Frankfurt.

Redesigns and campaigns to retain the existing form of Austrian licence plates. Further�involvement in the campaign to preserve Austrian identity in the matter of licence plates.

Builds architecture model "In the Meadow Hills".

Works on architecture projects: KunstHausWien; Highway Restaurant Bad Fischau;�District Heating Plant Spittelau, Vienna; In the Meadows, Bad Soden, Germany; Village Shopping Mall, Vienna; Textile Factory Muntlix, Vorarlberg; Winery Napa Valley, California.

Inauguration of KunstHausWien on April, 9. Concept and development of architecture projects: inner Courtyard of the Housing Development in Plochingen, Germany; the Thermal Village Blumau, Styria, for Rogner Austria, which is the realisation of Hundertwasser's idea "In the Meadow Hills" – Rolling Hills.

In Tokyo Hundertwasser's Countdown 21st Century Monument for TBS is installed.

Involvement in the campaign opposing Austria's joining of the European Union.

Works on the Hundertwasser-Bible.

Exhibition at the Municipal Museum in Braunschweig�Unveiling of the Danube ship "MS Vindobona", redesigned by Hundertwasser.

Design and planning of architecture projects: The Forest Spiral of Darmstadt, Hohe-Haine-Dresden, Germany; MOP Maishima Incineration Plant for the city of Osaka, Japan; Market Hall Altenrhein, Switzerland. Beginning of construction work at the Martin Luther Gymnasium in Wittenberg, Germany.

Retrospective museum exhibition at the Institute Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany, and in Japan. Architecture design for the Pumping Station, Sakishima Island, Osaka, Japan. Works on the Portfolio "La Giudecca Colorata".

Architecture projects: Maishima Sludge Center, Osaka; The Green Citadel of Magdeburg, Hundertwasser Environmental Railroad Station, Uelzen, Ronald McDonald House, Essen, Germany; Kawakawa Public Toilet, New Zealand. Museum exhibitions of architecture work in Japan.

Architecture projects for Tenerife and Dillingen/Saar, Germany. Dies on Saturday, February 19, in the Pacific, on board of Queen Elizabeth 2 from a heart attack. According to his wish he is being buried in harmony with nature on his land in New Zealand, in the Garden of the Happy Deads under a Tulip Tree.


A mosaic from the floor of an ancient Roman villa has been uncovered on the seabed in the waters off Naples.


National Gallery of Australia director sent a warning to federal arts minister that mining billionaire was ‘rallying’ influential friends, documents reveal


📸Max Ernst (sitting), Leonora Carrington, Marcel Duchamp and Andre Breton (standing) before the painting by Max Ernst 'Der Surrealismus und die Malerei'; photographer: Landshoff, Herman (1905-1986)
Location:Muenchner Stadtmuseum, Munich, Germany
Credit:Photo Scala, Florence/bpk, Bildagentur fuer Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin


📸Francis Bacon’s studio with his last painting, possibly the beginnings of a portrait of George Dyer, on the easel 1992. Photo: Perry Ogden Hugh Lane Gallery © The Estate of Francis Bacon, all rights reserved, and DACS, 2008


Een deel van de kleurige bedrijfskunstcollectie van verffabrikant AkzoNobel is samen te zien met werken uit de vaste collectie van Kunstmuseum in Den Haag. Dit levert bijzondere combinaties op.


Begijnhoflaan 464G



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