Oy we’re jamming for the last time this year tonight. Bring your guitars, fiddles and voices, we’ll do the rest. Start: 20h @jeugdhuis_tijl . Here’s a little punk prog freejazz creation from last time. Follow our bio link if you want more info.
@beechtheband is releasing their new single ‘Back in December’ on Wednesday. Here’s a little teaser for you👂🪱 Needless to say we’re very stoked, it’s the first release for us in a while. Pre-save it on Spotify via our bio link #beech #backindecember
Holy moly this was fun. Thanks for having us @destrooperij 💘 This scrappily filmed video pretty much sums up the night #silentdisco #teamgruun
Out There, Vol.1
Really happy to announce that next month we’re releasing the first volume of our compilation series Out There. Out There Vol.1 will bring you 10 previously unreleased tracks by both new and more established artists, ranging from catchy lofi pop tracks to experimental home recordings. The emphasis lies on the song and actually putting it out into the world, more than on crisp production quality and crazy release campaigns.
Recording and releasing your own stuff has never been easier than today but with so many new releases coming out every week it can get daunting for new artists to take those first steps. We love the rough stuff, the demos, the first attempts and hate to think that there’s killer unfinished tracks rotting away on hard drives all over Belgium. These 10 at least made it onto bandcamp and a cassette tape for you all to enjoy. Music’s coming soon so stay tuned! 🎈
‘best day’ by wooderchuck is out now! Listen and imagine today being a little more sunny and careless and a little less pandemicy and partyless 😌 https://linktr.ee/uhmyeahsure
#lofibeat #lofihiphop #chillbeat #beattape #beatdrop #wooderchuck
This is Dennis rocking an unreleased song VHS-style at Jeugdhuis Tijl exactly one year ago. Oh how time flies.