UhmYeahSure Records

UhmYeahSure Records Record label based in Diest (BE). We bring people together and we nurture creativity through music. We love working together with like minded souls.

UhmYeahSure Records brings people together and nurtures creativity through music. We're an independent record label that puts out records and puts on shows. A grassroots approach, a DIY mentality and a collaborative mindset go a long way for us. Besides the couch, there are two places we operate from. Jens' home studio, where a lot of writing and mixing gets done. And Jeugdhuis Tijl, a creative hu

b where we put on gigs and where bands rehearse and record. Both are located in rural Diest, Belgium. If you have any questions, want to get filthy rich or just want to say hi you can reach out at [email protected]. Music makes good friends. Jens & Laurens

Geraldines’ album real dinges is topping Snoop Dogg and Sylvie Kreusch this week in Humo. Not bad.

Geraldines’ album real dinges is topping Snoop Dogg and Sylvie Kreusch this week in Humo. Not bad.

real dinges is de 4e allerbeste plaat van het moment volgens .be en jullie weten ook dat Humo altijd gelijk heeft.

Ik heb al veel slechtere kakskes gelegd.

De nieuwe staat trouwens bij de beste songs. 2800 015!!!




The new The Yummy Mouths single ‘Apocalypse Days’ (with STEVE) is here. It’s dark, it’s gritty, it’s perfect.

New The Yummy Mouths coming tomorrow 🎢 Pre-save it for zie algorithm.

New The Yummy Mouths coming tomorrow 🎢 Pre-save it for zie algorithm.

Happy real dinges realease day!!20 dinges nu uit te checken via jouw real streamingdinges naar keuze. Link in biodinges....

Happy real dinges realease day!!

20 dinges nu uit te checken via jouw real streamingdinges naar keuze. Link in biodinges.

Alles van ons vier zit hier in, mega blij dat we dit eindelijk kunnen delen.

𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝘇𝗻.; 𝗺𝘃: 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀)

1. de kern, zonder ruis
2. onaangeraakt door verwachting
3. zuiver moment, onverstoorbaar

PS: onze vinyldrukker ging failliet, waardoor we dus nog geen fysieke platen hebben. Ze worden momenteel dus elders gedrukt (merci ). Vanaf we ze hebben, organiseren we iets.


🙏 voor de mix
🙏 voor de master
🙏 om in ons te geloven
🙏Onze families en vrienden, zonder jullie kunnen wij niks.

It's here! We're very happy to finally share Geraldines’ 2nd album ‘real dinges’ with you today. The album is an anagram...

It's here! We're very happy to finally share Geraldines’ 2nd album ‘real dinges’ with you today. The album is an anagram for the band's name, but above all synonymous for a new road, with the biggest condition that the band would completely do its own thing. Without regard to time constraints, studios, radio friendliness, common song structures or other unimportant things.

The fat was cut off the songs until only the purest remained. The result had to be music that all band members support and that perfectly represents what Geraldines is after ten years. And they have succeeded: ‘real dinges’ has become an impressive concept album with nearly two dozen b***d creations. Sometimes rough and shorter than is common in today's streaming age, but 100% authentic.

‘real dinges’ is out today on all digital platforms. Give it a spin: https://linktr.ee/uhmyeahsure

The Yummy Mouths have been ripping up stages with their raging & joyous garage punk since 2019. On their debut album 'Ap...

The Yummy Mouths have been ripping up stages with their raging & joyous garage punk since 2019. On their debut album 'Apopcalypse Park' the band decided to challenge themselves in the studio, turning everything upside down and boldly venturing where they've never gone before. The album is a dystopic fable about the roller coaster that is adult life, each song imagining an even more dark and harsh universe than the previous, and how the world - rapidly warming, constantly fighting and overtly greedy - has become a merry-go-round from which there is no escape. The first single 'AHA!' (produced by Pieter-Jan Decraene) is out today. It's about an anonymous computer warrior falling for the endless seductions of the interwebs. Go buy some toiletpaper & get ready for the Apopcalypse. ‘Apopcalypse Park’ is out on February 14, 2025. Watch the video for ‘AHA!’ here: https://youtu.be/-_GzGjBFPRA?si=ILsZ5bqQJ3g-iX-J

New signing! Really excited to welcome The Yummy Mouths to our roster 🫂 New music’s coming this Friday. Pre-save it here...

New signing! Really excited to welcome The Yummy Mouths to our roster 🫂 New music’s coming this Friday. Pre-save it here: https://newsdigital.ffm.to/aha

AHA! Guess who's back?!

Our new single drops next Friday, 18/10! 👀

Hit the link to pre-save and enjoy the ride: https://newsdigital.ffm.to/aha

Out on UhmYeahSure Records. 🎢

📸 Tone Verswijvel

Look at them all focused and handsome. Some snaps from ITCHES at Het Depot 📸 pics by Lennert Cusumano, thanks W***y

Look at them all focused and handsome. Some snaps from ITCHES at Het Depot 📸 pics by Lennert Cusumano, thanks W***y

It’s been almost two weeks since DEADLETTER released its fantastic debut album ‘Hysterical Strength’. It’s an understate...

It’s been almost two weeks since DEADLETTER released its fantastic debut album ‘Hysterical Strength’. It’s an understatement that Belgium loves them: the British band crossed the channel for eight (!) shows on Belgian soil in 2023. Get ready for a new round cause on 30/10 the artpunk bunch is returning to Trix with their new music.

Look at them shine. ITCHES is W***y’s Belofte van de maand september. Nice one W***y 🤌

Look at them shine. ITCHES is W***y’s Belofte van de maand september. Nice one W***y 🤌

**** Thanks Dansende Beren!

**** Thanks Dansende Beren!

In de Kempen is het goed vertoeven. Een heleboel van de beste Belgische wielrenners is er opgegroeid en een legertje Miss Belgiës heeft er ook nog aan het




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