Everyone should know what’s on the other side of the table.
I think I need to clarify the situation because a lot of fake things/one-sided stories are arising in the group.
For starters, we were not affiliated with MLT at the D1 Cup, we didn’t have a contract and as players we had decided to not play with MLT. Bro they literally hadn't paid our JULY and AUGUST salaries and to top it all of, NOT EVEN OUR D1 REGISTRATION FEES LMFAO
As for the “Trophy Stealing" mentioned by the big man the big show the man of the hour the guy that can singlehandedly stop a rangerover from moving, MR Anik Mughdo or smth like that his name idk
It’s actually quite the opposite, we were not affiliated with MLT but the owners of MLT came on stage and forced to take the trophy from us. Me and the boys who were with XLE, took the trophy from the podium to Arif's (Exceeli's Owner) car. Why did I take the trophy to the car? Because the MLT Owner and Lawyer was trying to take the trophy from us by force, the fans at arena tried to protect us from them and we are very grateful for that.
This trophy doesn’t belong to Exceeli or MLT this trophy belongs to us the players who played despite being our moral down because of the many issues we were facing.
In the videos, you can see the audience was boo-ing when the owners of MLT came on stage, this is because they were trying to take the cheque and trophy which we had achieved by playing with our own hard earned registration fees.
As for why we played under the name MLT, as per rules of the tourney, you can't change your IGN mid tourney.
i need sleep plz f**k off MLT gang (im scared of you plz im sorry forgive me plz) 😱😨😭😭
edit 1-
just woke up
okay look,
the day we registered for D1 and the day we had our first match for D1 were 2 weeks apart. SO the thing is like this
> We registered cuz we obviously wanted to play D1
> We had registered under MLT because they gave us hope that koekdin er bhitorei we'll sign the contract (koekdin er bhitorei = August 21, the day they ghosted us and the ALSO day we had our first D1 match)
^^ if we hadn't registered under MLT for D1, it wouldn't make sense would it? August 9th e toh we were still playing for MLT so it only makes sense we register under them. We knew it was risky but whatever eh
> After they ghosted us, we left the org right after coming back home.
> Heres the catch. You can't change your IGN in the middle of D1 (like you can register with a specific IGN and you gotta keep it for the rest of the tourney. e.g - MLT RozsteR cant become MLT roza or MLT dhor amake dhor s**t like that lmao)
> Thats where the confusion is coming from, everyone thought we were still representing MLT when we actually weren't. The logos the promos everything had MLT in it. We pretty much gave MLT free publicity LOL
during the registration we had 2 choices. (1) Register for D1 as just "All stars" basically as an orgless team and leave MLT or (2) Stay with MLT and register normally as MLT Esports. We took the 2nd option even though we knew this entire org was sketchy and gives worthless hope. It's cuz we have sympathy. But whatever, its up to you to decide.