Local Mirpur Butexian boy went crazy after his crush called him bhai. After we(Butex Tati somiti) tried to get deeper into this he reported to us that " Everything was going smooth. I was totally hitting it off like an avarage brown boy. I started with stalking her Facebook, Instagram , Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok account 69 times a day. I reacted "Care" on her every post, like every F*cking post. This past month her father died, i even reacted care on that post too. Yes, I know that was slightly off the limit but hey! Love got no limit.
Then i started sending her meme's, tagging her into wholesome post's, i also told her that i watch serial killer documentary and also i am a k-drama fan. But all this for what?
After sacrificing all my self-respect which i assume I dont have any I get called "Bhai" from her, can you belive it? "
As situation was going outrageous we decided to help this minor community of boys who get's Friend-zoned or Bhai-zoned from their crush by creating a new Zone into the campus calls "Us-Zone".
We "Butex Tati Somiti" always care for every Butexian and we belive no matter how big of a looser you are We BTS will always be there for you.