My last course on Udemy "One Stop Master Course on Arduino with ChatGPT" reached 1115 students worldwide from more than 88 countries. It received 5 star Rating from 6 students till now (Last updated 20 Jan,24).
Due to occasional promotion and boosting of this course I will be distributing 1000 free coupons for this 49$ course.
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I will keep updating this course with new videos and projects. Happy learning!!
Course Contents
Lecture 1:Introduction
Chapter 1: Base Building
Lecture 2:Things we need to know about Arduino
Lecture 3:How to Use Simulation Platform?
Lecture 4:Functions and Libraries
Lecture 5:Basics of LEDs
Lecture 6:How to make LED Blink?
Lecture 7:How to make LED Chasing Effect?
Lecture 8:Modified LED Chasing Effect
Lecture 9:Working with RGB LED with Arduino
Lecture 10:Interfacing Potentiometer and Using Serial Communication
Lecture 11:Interfacing Switch with Arduino
Lecture 12:Arduino Interrupts- Push Counter
Quiz 1:Quiz Test 1
Chapter 2: Interfacing Different Modules
Lecture 13:Interfacing LCD Display with Arduino (Without I2C)
Lecture 14:Interfacing LCD Display + I2C Module with Arduino
Lecture 15:Interfacing Buzzer with Arduino
Lecture 16:Interfacing LDR sensor with Arduino
Lecture 17:Interfacing PIR Motion Sensor
Lecture 18:Interfacing Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor with Arduino
Lecture 19:Interfacing DHT Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Lecture 20:Interfacing Relay with Arduino
Lecture 21:Interfacing and control of DC Motors Part 1
Lecture 22:Online SImulation Platform 2: TinkerCAD from AutoDESK
Lecture 23:Interfacing and Controlling DC Motor Part 2
Lecture 24:Interfacing Servo Motors
Lecture 25:Interfacing Stepper motor with Arduino
Lecture 26:Interfacing RTC DS1307 Timer Module with Arduino
Lecture 27:Interfacing 7 Segment + Creating Own Library
Lecture 28:Interfacing 4 Digit 7 Segment and TM1537 Driver IC with Arduino
Lecture 29:Interfacing OLED SSD 1306 Display Module with Arduino
Lecture 30:Interfacing IR Remote for Load Control
Quiz 2:Quiz Test 2
Chapter 3: Design and Developing Project with ChatGPT
Lecture 31:Introduction to ChatGPT
Lecture 32:Traffic Light Control with ChatGPT
Lecture 33:Password Protected Lock with ChatGPT
Lecture 34:Smart Classroom Ringing System with ChatGPT
Lecture 35:Congratulations to all
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