One of the earliest indicators of successful adaptation of the newborn is the Apgar score.
Scores range from 0 to 10.
Five criteria are used to measure the infant's adaptation.:
Heart rate: absent = 0; less than 100 = 1; greater than 100 = 2.
Respiratory effort: absent = 0; slow or irregular weak cry = 1; good, crying lustily = 2.
Muscle tone: limp or hypotonic = 0; some extremity flexion = 1; active, moving, and well flexed = 2.
Irritability or reflexes (measured by bulb suctioning): no response = 0; grimace = 1; cough, sneeze, or vigorous cry = 2.
Color: cyanotic or pale = 0; acrocyanotic, cyanosis of extremities = 1; pink = 2.