Nature,Wildlife Photography, Training and content maker, current affairs. SnapShot Asia Photography and Expeditions is a Closed Group. It is a photographers Community for those who are interested in wildlife, nature, adventure,landscape, traditional and cultural photography. This group allows you to post yur own photo and share your experiences, clarify your doubts and excel f
or a fantastic photographic experience. We inspire our group members not to post any industrial, architectural, fashion, street, portraiture, product or photo journalistic images. All posts of this group need an admin approval. While we do a critical analysis on every post and guide you on its improvement if needed, we may also disapprove a few posts if they don’t meet the basic quality standards of this community. You are free to ask for reasons of image rejection by sending us a mail to [email protected] along with your image attached in it. Our experts from SnapShot Asia, will revert at the earliest as possible. Don’t post images of pet / zoo / other captive animals, nesting / breeding / captive birds. All images must be posted along with information on ID, location, Camera, Lens, EXIF details,
No links or shares please. Post images directly. No advertisements please. Post original work only. Plagiarism is an offence. English is the standard language to be used. No personal discussions. SnapShot Asia Admin reserves the rights to delete any of post from the community even after approval by any of the administrators if the same is decided as unsuitable. Try to use our hash tag with your every post. SnapShot Asia Admin reserves the rights to remove a member from the group for violation of any of the above mentioned rules, even after our earnest effort to explain. Feel free to ask any question ,we will try our best to attend you. Thank you for your patient.
:SnapShot Asia team.