SAARC Agriculture Centre

SAARC Agriculture Centre SAARC Agriculture Centre is the first regional centre of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

The Heads of the States or governments established the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on the 8th day of December 1985. Seven south Asian Nations, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka were the founder members of the Regional Association. Later Afghanistan became the eighth member country in 2007. SAARC Agriculture Centre (re

named in April 2007 from SAARC Agricultural Information Centre, SAIC) is the first regional Centre established by the SAARC. The Centre started functioning in 1988 with a mandate for information management, primarily in the field of agriculture and allied discipline. With the passage of time, the Centre braced up broader challenges to make regional cooperation more responsive to the needs of the stakeholders and farming communities as South Asia heads for a new order of agricultural transformation. The SAARC Agriculture Centre thus has been given an enhanced mandate for agricultural research and development, policy planning, and knowledge management. GOAL
Promotion of agricultural Research and Development (R&D) as well as technology dissemination initiatives for sustainable agricultural development and poverty alleviation in the region

To strengthen agricultural research and accelerate technology transfer through establishing regional networks on agricultural and allied disciplines, particularly among agricultural research and extension institutes, professionals, policy planners and stakeholders. To provide inputs for developing regional policies, strategies, projects, primarily through developing networks in crop, livestock and fisheries sectors; and for efficient management of soil, water and other natural resources. To promote new and innovative techniques and systems in agriculture, including production, post-harvest and food processing. To facilitate collaborative studies, inter alia, on agricultural marketing and distribution systems, harmonization of agricultural related standards, promotion of agricultural trade, food security, risks and disaster management in agriculture. To facilitate and undertake collaborative capacity building programmes in agriculture and allied sectors with focus on skill development and research on frontier areas. To collate and disseminate information for agricultural advancement in the region. PERSONNEL
The Centre is manned with regionally regionally recruited Professionals and General Services Staff (GSS) from the host country. These personnel support programme planning and implementation. FUNDING
The Centre is supported directly by the member states through their annual financial contributions based on the annual budget. In implementing the programme, the Centre aims to maintain the balance of expenditure between institutional cost and programme cost. The program and institutional costs are shared by the member states according to the SAARC proportion formula. The Government of Bangladesh provides the capital cost including infrastructure. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT
The Centre institutionalizes "Participatory need-based programme building through consultations". The process involves participation of stakeholders at country levels as well as synthesis and vetting at the experts level as well as synthesis and vetting at the experts level for programme development. The SAARC Technical Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (TCARD) also provides broad guidelines of programmes. The proposals are reviewed during the Governing Board (GB) Meeting for further direction. The annual programme proposals recommended by the Governing Board are further reviewed by the SAARC programming Committee and subsequently approved by the Standing Committee. The Council of Ministers of the Member States gives concurrence prior to the convening of the SAARC Summit. MAJOR ACTIVITIES
Providing policy inputs to the SAARC higher authorities for consideration particularly at the ministerial level meeting on agriculture. Promoting outreach programmes through to provide timely, relevant and universal access to information and knowledge resources to all agricultural practitioners of member states. Production of regular publication (newsletters, bulletins, booklet, journal, etc.) Production of technical publications from priority programmes (directories, statistical bulletins, bibliographies, databases, union catalogue, report, workshop proceedings, etc.) Audio-visual media production and reproduction
Providing inputs for developing regional policies and strategies. Providing and automated library services and on-line services. Hosting of workshops, seminars, symposium consultation and human resources development programmes and carrying out in-house research and publications on thrust areas of agriculture
Establishing institutional linkages with relevant institutions. Undertaking activities leading to exchange of the best practices for adaptation and/or absorption; time-bound short and medium terms projects and programmes; and enhancing capacities of the agricultural communities of the SAARC countries. Providing literature services through CD-ROM databases. CHALLENGES
Nearly 50% of 1.5 billion people in the region live below proverty line, predominant in rural areas. On one hand, population is rising and on the other, the cultivated land area is decreasing. Food Security at the back drop of climate change. Ensuring safefood against agro - chemicals. Integration and application of new science in various products, processes and services for strengthening food, health and livelihood systems. A spirited extension work to reduce yield gaps between the research field and the farmer's field with a blend of traditional knowledge and wisdom with modern technologies. Skill enhancement of agro - entre preneurship
Dissemination of new and sustainable technology using modern information and communication technologies (ICT) to accelerate the technology transfer process. Minimizing postharvest losses; improvement in agro-processing; value addition; efficient utilization of crop residues and bi-products; and improvement in marketing facilities of agricultural products. Putting research emphasis on sustainable management of natural resources. Forging Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) in agricultural technology. SERVICES
The Centre's services and products are aimed to enhance the performances of scientists, extensionists, technologiests, etc. through support in research and development in agriculture and provide inputs for developing regional policies, strategies and programmes. The Centre, so far has produced the following documents/Products:
The Centre also produced and dubbed 44 videos from the region. The centre has more than one hundred videos in its collection for use by professionals and practitioners. The Centre maintains a number of databases on agriculture sciences and related fields.

Monitoring Progress Report of High Yielding Dairy Buffalos Program – Visit of SAC team to National Buffalo Breeding Farm...

Monitoring Progress Report of High Yielding Dairy Buffalos Program – Visit of SAC team to National Buffalo Breeding Farm at Bagerhat.

The SAC team comprising of Dr. Md. Md. Harunur Rashid, Director SAC and Dr. Md. Younus Ali, Senior Programme Specialist (livestock) visited National Buffalo Breeding Farm, Bagerhat, on 13 December, 2024 to witness the performance of Nili Ravi buffalo calves born through artificial insemination of pedigreed buffalo semen under the initiative on “High Yielding Dairy Breed Development in SAARC Countries”.

About 33 calves were born during the period of 2018 as a result of successful artificial insemination of she-buffaloes. Out of the 33 calves, twenty-eight are surviving. The birth weight of new borne calves’ ranges from 25 to 41 kg; with an average body weight of 33.6±1.63 kg. Out of those calves born, eighteen were male and seventeen were female; representing 50% male and 50% female. Considering the male calves only, the average birth weight was 36.28 kg, while it was 31.25 kg in case of female buffalo calves. All the calves born through artificial insemination sound healthy and growing well with the dietary schedule adopted by the management of farm. The mature body weight of the buffalo was found around 400 kg. The male calves were sold out in the local areas that are using as breeding as well as meat purpose. Only few calves were also sold at community level that buffalo’s performance were found higher than farm level. In terms of milk production, first generation of Nili Ravi Buffalo was found 5-8 litter and second generation was 8-9 litter. The calf mortality was found 10% at farm level.

Currently, the management is culling all Nilli Ravi buffalos from farm through bidding process due to low performance. The team returned to Dhaka on 13th December, 2024.

In terms of production, Murrah is better than Nilli Ravi. So, Bangladesh Government is trying to promote Murrah breed to develop high yielding dairy buffalo in Bangladesh.

Visit of SAC team to Bangladesh Milk Producer’s Cooperative Union Ltd (Milk Vita) Buffalo Farm Takerhat, Madaripur.The S...

Visit of SAC team to Bangladesh Milk Producer’s Cooperative Union Ltd (Milk Vita) Buffalo Farm Takerhat, Madaripur.

The SAC team comprising of Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid, Director SAC and Dr. Md. Younus Ali (Senior Program Specialist- Livestock) visited Buffalo Farm of Bangladesh Milk Producer’s Cooperative Union Ltd (Milk vita), Takerhat, Madaripur, on 12 December, 2024 to witness the performance of Murrah buffalo calves born through artificial insemination of pedigreed buffalo semen under the initiative on “High Yielding Dairy Breed Development in SAARC Countries”.

About fifteen calves were born during the period of 3rd August to 22nd November, 2019 as a result of successful artificial insemination of she-buffaloes. Out of the fifteen calves, thirteen are surviving. The birth weight of new borne calves’ ranges from 25 to 41kg; with an average body weight of 33.6±1.63 kg. Out of those calves born, seven were male and eight were female; representing 46% male and 54% female. Considering the male calves only, the average birth weight was 36.28 kg, while it was 31.25 kg in case of female buffalo calves. All the calves born through artificial insemination sound healthy and growing well with the dietary schedule adopted by the management of farm. Manager of Buffalo Dairy Project of Milk Vita informed us all Murrah buffaloes will be shifted to another place due to shortage of manpower. Due to shortage of feed, the performance of buffalos was found not up to the mark. The Manger also informed us milk is decreasing from the 2nd generation of Murrah. No diseases were found during visit of the farm. The team also visited few members of the Bangladesh Milk Producer’s Cooperative Union Ltd., Takerhat and interacted with them to have in depth information about their dairy unit, particularly the healthcare, nutrition, vaccination, milk disposal, fodder availability etc.

The team returned to Bagerhat on 12 December 2024.

40th SAARC Charter Day ObservedThe 40th anniversary of the signing of the charter of South Asian Association for Regiona...

40th SAARC Charter Day Observed

The 40th anniversary of the signing of the charter of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was observed yesterday. The Chatter was signed during the first summit held in Dhaka on December 08, 1985. The SAARC Agriculture Centre organized the “40th SAARC Charter Day” in a colorful and festive mode focusing a regional keynote address on “Regional Cooperation for Climate Resilient Agri-Food System in South Asia” at BARC complex, Farmgate, Dhaka to mark the occasion. The Director General (SAARC and BIMSTEC) Ambassador Abdul Motaleb Sarker inaugurated the function as the chief guest. Dr. Nazmun Nahar Karim, Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) attended the function as a Chair. The DG said the SAARC provided a platform for mutual cooperation of the people in this region. He also said that climate change impacts like rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and climate change-induced disasters have recurrently caused huge losses in South Asian agriculture jeopardizing our efforts to ensure fundamental rights to safe and nutritious foods to all, no one leaving behind. Dr. Ganesh Raj Joshi, Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Nepal addressed as a keynote speaker in the technical session. Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid presented on the SAARC Agriculture Centre’s overview and way forward. Among others, Excellencies, the High Commissioners and Ambassadors of SAARC Member Countries based here in Dhaka, officials from the different Ministries of Government of Bangladesh, Head of the Institutions, Agencies, Scientists and officials from BARC and NARS Institutes, Development partners from private, NGO and donor agencies participated in the program. Later, a SAC book on Preparedness of Member Countries for Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Livestock has been released in the event.

16th Meeting of the Governing Board of SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) was held during 28-29 October 2024. Honorable Secr...

16th Meeting of the Governing Board of SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) was held during 28-29 October 2024. Honorable Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh graced the meeting as Chief Guest. Ambassador Abdul Motaleb Sarker, Director General (SAARC & BIMSTEC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Dr. Nazmun Nahar Karim, Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), attended as Special Guests. Mr. Jamal Uddin Ahmed, Director (ARD & SDF), SAARC Secretariat, attended as Guest of Honor. Mr. Ali Amir, Chairman, Governing Board of SAC & Director, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare, Government of Maldives and Dr. Mahmudur Rahman, Member, Governing Board of SAC & Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh were present physically. Other Governing Board Members of the SAARC countries attended in the meeting virtually.

High-level Policy Roundtable Meeting on Material Transfer Agreement among SAARC Countries Kicked off in Kathmandu, Nepal...

High-level Policy Roundtable Meeting on Material Transfer Agreement among SAARC Countries Kicked off in Kathmandu, Nepal :

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) in collaboration with IRRI South Asia Regional Centre (ISARC) organized a “Policy Roundtable Meeting on Effective Implementation of the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) among SAARC Member States” in Park Village Resort, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu. Honorable Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development Mr. Ram Nath Adhikari graced the program as Chief Guest and inaugurated the two-day long event on Wednesday, the 11th of September 2024. Prof. Dr. Shiva Raj Adhikari, Honorable Vice-Chair, National Planning Commission, Nepal and Mr. Jamal Uddin Ahmed, Director, SAARC Secretariat, (Current Duty Charge of the Secretary General) delivered their remarks as Special Guests on the occasion.
Dr. Swati Nayak, IRRI South Asia's Lead for Seed System and Product Management also delivered her remarks in the inaugural session. Dr. Ganga Dutta Acharya, Senior Program Specialist, from SAARC Agriculture Centre welcomed the guests and participants and delivered objectives of the Policy Roundtable Meeting. The inaugural session chaired by Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid, Director, SAARC Agriculture Centre.
The Meeting is attended by the high-level officials, civil society activists, food system experts from six SAARC Member States, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The SAARC regional training on “Poultry Production and Management for Safe Food Production” was held on 19th and 23rd Au...

The SAARC regional training on “Poultry Production and Management for Safe Food Production” was held on 19th and 23rd August, 2024 in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The meeting was organized by the SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dhaka in collaboration with Nourish Poultry and Hatchery Limited, Bangladesh and Department of Animal Production and Health, Kandy Sri Lanka. The training programme was conceptualized, coordinated and executed by Dr. Md. Younus Ali, Senior Programme Specialist - Livestock, SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dhaka. The objectives of the expert consultation meeting include: (i) improving human nutrition, providing food (eggs and meat) with high quality nutrients and micronutrients; (ii) generating small income and savings, especially for women, thus enhancing the capacity to cope with shocks and reducing economic vulnerability; (iii) providing manure for vegetable garden and crop production. The training was attended by the focal experts of six SAARC Member States, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in addition to international speakers from Bangladesh, India and USA. Most of the speakers hired from Department of Animal Production and Health. Kandy Sri Lanka for conduction of the training program.

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) organized a Regional Consultation Meeting on “Development and Dissemination of Biofortifi...

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) organized a Regional Consultation Meeting on “Development and Dissemination of Biofortified Varieties of Different Crops in the SAARC Member States” held on 02-04 September 2024 on virtual mode. Dr. Nazmun Nahar Karim, Executive Chairman, BARC graced the inaugural session as the Chief Guest. Ambassador Mr. Abdul Motaleb Sarkar, Director General (SAARC & BIMSTEC) MoFA, Dhaka remarks as Special Guests. Mr. Jamal Uddin Ahmed, Director (ARD&SDF) SAARC Secretariat, Nepal and Mr. Ravinder Grover, Global Business Manager, HarvestPlus – Solutions remarks as Guest of Honor. Pro. Dr. Khalida Islam, Chairman, Nutrition Department, Dhaka University presented keynote and Dr. Sikander Khan Tanveer, Senior Program Specialist (Crops), SAC presented objectives of the meeting. The inaugural session chaired and welcome address by Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid, Director, SAC.

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) and Welthungerhilfe organized a Regional Expert Consultation Meeting on “Accelerating Tra...

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) and Welthungerhilfe organized a Regional Expert Consultation Meeting on “Accelerating Transformation Process for Sustainable and Nutrition Sensitive Food Systems in South Asia” held on 8th July, 2024 at Hotel Golden Tulip, Banani, Dhaka.

Monthly Coordination Meeting of SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) held in SAC Conference Room on 1st July 2024 and birthday...

Monthly Coordination Meeting of SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) held in SAC Conference Room on 1st July 2024 and birthday celebration of SAC officials.

Greetings from SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) Published SAARC Agrinews Volume – 18, Issue ...

Greetings from SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) Published SAARC Agrinews Volume – 18, Issue – 1, 2024 on the SAC Website. Link bellow:

Dr. Md. Younus Ali, Senior Program Specialist (Livestock), SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) participated in the regional b...

Dr. Md. Younus Ali, Senior Program Specialist (Livestock), SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) participated in the regional benchmarking workshop on AMR surveillance in human health, animal health and environment sectors on 8 - 10 May 2024, Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop was organized by FAO RAP in collaboration with Tripartite Partners (WHO and WOAH). This workshop was organized in the context of the Regional Tripartite AMR Project (UNJP/RAS/399/EC) “Working Together to Fight AMR in Asia” funded by the European Commission. The workshop aimed to build a better understanding of AMR surveillance activities in human, animal, and environment sectors and to identify priority areas for focus to strengthen sector-specific and an integrated AMR surveillance system. The objectives of the workshop included stockpiling and mapping surveillance initiatives, materials, tools and approaches at global, regional and country levels across international organizations and implementing partners. The workshop involved discussions, group exercises and presentations that resulted in recommendations for following a One Health and synergistic approach to fight AMR. Dr. Ali contributed on AMR issues during workshop with the context of the South Asia.

Md. Altaf Hossain, MLSS, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) has passed away on 20-04-2024 at 08:00 am. We are deeply condoli...

Md. Altaf Hossain, MLSS, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) has passed away on 20-04-2024 at 08:00 am. We are deeply condoling for his death. May his soul rest in peace and Allah give courage to his family to bear this irreparable lose.

The SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) and Daffodil International University (DIU) established a SAC book corner jointly at ...

The SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) and Daffodil International University (DIU) established a SAC book corner jointly at DIU Library, Birulia, Savar with the overall arrangement of Prof. Dr. M. A Rahim, Head & Advisor, Dean FAHS, Daffodil International University.
The SAC book corner was jointly inaugurated by the honorable Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University and Director SAC on 01 February 2024. Around 200 books on agriculture and allied sciences were provided to DIU from the SAARC Agriculture Centre. The aim of the SAC book corner was to disseminate the knowledge and information on agricultural discipline among the students and faculty.
At the inaugural program, among others, Pro-VC, Dean FAHS, Librarian, Faculties of Daffodil International University (DIU), and Senior Program Specialists of SAC were also present. DIU arranged a grand welcome by the honorable VC and Pro VC of DIU at DIU campus for SAC officials. Finally, SAC officials participated in a discussion meeting at its Library and interacted with students at the Field Laboratory of Agriculture Department.

The SAC team comprising of Dr. Md.  Harunur Rashid, Director SAC and Dr. Md. Younus Ali, Senior Programme Specialist (li...

The SAC team comprising of Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid, Director SAC and Dr. Md. Younus Ali, Senior Programme Specialist (livestock) and PC livelihood enhancement project visited the Moringa Value Chain of IA India under the SDF funded livelihood enhancement project on 23-24 January, 2024 in Dindigul district, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, to follow up and monitoring the project activities in alignment with the logical framework of the project. The activities like producer group formation, group meeting, group registration, value addition of moringa (production, harvesting, drying, grinding, grading. packaging, marketing and branding) were found good under the livelihood enhancement and it will be helpful to achieve the project goal, objectives and outcomes.
Dr. Harunur Rashid discussed the achievements, progress and scope of scaling up the identified technologies with producer group organizations. He also led the endline survey activities at the project site.

  completed a 4 day long SAARC Regional Training Program on Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia : Technology,  Polic...

completed a 4 day long SAARC Regional Training Program on Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia : Technology, Policy in Digital Innovation under Consortium for Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia (C- SUCSeS) jointly organized by SAARC Agriculture Centre and IRRI South Asia Regional Centre, Varanasi yesterday with Certificate distribution. This was a high standard International training in all aspects like topic selection, resource speaker, logistic support, food, field visit and what not?
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude for all out support of the ISARC team especially the incredible lady Dr. Sheetal Sharma, Senior Scientist, IRRI, Delhi and distinguished Director Dr. Shudhangshu Singh, ISARC, Varanasi and my SAC C-SUCSeS team specially Mr. Kinzang Gyeltshen, Regional Project Coordinator.
Finally I'm ever grateful to my Executive Chairman, BARC Dr. Shaikh Bokhtiar and honourable Secretary MoA Wahida Akter sir and Honorable Agriculture Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP Sir for allowing me to mark the program a grand success.

SAARC PhD Progress Sharing Meeting held on 26 June 2023 in virtual mode: SAARC Agriculture Centre has initiated a flagsh...

SAARC PhD Progress Sharing Meeting held on 26 June 2023 in virtual mode: SAARC Agriculture Centre has initiated a flagship program on SAARC PhD Scholarship since 2017 to support early career National Agricultural Research Systems Scientists of the SAARC region to pursue PhD in reputed Agricultural Universities of South Asia. A total of 6 fellows have already awarded under the SAARC Agriculture PhD Scholarship Program from different SAARC Member States. Already two fellows each one from Afghanistan and Bangladesh have completed their PhD degrees. Another fellow Mr. Ankur Poudel of Nepal is going to complete his PhD soon from ICAR-IARI. Currently three fellows two from India (Dr. Sawjany Lakhmmi and Mr. Anas K.K.) and one from Sri Lanka (Mr. Aruna Maheepala) are pursuing their PhD research in different Universities of South Asia. The fellows have been securing outstanding grade points as well as research works. The technical session Chaired by Dr. Grinson George, Head, Marine Biodiversity and Environment Management Division, CMFRI and Former SPS (Fisheries), SAC. Happy to see the well progress of the fellows!


SAARC Agriculture Centre, Farmgate

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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