Chitalmari has 7 Unions/Wards, 58 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 121 villages.There are One 50 baded hospital, many privet hospital, Sher-E-Bangla Degree College, Bangobindhu Women’s College, Chitalmari Madrasa, Girls School, S.M. High School, Primary School, KG School and a largest and develop market. There are some honorable person: Advocate Kalidash Boral (Killed by opposition), Kalidash Biswas, Abdur Ra
hman of Chitalmari Madrasa, Ashok Kumar Baral, Mohon Biswas, Pijush Kanti Roy etc. Chitalmari Upazila (bagerhat district) with an area of 192 km², is bounded by tungipara upazila on the north, kachua and bagerhat sadar upazilas on the south, nazirpur upazila on the east, mollahat and fakirhat upazilas on the west. Main rivers are madhumati, kaliganga, chitra, Baleshwar. Chitalmari (Town) consists of 2 mouzas with an area of 0.89 km². It has a population of 973; male 53.55%, female 46.45%. The literacy rate among the town people is 52.5%. Administration Chitalmari thana was turned into an upazila in 1983. It consists of 7 union parishads, 51 mouzas and 121 villages. Archaeological heritage Shiva temple at Durgapur (Charbaniari union).Historical events During the war of liberation the Pak army in collaboration with local razakars conducted mass killing at Khalishakhali and Babuganj Bazars. They killed about 200 innocent villagers. Marks of the War of Liberation Memorial monument at Santuspur. Population 127524; male 50.78%, female 49.22%; Muslim 60.45%, Hindu 39.35%, others 2% Religious institution Mosque 184, temple 72, church 1, sacred place 3 most noted of which are Central Jami Mosque, Durgapur Temple and Boalia Durga Mandir. Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 37%; male 42.2% and female 31.7%. Educational institutions: college 2, high school 26, madrasa 14, government primary school 63 and non-government primary school 45. Noted institutions: Charlatia Government Primary School (1904), Barabaria Hautkhola Government School (1932), S M High School (1945).Newspapers and periodicals Projanma (defunct). Culturul organisations Public library 1, cinema hall 1, theatre group 2, rural club 123 and playground 30.Main occupations Agriculture 52.77%, fishing 1.35%, agricultural labourer 24.11%, non agricultural labourer 1.72%, commerce 8.49%, service 5.18%, others 6.38%.Land use Arable land 15583.97 hectares, fallow land 3205.98 hectares; single crop 11%, double crop 49%, treble crop 40%; land under irrigation 89%.Land control Among the peasants 40% are landless, 29% small, 18% intermediate and 13% rich; per head arable land 0.11 hectare.Value of land Market value of first grade land is Tk. 5000 per 0.01 hectare.Main crops Paddy, wheat, jute, pulse, onion, chalkumra and potato.Extinct and nearly extinct crops Tobacco, spices, jute, aman paddy. Main fruits Mango, black berry, banana, coconut and betel-nut.Fisheries, dairies and potteries Fishery 11747 (shrimp), poultry 60.Communication facilities Roads: pucca 15 km, semi pucca 20 km and mud road 432 km. Traditional transport Bullock cart (nearly extinct), palanquin (extinct) and country boat. Manufactories Flour mill 8, chira mill 2, ice factory 4, rice mill 127. Cottage industries Weaving 30, bamboo work 425, goldsmith 25, wood work 200, tailoring 225, blacksmith 13 and welding 10. Hats, bazars and fairs Total number of hats and bazars are 15, fairs 5, most noted of which are Shailadha Bazar, Khager Hat and Chardakatia Baruni Mela. Main exports Leather, paddy, banana, coconut, betel nut and vegetables.