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The Source Aruba The Source is the magazine that will keep you informed on what is happening in Aruba. When you want

We are supporting Myandra Croes. Keep pushing Woman. Proud of who you are.

We are supporting Myandra Croes. Keep pushing Woman. Proud of who you are.

More than Law

More than Law


Aruba, July 14th, 2022

by Gerrit Jozef Scheper

Permission to Speak Freely

The universe is talking back, and the words can profoundly impact our future. After billions and billions of years of silence, the universe begins to communicate at the speed of light, but are we ready to listen to what it has to say or have we become so arrogant by ignoring the statements by dictating the conversation and reducing it to a one-way street by once again addressing the man as the one true star in this play. The one who teaches must not be guided by the one who knows little. Before this remarkable flower opens, it will be wise to let the Holy Spirit lead and guide us further back to the future. Otherwise, while we are just trying to understand small bits of the events and the timing of events, we will be in seconds light years behind schedule.

Another indisputable proof that not a thing happens by coincidence, mistake, or accident is the simple fact that this is taking place when we openly believe that communication lies in a tweet and an app and we get used to constantly staring down at a small mobile screen in our hands. I think it is now the right time to take a serious break from those distractions. If you do not want to be further confused by a lie, then start acting by the script as written before time. Stop being stubborn and foolish, and renew your mindset. Day 7, being the last day of the Masterclass, has now visibly begun. And in this lesson, the teacher accelerates because the foundation has been available for six days in the text which is written in time. The bare truth is, that there was, is, and will be nothing else to hold on to or cling to but the Word. It is like the stone age, but with a new toolset or put in a context that this generation can relate to faster it is like Elon Musk with the spirit of Noah. Both builders of the ark. However, this time the Master Himself is about to enter the classroom and set out from the multitude a few students apart. It is in a blink of an eye that matter needs to be bridged from afar into the present. This will be done at the speed of light. The student's knowledge of alpha and omega will be tested.

If you may have thought that the statement 'Big brother is watching you' did not apply to you, think again! For He has and will continue watching over you. That is just his defined character which is unchangeable due to time, space or matter. And above that, besides 33 years walking in the earth costume, His Father and He have been watching you before your first baby steps, during these steps, and are now about to take you out for a walk beyond the borders of the neighborhood. The neighborhood you got so familiar with, where the news of blazing guns and flying bullets are not shocking anyone. Neither is the fact that the Earth is about to become uninhabitable by the misbehavior of mankind. But do not panic yet, for Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse replacing the real world in terms of relevance, and transformation into a virtual world. And at the same time, Elon Musk is planning to transform humanity into a multi-planet species. These may seem to you like ambitious goals but so was the light bulb invention of Thomas Edison.

Just tell me, if you are about to leave your safe environment, who do you want to have with you Mr. Albert Einstein or the One who created him? Just a simple question!

NASA says that the James Webb Space Telescope, which took the world's smartest scientist more than two decades and $ 10 billion to build, proves that Einstein's theory is correct. I would rather focus on tomorrow's youth who will be growing up in a new neighborhood. By doing so these kids will simply know far more than all of the smartest scientists who have been living in the past and those who are living today. I do also believe it is time now to stop being selfish and start seeing the bigger picture. It is not about searching for the big bang moment, but about God. He is right here and right now at work to get the whole thing into its right closure. The last details, the dots, and stripes are being made visible and almost touchable on His canvas. It is no longer only about the greater light and the lesser light nor the many stars. As the Earth is gasping for breath, God is planting the heavens to lay the foundation of the new earth. Are you seeing this reflected in all that is taking place? If not yet enough said, just remind yourself how the present world got recently locked down, and how this simple act had your full attention, while the universe quietly moved to make space for the foundation of the new earth. God has warned us to not love the world or the things in the world, for anyone who does He is not in him. These strong words are now more than ever at play.

It was yesterday late night when the news flashed through my eyes that these words were spoken to me and my awakening took place as everything changed once again in a split second. Therefore, allow your soul to be led by your spirit so you can soar soon to the higher grounds, and refuse to remain in the hangar. History has shown that just hanging in a familiar neighborhood and getting comforted by your toys, boyz, and neighbors, will not bring you further.

This is certainly not the "woke" time but time to truly wake up, and look up to the magnificent silence and darkness of God before it's too late.

God, who is also our blanket, has way before time prepared our beds and rooms to come and live in the mansions, He has for us. Can you imagine this, can you? My God!


Felis siman




Something for your saturday, no matter what keep laughing.

Happy flag day Curacao

Happy flag day Curacao

“Pabien na nos rumannan di Corsou. Cu Dios bendiciona bo ricamente pa por surpasa tur e retonan den boso caminda.”
🇦🇼 🇨🇼



Congratulations you guys did a good job.

Congratulations you guys did a good job.

🥎🥎🥎Pabien na nos Selekshon ku a optené medaya di brons i un danki spesial na nos sponcer nan ku a hasi esaki posibel 👉🏽MCB i FDOK👈🏼🇨🇼🇨🇼🇨🇼🥎🥎🥎


Korsou ta klasifika pa playoff ku hit di oro di Anais Piar .Lagando Guatemala den Terreno ku skore di 3 pa 2

[8 May 2022]Gerrit JozefHappy Mother's DayFrom the beginning she was created as a secret weapon hidden in Man. But once ...

[8 May 2022]

Gerrit Jozef

Happy Mother's Day

From the beginning she was created as a secret weapon hidden in Man. But once she was brought out in the light the man knew at first sight that there was something different about this one. She looked the same. She walked the same. She spoke the same. But she was not the same. For this reason man gave her from the start a different name and called her woman. The man with a womb. God has brought out his secret weapon into the visible, and man gave her a name while still blind to recognize the true power of God that came up into the seen. She was created to be made the invisible future bridge between God and Man. To be the caretaker and protector of life in time. The true transformer of the yet unseen into the seen. And once that process has taken place, all changes. In her new position the working hours were no longer limited to eight hours a day nor were her working days limited to five a week. Her shifts were nonstop. She was on duty 247 and 365, and that for a lifetime. Unstoppable, unbeatable, undefeatable. God has not only brought out his *topgun* in the open, but also boldly told the enemy up front that there was no escape from this one. Life was secured in the womb. The Mother of life. And that one holy mission God certainly did not want to entrust to man. This gifted gift needed to be given to the one with a distinguished character. The one who at first sight could be registered and qualified by the eye as a weak bone instead of the back bone. For it is in our weakness that his power is made perfect. One who is much wiser and stronger than the registering eye could ever be. A multitasking loving main character that did not had to be in the spotlight to get the job done. Someone that simply could not be described with a pen. Someone with the Spirit of God. Someone who is willing to sacrifice for generations long everything to just be the silent caretaker. But still within time the chosen life giver of the giver of Life. A Mom. A Mother figure that could not only give birth to life on earth, but also could sustain the life she has given to the earth. Mother’s Day is certainly not just another way to make an extra buck. The commercialization of Mother’s Day defeated the whole point that was supposed to be about celebrating the personal, individual connection between a mother and a child. A day dedicated to express love and gratitude to mothers, acknowledging the sacrifices women make for their children. A true family day designed by the Master Chief Designer. Remember on this particular day that there is no way to be a perfect mother, but at the same time a million ways to be a good mom. You are created to be in that holy position. Be grateful to God, by giving your most best performance in the role he specifically reserved for You. A cornerstone within the family, the community, and the story of the Storyteller. Execute in excellence - for your footsteps are blueprints of one Nation!!
.. dedicated to my spouse, and my mom ❤️🙏

Fresh open Jozef Law

Fresh open Jozef Law



We have move to new location at J.G. Emanstraat 112.

We have move to new location at J.G. Emanstraat 112.

So proud of this gentleman.

So proud of this gentleman.

Simplicity at its finest🌾




Another Planet Ladies night.

Tonight with Clarissa .
Free Workshop afro dance

Do not miss it out.

Nos ta wardabo.


𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙂𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙖 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝘿𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙎

Dia 15 di oktober 2021 Minister Glenbert Croes, den su funcion di minister encarga cu vreemdelingen- en integratiebeleid, a tene un reunion cu director y director suplente di DIMAS caminda nan a wordo informa (1) di maneho nobo di admision y integracion, (2) cu lo bin un management team/directie team di cual tanto director como director suplente lo forma parti di dje, (3) di e procesonan interno cu lo atende cune cu urgencia, manera proceso di peticion di permiso, mandatering y e audit di e Sistema di ICT pa motibo cu esaki ta un problema grandi den DIMAS, (4) y reactivacion di Adviescommissie Toelating en Uitzetting (ATU).

Despues di esaki e director a ricibi un carta caminda e contenido di e reunion a wordo ratifica. Den e dos simannan cu a sigui Director a pidi minister audiencia bilateral y a indica di tin problema cu e institucion di un management team, como tambe cu e nomber di management team pasobra e ta afecta su posicion como director. El a sugeri pa cambia e nomber y minister pa acomod’e a dicidi di cambia e nomber pa Stuurgroep. Den un carta di 1 november 2021 director a haya notificacion di e institucion di un Stuurgroep (y e MB relaciona cu esaki).

Durante prome reunionnan den Stuurgroep a tuma e decision di bin cu Subcommissie di e miembronan di Stuurgroep mes, pa inicia y begeleid e ICT audit scan y pa formalisa esaki. Apesar cu e tawata parti di e reunionnan, y e ta na altura di e decisionnan tuma, director cuminsa di su banda frustra e proceso. Un di e prome incidentenan, ora cu e minister a drenta den e funcion ta, cu e IT-er di DIMAS mester a wordo suspendi (geschorst) door cu lo tawata tin un aangifte haci contra di e IT cu a conduci na un investigacion penal (strafrechtelijk onderzoek). Pues a cuminsa cu un DIMAS debilita door di e incidente aki, mientras cu e funcion aki ta uno hopi importante, delicado y vulnerabel.

Den e formalisacion di e ICT audit scan a dicidi (leg vast) e ora, cu durante cu e audit scan ta tumando lugar, tur proceso di reclutamento y seleccion (werving y selectie) pa cu e funcion di IT lo para te ora cu e audit termina. E decision aki tambe e director no a respeta ni honra e decision di Minister y a continua cu rondanan di solicitud y a keda dirigi e ICT unilateralmente. Ademas a keda haci su maximo esfuerzo pa trece e IT-er suspendi bek DIMAS. Mientras tanto e IT’er a haya su retiro.

Ora minister a haya sa cu DIMAS a duna Guarda Nos Costa, 3 tablets pa por a drenta den sistema di SIRSA pa haya informacion di un solicitante pa permiso, y cu e acceso di GNC na e sistema tawata completamenten habri y ilimita (dus cu nan tawata haya acceso na TUR
informacion di tanto e aplicante, su dunador di trabou y henter e proceso cu e ta encaminando na DIMAS), minister a duna instruccion pa pidi e tabletnan bek y pa limita e
acceso di GNC na e sistema. Esaki a causa consternacion cerca GNC y entre otro e director di DIMAS. Apesar cu minister a impone un prohibicion temporario di e comunicacion directo entre GNC y DIMAS, e director na diferente ocasion a (permiti pa) ignora e decison aki di minister. Despues, ora a yega na un solucion, y e prohibicion temporario a wordo elimina imediatamente, a wordo constata cu GNC no a haya acceso na e sistema conforme instructie di e restriccionnan imponi pa minister, pero mas bien a keda cu e acceso di por wak entre otro adres di e persona y resultado di e peticion (positief of negatief). Pues apesar cu minister tawata contundente y duidelijk den esaki, no a actua di acuerdo cu y conforme e mandatario su instruccionnan.

Durante un reunion cu e departamento (tur persona trahando na DIMAS), e director a informa e empleadonan cu e Stuurgroep no tin derecho di existencia y no tin ningun autoridad (bevoegdheid) pa duna instruccion na e trahadornan. Esaki mientras cu e miembronan di Stuurgroep tawata haciendo nan maximo esfuerzo pa trece mehoracion den DIMAS den forma harmonioso y transparente. Ora cu a pidi e director na varios ocasion pa su comunicacionnan formal y oficial pasa via Stuurgroep y pa copia Stuurgroep den corespondencia formal y oficial, e ta dicidi di ignora e peticion aki di minister y bisa cu e no tin tempo pa “muchachada”.

Despues minister a tuma nota cu el a copia algun MB’s cu minister a manda p’e, como tambe Stuurgroep, pa formalisacion di algun decision, cual el a dicidi unilateralmente di difundi y copia OM caminda e ta acusa minister di ta comete valsheid in geschrifte. Esaki pa minister tawata e druppel cu a yena e hemchi ya cu e acusacion aki ta completamente falso. Minister tawata haciendo su maximo esfuerzo pa laga e director participa activamente den e proceso di mehoracion den DIMAS como tambe e implementacion di su maneho di admision y integracion. Tumando na cuenta e acusacionnan falso haci door di e director, a constata y comproba cu e relacion di trabou a bira insostenibel (onhoudbaar), cu a viola e confiansa di magnitud ireparabel. Minister a tuma e decision di kita tur autoridad di e director y institui un management team cu e dirigencia y maneho di DIMAS.

11 maart 2022


Yes, Aruba ta di nos tur.


We are thankfull with this achievement.
Congrats Aruba.

Today we want to sing Happy B day for mr. Gerrit Jozef Scheper from Jozef Law one of of our writer of The Source. Thank ...

Today we want to sing Happy B day for mr. Gerrit Jozef Scheper from Jozef Law one of of our writer of The Source. Thank you for all your support to our magazine. May you have a wonderfull day. Cheers


Geboren worden wij allen in een vormloze toestand en leeg. Het leven dient dan óók om onszelf vorm te geven door ons eerst te vullen met informatie. Om dan vervolgens die opgedane informatie zichtbaar te maken, niet alléén door te practiceren maar door het zijn ervan. Het is daarom de informatie, die verschil uitmaakt. Informatie niet alléén uit de boeken, maar vooral uit het leven. De theorie is weliswaar aan ons gegeven, maar dan moeten we deze nog in de praktijk zien toe te passen. En dan nog gaat het niet alléén om het weten, maar óók om het willen. Het is per slot van rekening het iets willens en wetens doen. Opzettelijk, voorwaardelijk of niet. Aldus is daaraan altijd eerst een keuze moment vooraf gegaan. Kortom, de beslissing vindt zijn oorsprong niet in de daad noch laat de daad de beslissing altijd zien. De beslissing ligt vastbesloten in het nemen van keuzes. En onze keuzes laten zich bepalen door onze prioriteiten. Met andere woorden, het is telkens vanuit het onzichtbare dat het zichtbare wordt geboren. Elke stap bestond reeds in het onzichtbare voordat het zichtbaar werd. Er is namelijk geen enkele stap die kan worden volbracht, zonder eerst te zijn bedacht. Terwijl wij het proces proberen te begrijpen, is de bedenker van dit unieke proces ons altijd voor. De geest van hem die weet is in ons. Echter, is deze geest niet in ons geplaatst om onszelf te plezieren maar om hem te leren respecteren. Zelfs die keuze laat hij aan ons over om over te mogen beslissen. Hij die de bron is van al het weten, duldt géén ander naast zich. Het is zijn geest die jij en ik tijdelijk over mogen beschikken. Is dat niet iets waarbij wij met z'n allen even moeten stilstaan. Stilstaan om te kunnen realiseren dat het geschonken leven een waar cadaeu is. Een geschenk dat maar eenmaal aan eenieder wordt geschonken. Het is pas wanneer wij ons daarvan bewust worden, dat we ons bewust zijn. Het is leuk en fijn om in de onwetendheid van een kind een cadeau van de Sint of de Kerstman te mogen ontvangen, maar wanneer de onschuldigheid is versleten en de volwassenheid is ingetreden, is het anders. Om dan nog steeds de Sint en de Kerstman in de twaalfde maand van het jaar in het kind te blijven eren, is onnozel. Het is een verlies van kostbare tijd en tekenend voor de onnozelheid waarin wij ons soms in dit leven bewust willen verliezen. Toch vreemd dat wij de boeken van Assepoetser en Sneeuwwitje vergeten, terwijl we blijven verkeren in de verbale verhalen van de oude mannen met witte baarden. Is commercie dan toch bepalend voor ons geloof. Per slot van rekening zijn wij vrij gekocht. Vrij van wat? Vrij van alle kracht die anderen op ons kunnen uitoefenen. De kracht ligt dan óók niet in het kopen, maar in het vrijgekocht zijn. Vrijgekocht voordat de tijd, ruimte en materie bestonden. Wetende dat wanneer de periode van tijd, ruimte en materie intreedt, wij ons niet langer kunnen beheersen. En daarom door onze hebberigheid en honger naar macht zullen komen vast te zitten in tijd, ruimte en materie. Gevangen als ratten in een snel rondspittende bol in het donker van het niets. Verloren in een zwijmel van duizeligheid en ergernis, totdat de dood een einde zal brengen in plaats van een nieuw begin. Zonder het licht valt immers in het donker ook niets te zien. Wellicht heeft Hij daarom het licht niet vastgeketend aan de zon, de maan of de sterren. Zijn dagen bestonden al, voordat Hij de onze heeft geschapen. Waarom dan de arrogantie dat wij tijdens onze 7 dagen het verder kunnen schoppen dan Hij in 6. Is het misschien niet beter dat wij ons vertrouwen en geloof leggen in zijn gegeven woord. Wees het woord, dat Hij heeft uitgesproken.

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The Source March 2020

The Source March 2020

THE SOURCE MARCH EDITION IS OUT!! STAY CONNECTED, STAY Read more about rani, aruba, duties, african, hectoliter and meditation.






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