What is the Sydney Robot Workshop? The Sydney Robot Workshop is an enthusiastic robotics community group located in Meadowbank, Sydney Australia. We have a fully equipped workshop where members meet regularly to discuss and help each other build robots and work on various other projects of interest. Many of the members have had their work featured at various public and community events, publicatio
ns, conventions and on television and film. The group originally started as the local Australian chapter of the international R2-D2 Builders Group (http://www.astromech.net) but as many of the members are interested in more than just Star Wars movie robots, the workshop has branched out into other areas and plays host to several non-robotics related projects as well. Some projects currently in progress at the workshop range from full-scale movie robots such as several R2-D2s (Star Wars feature films), B9s (Lost in Space 1965 television series) and Daleks (Doctor Who television series) to real, practical purpose built robots for experimentation and commercial applications, to autonomous UAVs (Umanned Aerial Vehicles), to non-robotics related projects such as a folding flight simulator cockpit and various full scale movie and television props. How to contact the Sydney Robot Workshop? Email us at: contactus(at)sydneyrobotworkshop.com
Telephone: 0415 242 378
The Sydney Robot Workshop is locatedat Unit 10/27 Bank Street, Meadowbank