
OrigamiGlobe We help marketing professionals and business owners find, engage and convert their ideal clients wit

OrigamiGlobe was born in 2015 when Chief Giveaway Guru, Suki van Koeverden quit her corporate travel job to pursue her passion for creating compelling competitions. Having worked with big names like AAMI, Allianz, Disney, Coles, Pepsi and Woolworths on prize packages for nation-wide competitions and campaigns, Suki learnt a LOT about what it takes to run an effective competition that converts. She

decided it was time to take this unique knowledge of competition mechanics, her strategic mindset and passion for meaningful marketing and show businesses how to put competitions to work growing engaged and relevant audiences that become loyal, paying customers. Suki is joined by a team of competition experts and giveaway gurus who live, breathe, eat and sleep competitions.

Have you listened to this week's episode of the Competition Curious podcast yet?Dahna shares some absolutely amazing pea...

Have you listened to this week's episode of the Competition Curious podcast yet?

Dahna shares some absolutely amazing pearls of wisdom from her 13 (yes 13...) years as a marketer specialising in Facebook ads for ecom businesses.

This one was one of my favourites (even if it's maybe a little controversial):

“If you are going to pay someone to look after your ads for you, make sure that you are spending more on ads than you are paying them. Because if you are paying more for them than you are spending on ads, it's infinitely harder to ever make a positive return...”

I'm not going to lie, Facebook ads are daunting when you first start out, I used to log in, wonder what the heck the difference between a campaign, adset and ad was and log out again... It was Dahna who actually taught me Facebook ads from scratch and without Facebook ads (and Dahna's patient coaching!) I definitely wouldn't get the results that I do for my clients and their competitions.

My favourite thing about this first ever guest episode is that Dahna is so generous with her knowledge and honest about what can be achieved - even with just $5 a day.

🎧 EP10 is now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify (links in bio).

Competition Curious' first ever guest episode is here!This week Dahna Borg of Bright Red Marketing and I chat about all ...

Competition Curious' first ever guest episode is here!

This week Dahna Borg of Bright Red Marketing and I chat about all things Facebook ads for competitions - because who better to share their Facebook ads wealth of knowledge with you than the girl who taught me everything *I* know about running Facebook ads?

Tune into Competition Curious on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to find out...

🎙️Why it’s so important to have a strategy for Facebook ads
🎙️How you can get started with just $5 a day
🎙️Mistakes to avoid when it comes to ads for your competition and for your business
🎙️How ads can show you where your sales funnel might be broken
🎙️What stats to keep an eye on whilst your ads - and competition - are live
🎙️Key Facebook Ad terms like ROAS, ROI, lookalike audience and retargeting
🎙️PLUS learn why we hate Facebook's 'Boost Post' button with a passion...

Let me know who else you want to see as a guest on the podcast!

There are two different types of competition you can run - games of chance and games of skill.The type of competition yo...

There are two different types of competition you can run - games of chance and games of skill.

The type of competition you choose can affect not only the type of results you’ll get from your competition but also the licences and permits you may need to apply for - so it’s important to know the difference - and which type of competition *you’re* running...

So what's the difference? 🤷‍♀️

🎲 A game of chance is a competition that does *not* require any skill to enter and skill plays *no* part in determining the winner - who is picked at random.

🎳 A game of skill on the other hand is a competition which *does* require a demonstration of skill to enter and skill plays an *essential* part in determining the winner - who is picked based on their skill demonstrated.

What does that mean for your competition? 🧐

👉 Games of chance get more entries *but* lower quality entries
👉 Games of skill usually don't require a licence, wheres a game of chance might*
👉 Games of chance are easier to run and easier to enter
👉 But games of skill are more engaging and give you great content
* Check local and federal requirements where you are.

Still have questions about chance versus skill? Ask me in the comments! 👇

The type of competition you choose to run affects not only the results you get but your legal obligations too… That's wh...

The type of competition you choose to run affects not only the results you get but your legal obligations too…

That's why it's important to know the difference between a game of chance and a game of skill, which type *you're* running and what that means for your competition.

Listen to EP9 of via the link in bio to find out more!

I don’t normally jump on trends… mostly because I’m usually late to the party 🤣(I also usually don’t post 3 times in one...

I don’t normally jump on trends… mostly because I’m usually late to the party 🤣

(I also usually don’t post 3 times in one day, who even am I?!)

But I frikkin love this.

Someone give the marketing team a big shiny award please and thank you.

Stuff I really do google Part 1…“How to remove stomach rumbling from podcast”So I’m recording the longest. ever. podcast...

Stuff I really do google Part 1…

“How to remove stomach rumbling from podcast”

So I’m recording the longest. ever. podcast. episode. and I’m super hungry.

(Never a good combo)

My stomach keeps growling at me to feed it, but I just want to get the episode done, so I subtly grab my tummy out of shot in a futile attempt to quiet it and pray the mic doesn’t pick up the louder-than-thunder gurgles.

Turns out the mic’s *too* good and if you’re listening for it, you can clearly hear my stomach perform its solo throughout the outro of EP8.

Needless to say I didn’t find anything useful in my googlings… 😒

Here are my favourite ways to grow your business with giveaways, swiped from this week’s  podcast episode…🩷 Give away yo...

Here are my favourite ways to grow your business with giveaways, swiped from this week’s podcast episode…

🩷 Give away your own product or service as your prize (giving away someone else’s products is spending time and money promoting someone else’s business… and why would you do that?! 🤨)

💜 Partner up with other businesses to offer bigger, better, more unique, more valuable prize packages that will get more entries (plus your biz bestie has already warmed their peeps up so they’re way more likely to turn into paying customers!)

🩵 Give away a money-can’t-buy experience that will blow your winner away (but doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg - just make it unique, unforgettable and unrepeatable 🎉)

🩷 Consider a purchase to win competition to help generate sales in the short term and upgrade your customers’ experience to a bigger, more valuable one with your prize (BONUS TIP: make it a prize for your winner plus a friend to make it more valuable, more desirable and more shareable 💫)

💜 Create a customised prize your winner will treasure (trust me, with a name like Suki, I truly appreciate the value of customised prizes 🤣)

Want more giveaway ideas to grow your biz? Check out this week’s podcast episode or DM me for customised inspo (see what I did there?!) 🩵

Chance versus skill comps - what’s the difference?There are two different types of competition you can run - games of ch...

Chance versus skill comps - what’s the difference?

There are two different types of competition you can run - games of chance and games of skill.The type of competition you choose can affect not only the type of results you’ll get from your competition but also the licences and permits you may need to apply for - so it’s important to know the difference - and which type of competition *you’re* running.

🎲 Games of chance 🎲
A game of chance is a competition that does *not* require any skill to enter and skill plays *no* part in determining the winner - who is picked at random.

👉 Most common type of competition.👍 More entries than games of skill.👎 Licences/permits may be required.*👍 Easier to run and easier to enter.👉 e.g. enter your email to win.* Check local and federal requirements where you are.

🎳 Games of skill 🎳
A game of skill is a competition which requires a demonstration of *skill* to enter and skill plays an *essential* part in determining the winner - who is picked based on their skill demonstrated.

👉 Entries are quality over quantity.👎 Fewer entries than games of chance.👍 Licences/permits not required.*👎 More effort required from entrants.👉 e.g. submit a photo or video to win.* Check local and federal requirements where you are.

Questions about chance vs skill? Let me know in the comments! I’m always happy to talk competitions 😉

The *easiest* part of running a competition is deciding to run a competition.The hardest part of running a competition i...

The *easiest* part of running a competition is deciding to run a competition.

The hardest part of running a competition is deciding *what* competition to run!

That's why on this week's episode of , your (that's me) has done the hard work for you and put together...

✨18 giveaway ideas for small businesses ✨ which includes:

✨ Giveaways that get your audience to create your marketing content for you...
✨ Ideas to boost the perceived value of your prize (and therefore get more entries)
✨Ways to make your competition more attractive and engaging to your ideal entrants

🎧 Get inspired on Apple or Spotify via the links in bio.

Question: How do you know if you're ready to run a competition?!Answer: It's actually a lot more simple than you may thi...

Question: How do you know if you're ready to run a competition?!

Answer: It's actually a lot more simple than you may think! 🎉

This week's episode is all about the three decisions you need to make before you're ready to run a successful competition.

Listen to EP7 on Spotify or Apple (both links in bio) to find out if *you’re* ready to run a competition 🎉

How to *guarantee* people will enter your competition... 1️⃣ Submit a test entry to make sure it works and people can...

How to *guarantee* people will enter your competition...

1️⃣ Submit a test entry to make sure it works and people can enter…

Yep it might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised just how many people skip this step and wait for their customers to point out that “the link doesn’t work 😑”.

It takes two seconds to submit a test entry and it’s the the quickest and easiest way to *guarantee* you’ll get entries.

2️⃣ Check that the right people are seeing your competition...

If the *right* people aren’t seeing your competition, it doesn’t matter how perfect your pictures are or how convincing your copy may be, you still won’t get any entries.

Get clear on *who* you want to enter before you launch, then check your insights and analytics to make sure these are the people that are actually seeing your competition once it’s live.

3️⃣ Be sure to give away a prize that your audience *truly* values...

I’m not talking about dollar value here. Don’t get caught up thinking your prize pool needs to be worth thousands of dollars or you need to give away tech or holidays - the most successful competitions I’ve ever seen had prizes worth $5-$10…

It’s whether *your* audience values *your* prize that’s key.

4️⃣ Make the entry process as clear and simple as possible...

If you’re asking your audience to do more than two things to enter your competition, you’re asking too much.

A name and an email is all you need - you can get their mailing address, shoe size, dog’s birthday and favourite macaron flavour later. Ask too much and people will think it’s too much effort to enter. Keep it simple ✌️

Do these 4 things and I *guarantee* you’ll get entries for your competition.

"What happens if no one enters my competition?!" 😱It’s one of the most common concerns people have about running competi...

"What happens if no one enters my competition?!" 😱

It’s one of the most common concerns people have about running competitions - maybe you’ve even put off running one for fear it’ll fall flat on it’s face with no entries?

That’s why this week on the podcast, I share all the ways I’ve learnt to *guarantee* entries for your competition, instead of relying on the ol’ launch it and cross your fingers technique 🤞

Head to the Apple podcast or Spotify link in my bio to find out:

😱 How to avoid tech issues stopping people from entering your competition

😱 What to do if people *see* your competition but aren't *entering* your competition

😱 How to ensure the right people enter your competition

😱 ... PLUS 4 ways to guarantee you'll get entries for your competition…

And PS - if you do listen to the Competition Curious podcast, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know if you’ve enjoyed it and if there’s anything you’d like me to dive into in the coming weeks 💫

Yes you read that right. The competition chick wants to convince you *NOT* to run a competition… huh?!No, I haven’t lost...

Yes you read that right. The competition chick wants to convince you *NOT* to run a competition… huh?!

No, I haven’t lost the plot, I’m just honest.

(Probably too honest for my own good, but hey 🤣)

The reality of running a competition is this:

1️⃣ They’re gonna take up your time.

2️⃣ They’re gonna cost you money (even if it’s just your prize).

3️⃣ They will require brain space.

For some, that makes competitions just. not. worth it.

Buuuuuut, if you’re all gravy with that, then I failed to convince you… but I’m not exactly mad about it.

You’ll find not one but two super valuable, super useful, super *free* resources in my bio link that are going to help kickstart your competition, plus save you a truckload of time, money and effort.

It’s Monday, which means a new episode of  is LIVE ⚡️ This week I’m spilling the tea on competitions - all the reasons y...

It’s Monday, which means a new episode of is LIVE ⚡️

This week I’m spilling the tea on competitions - all the reasons you *should* run one and twice as many reasons why you *shouldn’t* run one.

Someone asked me why I would include double the reasons *not* to run a competition when it’s kinda my whole thing running competitions and all and here’s what I replied:

If you hear twice as many reasons not to do something and still want to do it, you know it’s the right decision for you (and your brand).

On the other hand, if you hear any of those 20 reasons not to go ahead and run a competition and have doubts, you’re not ready and it’s better to know that BEFORE you launch than halfway through, right?

So have a listen to EP5 and decide for yourself… to run a competition or not to run a competition, that is the question 💀

How to run a competition that gets leads and sales (not just likes and follows):STEP 1: Click the link in my bio.STEP 2:...

How to run a competition that gets leads and sales (not just likes and follows):

STEP 1: Click the link in my bio.

STEP 2: Register for my totally FREE Masterclass, How to run a competition that gets leads and sales.

STEP 3: Turn up on 28 March 2023 and I’ll show you the *exact* steps you need to take in order to run a competition for your brand that gets leads and sales (not just likes and follows).

🙅‍♀️ No gimmicks, no vague advice, no hour long sales pitch.

🎉 Just the *actual* steps I use to generate tens of thousands of dollars in sales, PLUS tens of thousands of subscribers and yes, EVEN heaps of followers - all from a single competition you can run yourself.

Want in? Link’s in the bio.

I’ll see you there 🤘

Do you have a business crush? 😍Derek Sivers is one of mine, he made a motza creating and selling a business called CD Ba...

Do you have a business crush? 😍

Derek Sivers is one of mine, he made a motza creating and selling a business called CD Baby in 2008 for $22 million.

But it’s not his success or millions that I crush on…

It’s what he does with it.

When he sold his business, all he wanted from the sale was enough to live on, he wanted the rest to go to a trust for educating future musicians. So he gets a dividend to live on each year and that’s it. It pays for him to do whatever the heck he wants with his time, which to me sounds like bliss.

There are so many gems in this book, which I re-read often, but my favourite is probably:

“When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you control all the laws. This is your utopia.”

So if your business doesn’t feel like utopia. Change it. You’re the ruler. It’s what I’m in the process of doing and holy heck is it liberating.

But it’s not all selfish, he continues:

“When you make it a dream come true for yourself, it’ll be a dream come true for someone else, too.”

By being you in business, you never know who else you’ll inspire in the process…

Go read this book, it’s short but life changing 💖

I didn’t always have purple hair, you know… 💜It’s been (among many other colours) 💙 electric blue, 💚 mint green, 🧡coral ...

I didn’t always have purple hair, you know… 💜

It’s been (among many other colours) 💙 electric blue, 💚 mint green, 🧡coral orange, 💖 neon pink and - if you can believe it - 🤎 mousy brown. Shocking I know 🤣

One of my favourite things about having bright, fun hair is the conversations.

Take yesterday for example, I was on my way to grab a coffee from my fave coffee shop and a guy who was easily in his 90s stopped mid conversation, turned to me and said excitedly…

“I LOVE the colour, girlie!!”

I beamed back at him (after all his smile *was* totally infectious), so he adds in a conspiratorial whisper:

“Mind you, any colour’s better than no colour!” and pulled his flat cap off to reveal he was bald as a coot 🤣

We all laughed and I think all of our days were brighter for it 🤩

Just like my bright purple hair.

And to think I was worried that dying my hair a ‘non-conventional’ colour would affect my business and put people off. If anything, it brings me (and clearly others too) more connection, more joy and more conversations. So be yourself in business as well as life.

📸 Photo from my super fun and also non-conventional brand photoshoot with 🤩

In case you don't know yet, I'm a big fan of The Killers. I'm also a BIG fan of band t-shirts, so I'm particularly fond ...

In case you don't know yet, I'm a big fan of The Killers.

I'm also a BIG fan of band t-shirts, so I'm particularly fond of this tee.

There's also a story behind this one, I got it at Big Day Out in Sydney where I saw The Killers live... AND met my husband for the first time 💜

Initially, the merch trucks didn't have a single Killers tee... the shipment had been delayed and it looks like this Killers tragic would be going home without a band tee.

Fortunately, it was future husband to the rescue. He snuck back to the merch truck later in the day and noticed they were unpacking the delayed merch and future wifey got her band t-shirt.

What's the difference between do it yourself and done for you competitions?Do it yourself competitions are for:🔨 People ...

What's the difference between do it yourself and done for you competitions?

Do it yourself competitions are for:

🔨 People who are running a competition for the first time and want to learn the process
🔧 Business owners who like to learn a process before delegating it to someone else
🔨 Marketers or business owners on a budget
🔧 Marketers and business owners who have plenty of time to dedicate to running the competition themselves

On the other hand, a done for you competition is exactly how it sounds... a complete competition from start to finish planned, built, legalised, managed, promoted, advertised, closed and debriefed by a team of competition and giveaway nerds (that's us).

Not sure if you should DIY or get it DFY? Why not book in a chat with us to talk through your competition idea? You'll find the link in our bio 💫

💡 What's the big idea? 💡Did you know our site is bursting at the seams with ideas for competitions, giveaways and contes...

💡 What's the big idea? 💡

Did you know our site is bursting at the seams with ideas for competitions, giveaways and contests? I literally had to fix our blog page origamiglobe.com/the-fold so it could fit all the blog posts, of which there are now over 100, with most blog posts around the 1,500 word mark.

My for all you competition DIYers out there, would be to check out our post '18 giveaway ideas for businesses and 4 to avoid at all costs…' at origamiglobe.com/18-giveaway-ideas-for-businesses/ (link in bio)

If you're *still* stuck for ideas, you can always book in a free chat with me, Suki van K, the competition-obsessed chick behind OrigamiGlobe, you'll find the link to that in our bio too.

📸Thanks to via

We've been running competitions as OrigamiGlobe for almost 6 years now.So it's safe to say we've tried and tested a fair...

We've been running competitions as OrigamiGlobe for almost 6 years now.

So it's safe to say we've tried and tested a fair few competition tools in our time 🛠

From random number generators to how many post schedulers, these are the tools that make our competition lives easier - and we're sharing them with you: https://origamiglobe.com/our-favourite-tools-for-running-competitions-and-giveaways/

Let us know if we've missed any?

📸Ashim D' Silva via Unsplash🙌

Wanna know a secret?I actually don't mind Mondays...Before you growl and throw things at me, here's why:💗 I like to star...

Wanna know a secret?

I actually don't mind Mondays...

Before you growl and throw things at me, here's why:

💗 I like to start my Mondays with a beach walk before work to get some fresh air and sometimes treat myself to coffee out...
💜 When I get to my desk, I plan out my week - what needs to be done that week, who I'm meeting with and any exciting things to look forward to.
💙 I save what I consider to be quiet, calm, introverted activities for a Monday morning - like clearing my inbox and reconciling my accounts.
💗 Under no circumstances do I allow meetings to be booked for Monday mornings.
💜 Monday afternoons are usually for marketing my business - writing blog posts, socials and putting together email newsletters

I've deliberately cultivated a Monday routine that works for me, so I'm not grumpy like I used to be on a Monday morning back in corporate land...

Are you too?!

Thanks to for the image, via .

When was the last time you stopped to take a deep breath?This is your friendly Friday reminder to   s l o w   d o w n.De...

When was the last time you stopped to take a deep breath?

This is your friendly Friday reminder to s l o w d o w n.

Deep breath in, deep breath out. Slow the heck down.

After I finish work on a Friday, I head to yoga with one of my favourite people in the world, it's a much-needed slowing down of my breath and body so I can release the week and slide on in to the weekend, blissed out, stretched out and chilled out.

[Image shows a person in a tracksuit jacket and long hair under a blue neon sign that reads SLOW DOWN. I kinda want this sign in my office... Thank you for the beautiful image found on .]

𝟻 𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖:📱1. Be strategic. Don't just launch and hope for the best, put...

𝟻 𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖:

📱1. Be strategic. Don't just launch and hope for the best, put some thought into your competition and you'll get far better results.

📱2. Plan your content in advance. Countdown to launch, promote throughout and don't forget to announce your winner.

📱3. If you don't promote, you don't get entries, shout about your competition to keep those entries coming in.

📱4. Think about how you'll pick your winner. Closing your eyes and scrolling through all the post likers is not the best option.

📱5. Do something with your entrants. We don't just run competitions for fun, we hope that entrants will turn into customers - but you usually need to give them a little help. Tell them what to do next or make them an offer.

Read the full post at https://origamiglobe.com/5-tips-for-running-a-stress-free-instagram-competition/ (link in bio).

Thank you Luke van Zyl for the image via

Pros of social media competitions:✓ Your audience is there✓ Work well for engagement competition goals✓ People are famil...

Pros of social media competitions:

✓ Your audience is there
✓ Work well for engagement competition goals
✓ People are familiar with social media competitions
✓ They're quick and easy to run
✓ You don't need much technical knowledge

Cons of social media competitions:

❌ You'll need to pay for reach if you don't have many followers
❌ Social competitions are a little overdone
❌ You don't own any of the entry materials (or followers)
❌ Organic reach sucks, so you'll have to pay to reach your new followers
❌ They're really, really, reeeeeally hard to track and pick winners for

Wanna learn more? Head to https://origamiglobe.com/where-to-host-your-competition-social-media-vs-website-competitions/ (link in bio).

Image from by

Like to win competitions don't really matter.Here's the thing. Likes don't pay the bills.Yes, they make us feel warm and...

Like to win competitions don't really matter.

Here's the thing. Likes don't pay the bills.

Yes, they make us feel warm and fuzzy and adored and accepted, but at the end of the day, they're not going to keep the lights on in your business.

Don't get us wrong, like to win competitions have their place in the cosmic order 🔮 but they suck as long-term marketing strategies.

Here's why:

👍🏻 It's about quality, not quantity, when it comes to competition entrants. Quantity is pointless without quality.
👍🏻 Organic reach is in the toilet. You're paying to keep your entrants on Facebook, then paying again to reach them.
👍🏻 Post-competition conversion to paying customer is poor. Email is much better at converting sales.
👍🏻 Competitions aren't a popularity contest. You're the only one who cares about your likes.
👍🏻 Only foolish people run like to win competitions. Might sound harsh, but literally *any* other competition entry method, promoted on Facebook will result in a spike of post and page likes and followers. What's more, you'll have something far more valuable than likes when the competition is done and dusted.

Want to learn more? Head to origamiglobe.com/why-like-to-win-competitions-dont-really-matter

A little peek at where the magic happens ✨This is a real picture of my desk. I'll confess I tidied up a bit before I too...

A little peek at where the magic happens ✨

This is a real picture of my desk. I'll confess I tidied up a bit before I took the photo, but not too much.

Captions around the image, clockwise from top left read...

The biggest shadiest tree on the whole street 🌳

Vision board to keep my eyes on the prize(s) 🎁

My favourite business book of all time: Profit First 📖
(if you haven't read this, please, please do yourself a huge favour and buy a copy, it's an absolute GAME CHANGER for business finance)

100s of Post Its (I'm obsessed) 📝

Toys to remind me to play (and because I'm a big kid) 🌵

My beloved mug of motivation (full of tea) 🫖

My bullet journal - the one system I actually manage to stick to 📓

Diffuser for uplifting scents 🍃

My favourite essential oils - Joy, Focus and Wish (from .aromatherapy) 💜

Not pictured: my plant who's currently on holiday outside 😂

You don't always know what's up ahead... Sometimes all you need to know is your next step. Progress is progress.Forward ...

You don't always know what's up ahead...

Sometimes all you need to know is your next step.
Progress is progress.
Forward is forward.


𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗?

The TL;DR version of my podcast episode on 's podcast:

Start by asking yourself - Why are you here on the planet? What is your bigger mission? What are you trying to help people with?

*That* is your messaging.

Listen to the rest of the podcast here:

How do you know which type of competition is best for your business?Well, you read this blog😜: https://origamiglobe.com/...

How do you know which type of competition is best for your business?

Well, you read this blog😜: https://origamiglobe.com/what-is-the-best-type-of-competition-for-my-business/

Just kidding, here are my tips for choosing the best competition for your business:

First you have to ask yourself 'what stage is my business at?' competitions for a business that has just launched look very different from competitions that have been around for 15 years.

Next, you have to ask yourself 'what information would be most useful for my business?'. Likes make us feel popular, but they're not great for making sales. Match your competition entry method to the type of data you want to collect.

Finally, ask yourself 'what do I want to achieve?' - if your goal this year is to build your email list, it doesn't make too much sense to run a like to win competition, does it?

Competitions can help you achieve your marketing goals, if you let them.


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OrigamiGlobe - The Home of Competitions.

OrigamiGlobe was born in 2015 when Chief Giveaway Guru, Suki van Koeverden quit her corporate travel job to pursue her passion for creating compelling competitions.

Having worked with big names like AAMI, Allianz, Disney, Coles, Pepsi and Woolworths on prize packages for nation-wide competitions and campaigns, Suki learnt a LOT about what it takes to run an effective competition that converts.

She decided it was time to take this unique knowledge of competition mechanics, her strategic mindset and passion for meaningful marketing and show businesses how to put competitions to work growing engaged and relevant audiences that become loyal, paying customers.

Now a small army of Competition Specialists, OrigamiGlobe is on a mission to inspire you to unfold the potential of competitions. We want to make competitions simpler to understand and run; give you a tangible return on your investment; and help you engage your target audience in a meaningful way that goes beyond likes.