Becky suffered for years from an incurable digestive disorder where her body would violently reject almost everything she would try to eat or drink.
But then Becky found out about her authority in Christ and that healing was already hers and SHE began to violently reject the symptoms and lies of the enemy! ❌
Be encouraged by this powerful testimony! 🥰👇🏼
Becky writes:
Dear Emily
I mostly wanted to say thank you to you for your faith talks ministry and for your podcasts that have bought such healing joy.
My story started over 4 years ago where my body started to randomly reject food and make me sick. It started with fats and oils where I couldn't tolerate fatty foods. I stopped eating anything with fat or oil and it settled down. However after a few months I began being unwell again - upset stomach, extreme constant nausea, vomiting and extreme tiredness. So I stopped dairy, then gluten, then meat, nuts, sugar, oats, soy, fruit.... the cycle continued like this with dropping food - getting better, then starting again.
Whilst going through this tough food battle, I continued to be a mum to our three beautiful children, a school chaplain and serve at our church and where I could to help share Jesus with others - while battling constant hunger and chronic tummy pain, nausea and fatigue - it was tough.
I had people praying for me and also pursued many doctors and natural remedies. Dr's had no answers and eventually I was put on a special formula to help with the weight loss and limited diet.
In October last year I was at my lowest - I felt horrible and I had reached the end of the road with medical help - no one had any answers and I had no where else to go.
My diet was so minimal and it was also impacting the ones I loved so much - our family could not go out together for a meal, we could not go on proper holidays and if we did I would spend weeks pre baking everything to freeze and take with us, I could not have a takeaway treat or meal out with my husband and my mum couldn't bake me a birthday cake or treat like she always did. I had to spend hours cooking extra meals and baking my own bread from scratch and spending money on supplements and remedies. I faced daily nausea, indigestion, upset stomach, I had a dizzy head, anxiety, panic feelings and drained weariness as well as constant gnawing hunger.
At this low point I had the opportunity as part of my chaplain role to take on just for a term teaching indigenous children that were part of our school, but whose campuses were not on it so would involve some weekly travel. I decided to use that time to completely commit to praying for healing and also to listen to your podcast.
I began with your teachings and listened intently - at first just absorbing and then as the weeks passed I began in that little car on these journeys to put into practise what was being revealed to my spirit. I began to "speak" to my mountain. It began in my head, then a whisper in the car, then out loud and finally a loud "scream". The three hour round trip every Monday involved crying, praying, worshiping and most importantly speaking the words "I am healed". I even began putting the windows down and letting the cows and sheep hear the good news too!
I also began to bridle my tongue and whilst on the inside I still felt terrible, when the kind friends and colleagues asked how i was I said with confidence "doing really well - God is good". I also cancelled all the Dr's appointments and stopped taking the supplements and just believed that I was healed in the name of Jesus.
Finally - I got angry - I got angry that I was not having the body that Jesus died on the cross to give me - It was not right and it needed to stop.
One of the last "attacks" I had was when I trialled a piece of chocolate. It would usually give me a horrible stomach the next day. On this Friday night I had a small bite (that was all) of cherry ripe in faith one night. The next day (at my daughter's dance concert) I was stuck once again in the bathroom - but this time instead of giving in to the "here we go again" that I had experienced so many times - I got angry - I told satan to leave my body and that it was over and done and enough! That was the last time I ever had a reaction from chocolate! I was free. What had once given my so much pain was gone.
That anger continued as I fought any symptoms that continued to sneak in and the battle was tough and the voices in my head were very loud "If you eat this you know it will make you sick it always does" and when a symptom came the next day I told it to leave and I continued to to declare my healing, cast out those voices - so by Christmas day December of 2023 I was eating with my family again and in Jan 2024 we had our first meal out together eating steak and chips and pizza.
It had been 4 years since It started and 6 powerful months of discovering my healing.
It has now been another 6 months and I am still feeling complete joy and freedom in every delicious bite of food and every opportunity to share my healing testimony.
I still declare my healing and take communion and if myself or my family have a cold or anything else we take authority over it and claim our healing. It's still a journey and a battle but God is faithful and we have the victory.
Thank you Emily for your part in this story and this journey - I share your podcast with anyone I can and am so so thankful.
Blessings on your ministry and life for Jesus and His glory.
Amen - to God be the Glory.
Glory to God!
Don’t let the enemy have his way with you or your family for one more second ❌
The violent TAKE it by FORCE! 💪🏼 (Matthew 11:12)
Listen to Faith Talks with Emily Preston podcast, available on all podcast hosting platforms, or click the link below 👇🏼
For a FREE copy of Confessions for Life: God’s Promises for You - a booklet of scriptural declarations that cover all the main areas of life, go to www.faithtalks.com.au or email [email protected]