How are lockdowns affecting property prices?
I am hearing this often, and what you need to know is that wherever there’s global and financial stress, inflation is sure to follow…
You might be thinking – “Well it’s obvious, COVID caused the government to panic, printing money like no tomorrow”
But there’s more to the story, and the real answer is a lot more interesting than first glance, and the implications even more so…
The episode actually dives into tons of recent and relevant financial news. Here’s a snapshot of what it covers.
- How the lockdown is affecting business confidence
- How inflation got to the highest level in 13 years
- Overview of the latest property figures
- But also why the RBA is very relaxed about that
- What Westpac thinks the outlook for property really is
- And much, much more…
It’s interesting to hear what the banks think the future looks like for property, particularly what they get wrong…
Till next time,
Welcome along to this weeks Intelligent Property Investor Weekly Masterclass!
In this session I'll be covering;
- Why JobKeeper is NOT Coming Back!
- Where we sit on the Vaccination "RACE"
- Why we should avoid a Double-Dip Recession
- And why property is unfazed so far...
So grab your cup of tea or coffee and join me for this weeks update.
And feel free to share this around to help your friends and family too.
To your success,
Hi there,
I'm still coming to you from onboard my sailing boat!
And for today's Intelligent Property Investor Masterclass, no matter what, I'm committed to the purpose of helping you make better decisions.'
So this is what I'm covering today:
- What the impact of lockdown is really going to be.
- Why the economy is holding above the trend... for now.
- Why builders are going bust in the middle of a boom
- And why 60% of HENRYs are broke
- Plus a stack more...
So comment below to let me know if these are helping you.
Welcome to todays Intelligent Property Investor Weekly Masterclass!
Now, just remember the purpose of these masterclasses is to help you make better decisions.'
And this one is going to be very different...
Usually I cover the latest Market Trends and Property Updates both here and overseas...
Today I'm covering how to keep your Properties and Other Assets Safe!
So be sure to let me know if these are helping you make better decisions.
Welcome to this weeks Intelligent Property Investor Weekly Masterclass!
In this session I'll be covering;
- Why the RBA is actually printing more money than people think!
- Why our exports are booming
- Why there's fewer applicants to jobs than ever...
- Where rents have fallen 20% over the past year,
- And where they've gone up by 20%
So make a bit of time with your cup of tea and join me for this weeks masterclass.
And please share this around to help your friends and family too.
To your success,
Welcome Back Aboard!
Yes, I'm still sailing...
This weeks Intelligent Property Investor Masterclass, I'm coming to you while travelling on my sailing boat, because no matter where I am, I am committed to the purpose of helping you make better decisions.
So here's what I'm focusing on today:
- This weeks intelligent investor is all about the facts.
- These facts tell us a story about what the markets are doing.
- More importantly - They tell us a story of urgency if you don't want to get left behind!
So let's get into the facts, and let me know if you are making better decisions.
Welcome to todays Intelligent Property Investor Weekly Masterclass!
In this session I'll be covering;
- How Australia became the wealthiest nation on Earth
- Why Aussie household savings have boomed
- How we are transacting approximately $1 Billion in Property per day!
- And why 90% of properties are selling for a profit!
So grab your cup of tea and join me for this weeks masterclass.
And make sure you share this around to help your friends and family too.
To your success,
Hi there,
I coming to you from onboard my sailing boat!
For today's Intelligent Property Investor Masterclass, I'm in Townsville and leaving soon to sail north!
And no matter what I'm committed to the purpose of helping you make better decisions.'
So here's what I'm covering today:
- Why rates cuts are further off then people think
- Which CBD is operting at 14% capacity
- How big global debt has actually become and what that means
- And why Sweden lost a Government over its housing crisis
- Plus heaps more..
So comment below to let me know if these are helping you make better decisions.
Welcome Aboard!
For this weeks Intelligent Property Investor Masterclass, I'm coming to you while travelling on my sailing boat!
And no matter where I am I am committed to the purpose of helping you make better decisions.'
So this is what I'm covering today:
- Why the number of unemployed has fallen to record lows...
- Why Aussie Businesses are the most Bullish they've been in years...
- How we ended up with the 4th hottest property market in the OCED!
- Why negative Gearing is on the decline...
- And which market has grown 12% in the last 3 months, plus heaps more..
So let me know if these are helping you make better decisions.
Welcome to todays Intelligent Property Investor Weekly Masterclass!
In this session I'll be covering;
- Why the economy is out of the COVID Hole
- The one State in Australia that's being left behind right now
- Why selling your first born still won't get you a house in the US
- Why economists are saying you should look at fixing your mortgage
- And a Cyber Security Warning!!!
So grab your cup of tea and join me for this weeks masterclass.
And make sure you share this around to help your friends and family too.
To your success,
Welcome to this weeks Intelligent Property Investor Masterclass!
Now remember the purpose of these is to help you make better decisions.'
So here's what I'm covering today:
- Why Investment Bankers are creaming it at the moment
- Why talk of a bubble is totally overhyped...
- Why CEOs are the most optimistic they've been in ages
- Why China is trying to rash the commodity market
- And why 2022 will be a big year for property, plus, heaps more.
So make sure you let me know if these are helping you make better decisions.
Welcome to todays Intelligent Property Investor Weekly Masterclass!
This week I'm covering;
What caused the shock increase in US Inflation.
What's trending in the AUS Market?
How the crap box in Camperdown busted all records at Auction
New population figures that predict what housing will be in demand in the coming years
So grab your cup of tea and join me for this weeks masterclass.
And make sure you share this around to help your friends and family too.
To your success,