What are you grateful for today?
I am super grateful, I have the choice to shop at my local farmers market and fuel my body and my family with wholesome food grown right here.
After travelling overseas and not being able to consume fresh fruit and veg, it makes me grateful for what we have access to here in Australia.
Don't take health for granted peeps.
It's a blessing to have this choice available to us.
Support the locals wherever you are. 🌿✨️💚
Morning Rituals 🌄
I used to get up out of bed and go straight for a coffee.
➡️ Now, I drink ceremonial cacao.
I used go straight for my phone and check messages etc.
➡️ Now, I go outside and ground barefoot on grass.
You see, replacing some small daily habits or addictions with something else can really make a big impact in your life.
It's the little things with do daily that has a big impact on our end goal. ✨️
Is there 1 or 2 small things you can change today that will bring you a step closer to your bigger goal? Remember it doesn't have to be drastic changes.
Maybe you drink several coffees a day and you could knock it back to one? Etc.
What are your tips? 👇
Reiki has helped me so much that I made the decision I wanted to help others get through challenging times as well.
Reiki helps balance our chakras (energy system) so if your feeling fatigued, stressed, anxious, in pain, sleep deprived, immune dysfunction, brain fog etc then this especially for you! ✨️
However, reiki benefits every body and does not discriminate.
Maybe you have a child or teenager who is feeling out of sorts? Are they anxious, depressed, brain fog, tired....?
I have a beautiful space to offer my reiki energy healing services to you along with my nutrition and fitness expertise here on the amazing Sunshine Coast. However I also do distant healings and online nutrition and fitness coaching. ♥️
Come and have the full experience includes a ceremonial cacao and card reading.
To book please DM me for a day and time that suits.
Keep. It. Simple. ✨️🫶🌈
We have been programmed through the media and advertising to consume over consume animal protein, eat dairy for calcium, eat more fats, eat less fats, no carbon, low carbon, high carb etc etc.
Oh my gosh! No wonder people are confused.
I'm not saying you should listen to me either. However if my way resonates with you then maybe try it. 😏 When I am coaching my clients i teach them to listen to their body and how they are feeling with the foods they are eating. Get intuitive. Your body will tell you.
I don't consume protein powders any more. I used to. I just don't feel the need for them any longer. However if I am out and about and I grab a smoothie and it has protein powder in it then I'll drink it, but it's not something I drink on a daily basis.
Keep. It. Simple.
Eat fruit, veggies, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices to raise your vibration! 🌈🫶✨️🌻🙏
Being mindful and conscious of what we are consuming is taking YOUR power back.
I was explaining this to the kids that when we eat well we are taking our power back from the darkness that wants us to eat the not so good stuff.
Is what your consuming colourful? Or is it brown and dead.
The foods we eat has an impact on how we FEEL.
Listen to your body. It knows. ✨️💚🌈🙏
My daughter is a thrill seeker... I just go along for the ride. 😂 lol.
#familyholiday #viralreels2022 #surfersparadise #SlingshotChallenge #slingshot #slingshotride #viralreelsfacebook #viralreelspage
My mini me 💚🌸
My daughter attended a self defence workshop a while ago @bonjourwellness not only did the girls learn some self defence techniques but they also developed self confidence skills.
One of the best things we can do for our kids is keep them active. I can't wait for the next workshop. My daughter and her girl friends had alot of fun!
Do you avoid going to the gym because you think others are judging you? Or maybe, you workout at home because you don't feel comfortable going to the gym alone and prefer a workout buddy?
It is completely normal to feel this way. However, in my experience and opinion as a personal trainer for the last 15 years, I can say that people aren't judging you, because everyone is too busy judging themselves! 😉 #truestory
Secondly, it can be helpful to have a workout buddy so it makes us feel more comfortable and maybe make our workout more fun. If you don't have a workout buddy and you want one get in touch with me and I'll try to connect you with someone in your area who is also looking for a workout buddy.
Another option is to hire a personal trainer or attend a group fitness class where there are heaps of others doing it alone. It's a great way to meet new people on the same journey as you.
If you are on the #Sunshinecoast and looking for a personal trainer, I am opening up availability to do one on one or partner coaching. 😀
Two Options: in person or online.
1) You chose how many pt sessions you want.
2) Includes nutrition program to follow designed to drop bodyfat and build muscle.
3) Accountability and checking weekly or fortnightly
Get in touch for days and times ⏲️
It's the best I got right now. Lol 🤪
Enjoying a toasted glutenfree sourdough salad roll for lunch.
Did you know, you can still eat bread and lose weight!!!! Really! You can.
It all comes down to a calorie deficit and fitting it into your macros. You can chose the foods you want to eat. If you want chocolate, eat chocolate. 😋
You don't have to give up foods you love or enjoy eating. 😉
Just don't go and binge on them. 😉
I am in a fantastic mood! ☺️
Because I worked out and now I'm having a coffee AND the sun 🌞 is shining!
Sometimes we need to look for the positives each day rather then the negatives. It's easy to get caught up in what's not going right, but what about the things that are?
What is one thing you are grateful for today? 🙏
The most important thing you can do when you don't feel motivated is.....
Stay consistent. 💚
Even if you don't feel like working out, go anyways! After 15 to 20 min into your workout you still don't feel up to it, then go home.... but don't quit before giving it a go!
Stay focused, stay consistent. 💯