Our Lymphatic system keeps body fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections. It's essential to work on our lymph system. It is part of our immune system.
Our lymphatic system collects waste products, bacteria, and damaged cells, cancer cells etc from the tissues.
Last year I found a lump on my breast and a new mole that was not there before. Of course this is natural occurrence in women as we age and hormones change however it was a bit of a wakeup call to take health to the next level and investigate further into my own health.
Rather than a mammogram that most of mainstream suggests and recommends, I declined and had a thermography scan done. Thermography scans are non invasive and it gives you a good indication of what's going on in the body, where inflammation is etc.
I won't go into mammograms in this post but I encourage you to really do some research on it. It's a big NO for me personally.
I work on my lymphatic system daily now amongst other health and healing modalities. Pictured below is a lymphatic drainage compression suit I use daily.
Besides working on my lymphatic system it has other benefits as well. It is a full body massage, relaxes nervous system, reduces swelling, improves circulation, reduce risk of blood clots, helps immune system, improved mood, faster recovery, improved energy.
If you would like to know more, comment the word "LYMPH"