I shot this clip up on Teale's Lookout today, up behind where I live in the hills out of Mullumbimby. Its yet another example of Big Bureaucracy in far away Sydney who don't feel they have to consult with the local community before they do something. As the clip shows, Teale's Lookout has unique cultural significance and environmental ancient species of flowers and heathland there found NOWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. Not even in other parts of Koonyum Range and Mt Jerusalem National Park.
Yes we residents of Wilsons Creek desperately need good communications during Bushfires and Floods for our Emergency Services and each other. This is not a NIMBY argument against having excellent Coms for our community's sake at times of natural disasters or medical emergencies. But it has to be done with consultation, science based... and where its the best place to put our communications infrastructure. And Teale's is NOT that place. David Bradbury (35 year resident of Wilsons Creek who fought the loggers in the 90's to help establish Mt Jerusalem National Park which Teales is smack bang in the middle of). Please view my clip with an open mind.
Australian Deputy Ambassador to China (1974-76) John Landers gives a simple but spot on analysis as to why America wants to push Australia into fighting its proxy war with China. Its not about military power and who has the biggest Club on the block. Its ALL about Money and the US fully aware the Chinese currency threatens to replace the American $ as the world's No 1 currency. John gives a similar simple way out, as to how Australia could in time, have China remove the tariff hurting our Ag exports - wine, barley.https://youtu.be/CV2HUx2R5vU
On the eve of Easter last Thursday, when many people in our shire were doing it tough after the Flood, I attempted to film the discussion of the full Council on what initiatives they are pursuing to help the Homeless. The day before, (Wednesday), I'd called Council to advise that I wanted to film the discussion around Motion 13.1 (a proposal before Council to combine forces with
Landcom - a state backed developer corp to build 29 'affordable houses' above the carpark in Station St, in Mullum's CBD).
I don't see WHY as an accredited representative of the media living here for 33 years, having never had to ask permission before to attend a public meeting of Council, I am required to do that now. But I played the Game. I sent an email to Jaz Hardy who I was told to contact for permission. But she was away on rec leave. So I sent an email to the generic BSC Info desk. When I heard no word back by Thursday morning, the day of the debate, I took my camera and myself there (as I'd done numerous times in 1995-96 while making The Battle For Byron) and waited in the lobby while a pleasant staffer, 'Annie' took my request into film to Mayor Lyons.
Lyons, like his predecessor and mentor, Simon Richardson normally loves the News camera and any photo op he can get. But not when it has the likes of me, an independent and informed journalist of 42 years experience, behind it.
After waiting over an hour while the debate happened inside, eventually word came back that Mayor Michael Lyons was not prepared to let me enter. (I don't think he even bothered to ask the full Council if anyone had objection to me filming. He made a unilateral decision).
(I note that Richardson, who when he was Mayor greatly disillusioned many of us who helped make this community the unique community it is by voting time and again with the Big End of Town in favour of rampant development.
At last Thursday's meeting which I wanted to film to inform the community what goes on there, Richardson w
On the eve of Easter last Thursday, when many people in our shire were doing it tough after the Flood, I attempted to film the discussion of the full Council on what initiatives they are pursuing to help the Homeless. The day before, (Wednesday), I'd called Council to advise that I wanted to film the discussion around Motion 13.1 (a proposal before Council to combine forces with
Landcom - a state backed developer corp to build 29 'affordable houses' above the carpark in Station St, in Mullum's CBD).
I don't see WHY as an accredited representative of the media living here for 33 years, having never had to ask permission before to attend a public meeting of Council, I am required to do that now. But I played the Game. I sent an email to Jaz Hardy who I was told to contact for permission. But she was away on rec leave. So I sent an email to the generic BSC Info desk. When I heard no word back by Thursday morning, the day of the debate, I took my camera and myself there (as I'd done numerous times in 1995-96 while making The Battle For Byron) and waited in the lobby while a pleasant staffer, 'Annie' took my request into film to Mayor Lyons.
Lyons, like his predecessor and mentor, Simon Richardson normally loves the News camera and any photo op he can get. But not when it has the likes of me, an independent and informed journalist of 42 years experience, behind it.
After waiting over an hour while the debate happened inside, eventually word came back that Mayor Michael Lyons was not prepared to let me enter. (I don't think he even bothered to ask the full Council if anyone had objection to me filming. He made a unilateral decision).
(I note that Richardson, who when he was Mayor greatly disillusioned many of us who helped make this community the unique community it is by voting time and again with the Big End of Town in favour of rampant development.
At last Thursday's meeting which I wanted to film to inform the community what goes on there, Richardson w
Single mum Charlene Steyn of South Lismore shares her story of the first flood...as she faced the next emergency last Tuesday.
Take a look at 'Dear Dominic, Gondwana is Burning..!' And please pass on the link to your friends and fellow forest activists/family who just love Life and know our interdependence on other species, not just our own kind.
Burning whole trees then woodchipped and fed into giant furnaces to generate electricity and getting taxpayer subsidies to destroy forests as several people say in this clip, has to be one of the most 'insane' ideas currently happening on the Planet. We have to end this scam pronto - David.
ABC Brisbane Drive presenter Steve Austin interviews David Bradbury at the conclusion of the Talisman Sabre war games regarding the US alliance particularly in light of recent events in Afghanistan following two decades of war. Independent and Peaceful Australia Network recently called for submissions to its Peace Inquiry on the costs and consequences of Australia’s involvement in US-led wars and the US-Alliance.
Richard Hil: The roots of neo-liberalism.
Rainforest Rangers tackle Huonbrook post fires.
Mullum's Million March 'Extras'