So here we are, finally got the car back on the road proper job after engine failed.
What a whirlwind couple of months!
It’s been absolutely hectic stressful. To say trip over is heart breaking.
To arrive here after spending 6 months planning, packing and preparing. Leaving the comfort and peace of my beautiful beach house, uprooting my little family in the hopes of an epic adventure to now be without a house (for a bit), my sentimental belongings scattered all over the place and having to worry about many things that me and my family really shouldn’t have to worry about. I’ve put my fitness and career goals on the back burner, the whole family suffering from numerous illnesses, multiple breakdowns, mechanical issues from not just one car, but the ones we’ve been lucky enough to borrow has had us all on a knife’s edge.
One day I will find out who that bloody Murphy is (aka murphies law) or whoever has negatively manifested this s**t storm.
I’ve failed my family. I’ve uprooted our lovely routine and home to reconnect and get away from the unrelenting work load from home life and the business and the full time job (not to mention the unpaid ones too) for a well deserved time out that ended up turning into triple or quadruple the workload. I’ve got no idea what condition our house or garden will be in when we get it back.
I hope that reconnecting with friends and community after basically being cortisol zombies wont take as long as it took to settle in the first time round.
The worst part is I took the kids away from their friends and settled routine in the hopes of greater learning but instead having to go back on promises of adventure. They copped so much of my burnt out stress that they didn’t deserve. Having to tip toe around a house that isn’t theirs and being confused as to why they aren’t delighted in when they come downstairs at 5am in the morning. I have a lot to answer for and perhaps I should just do what everyone else seems to do and get stuck in the comfort rut till such time as retirement or there are no more jobs to be done.
I failed.
It’ll be back to short trips away in between school and spending more time packing, unpacking and traveling than actually enjoying our destination. The next stop is Weipa for some work and hopefully a couple of weeks of whatthef**kwas thatwejustwentthrough!
Then it’ll be the next foreseeable future of trying to restore my house, my garden, my routine, my fitness and trying to locate where all my belongings ended up in my mad panic for adventure. All while raising a couple of littlies and running an electrical business. Wish me luck! Or just send lots of wine, either way… 🤣