INVOLVED is a web platform demonstrating the ACT Governmentâs Disability Commitment to the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (NDS). The ACT inclusion initiatives on the INVOLVED web platform are listed under headings that encompass the respective NDS policy domains - with some separation of key issues that require an individual focus:
¡ Housing;
¡ Personal and community support;
¡ Learning and skills;
¡ Health and wellbeing;
¡ Employment and volunteering; and
¡ Transport.
This format enables the community to understand how the implementation of the NDS is occurring in the ACT context in each of the priority areas. The website provides information on each of the initiatives as well as videos and links to resources like the Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) tool.
What does INVOLVED do?
The ACT Disability Commitment supports and complements the NDIS investment in individuals, by assisting mainstream community, business and government sectors to become fully inclusive.
The new web platform INVOLVED draws attention to the inclusion occurring in Canberra. In addition to informing the community on who is making efforts to be inclusive in the ACT, the INVOLVED platform provides tools to assist the community, business and government to be more inclusive of people with disability.
It is intended to serve as a contemporary communication tool capable of reporting to community in real time. An inbuilt function allows members of the community to register their disability-focused events or training activities in a calendar format in the Whatâs On section.
A news section has been included to update the community on the latest initiatives and activities in the community.
What has informed the development of INVOLVED?
The ACT Disability Commitment, INVOLVED, has been informed by:
¡ the ACT Governmentâs Election Commitments, Government Priorities and current Parliamentary Agreement;
¡ input from the Disability Reference Group and the ACT Inclusion Council;
¡ learnings from previous disability commitments such as INVOLVEand Future Directions: Towards Challenge 2010-2014; and
¡ previous ACT community budget submissions and peak body consultations with ACT Council of Social Service Inc, People with Disabilities ACT, Women with Disabilities ACT, National Disability Services, Carers ACT, Advocacy for Inclusion and ACT Disability Aged Carer Advocacy Service.
The Office for Disability requested feedback on the content and functionality of the INVOLVEDplatform from the ACT disability peak bodies, and welcomes ongoing feedback on how to continue to improve the website.