GOODBYE, FAREWELL, AUF WIEDERSEHEN! to the treadmill of publishing three ever-new ever-interesting issues a year. Goodbye to the expense, to the waste, to the anxiety! But don’t despair, all issues of OZ ARTS published since 1991 remain available to read, free, on our website www.ozarts.net.au
Now it’s time to move on.
We have entered the era of a brave new and truly exciting world of book publishing. So many tales to be told – past and present stories just waiting to be brought to readers. We can do this by the magic of POD publishing so that anywhere in the world when a book is bought it is immediately individually printed and despatched to its reader. Or, even more efficiently, sent to that reader as an e-pub or an audio book.
OZ ARTS is now joined by new publisher, Parhelion Press, which will find its writers among memoirists and biographers past and present. So many adventurous people, so many unusual lives. Parhelion is a ‘sun dog’ or ‘mock sun’, the glittering spot tinged with prismatic colours formed as sunlight refracts through ice crystals high in the atmosphere www.parhelionpress.com.au
This new venture is initiated with ‘Seeking Henry’, the story of a young woman of the sixties together with that of her adventurous grandfather Henry.
ISBN 978-0-6455463-0-9 paperback
ISBN 978-0-6455463-1-6 ebook