Did you know? 🐝
There are many factors that will determine how much honey a bee can produce in its lifetime; such as availability of forage, how far it has to fly to gather nectar, and so on, but the often cited amount is around one-twelfth of a teaspoon. Honey is indeed a precious thing!
#Beekeeping #BeekeepingMagazine
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Chats With The Editor - Pollen Collection and the Corbiculae
Chats With The Editor - Queen Bee Grafting Research
Chats With The Editor - Queen Bee Grafting Research
Chats with the Editor - Honey Bee Communication
Honey bee communication — what do you really know about the waggle dance?
Chats with The Editor - Queen Bee Breeding
Join Dr Anna for this weeks Chats with the editor and learn all about Queen Bee mating. Dr Anna will alos be touching on the recent change regarding the Varroa Response.
Chats with the Editor: Swarm Management
This week on Chats with the Editor, learn all about swarm management and how to manage your hives to prevent swarming.
Have a question on this topic? Send it through and Dr Anna will answer it.
Chats with the Editor: So you want to keep bees?
This live event goes through the various different types of bees and which bees would suit you.
Do you have some questions for Dr Anna on this topic? Do you have a certain topic you want covered or other questions to ask? Send us a message and we can talk about it in our next Chats with the Editor
Chats with the Editor: Harvesting Honey
With Spring just around the corner every beekeeper, from new hobbyist to seasoned professional, gets a thrill from the honey harvest.
This live event goes through the various steps and options for the hobbyist or small-scale beekeeper to understand the steps of harvesting honey.
Do you have some questions for Dr Anna on this topic? Do you have a certain topic you want covered or other questions to ask? Send us a message and we can talk about it in our next Chats with the Editor
The ABK team is taking a long weekend! Celebrate by spoiling yourself at the ABK Gift Store, 25% off store wide! https://www.theabk.com.au/subscriptions
Excludes subscriptions and books. Online Orders Only.
Our office will be closed on Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 25th of April.
Have you ever thought about planting a bee-friendly garden?
It's easy, and the benefits are endless. Bees are essential to our ecosystem—they help pollinate plants and make food for us. If they're not healthy, we aren't healthy.
So why not plant some herbs and flowers in your garden to help keep your bees happy and healthy? Not only will you be helping yourself by planting these, but you'll also be helping the bees out!
Check out this link to learn more - https://www.honeyflow.com.au/blogs/beekeeping-basics/bee-friendly-gardens
For every acre of almond trees, it takes the work of approximately 2 hives of bees. Little as they may seem, these hardworking insects deserve huge credit.
For more information about beekeeping, please visit our website at https://www.theabk.com.au/ or better yet, you can subscribe to our monthly magazine! The March issue is about to hit the stands!
#almondday #savethebees #savethebeessavetheworld
Take a Sneek Peek of #121.12 The Australasian Beekeeper
Take a sneek peek of The Australasian Beekeeper... It's out now Subscribe online: https://bit.ly/ABKnewSub or ask for it at your local newsagent.
The #Mondayblues are hitting us hard today 😒