Profile Magazine

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Profile Magazine The Sunshine Coast's premier lifestyle magazine. PROFILE is inspiring, uplifting, educational, spiritual and soul-led. We are leaders. We are empire builders.

PROFILE is a modern, interactive digital magazine dedicated to showing women how to have more abundance, style, ease and grace in their businesses and lives. After more than a decade providing the Sunshine Coast with a monthly printed issue, the magazine is now leading the way with a plethora of digital content including PROFILE TV, podcasts, articles plus live events and masterclasses. PROFILE kn

ows it's audience and connects with them on a monthly, weekly and daily basis providing a multi-media, interactive experience that gives an incredible ROI for advertisers and an engaging experience for readers. We are soul-led. We are smart. We are NOW.

Cover girl star Leigh Campbell seven years ago!I loved loved working on this cover shoot and telling Leigh’s incredible ...

Cover girl star Leigh Campbell seven years ago!
I loved loved working on this cover shoot and telling Leigh’s incredible story.
Such great memories Leigh!

Founder, Genine Howard xx

.F U L L  M O O NI’m fresh off the back of hosting a Sistermind at  where we dived into what needs to go to allow the ne...

I’m fresh off the back of hosting a Sistermind at where we dived into what needs to go to allow the new energy to come in.

But there is one more step in your full moon letting go tonight...

If you take a close peek at the board in this photo you’ll see it’s...

Gratitude 🙏

For the new to come we have to be unconditionally grateful for what is AND what needs to go.

So tonight, along with letting go, take a moment to practice gratitude- everything is happening FOR you, not TO you 💓

.R E S I L I E N C EI’ve been hosting our client mastermind over the last couple of days at the gorgeous  and each of th...

I’ve been hosting our client mastermind over the last couple of days at the gorgeous and each of the women who are here are going for their NEXT LEVEL. They know there is always more available: more money to be made, more lives to help, more inner healing and growth to be had.
And they know that the key to a successful business is to KEEP GOING and keep sharing your message.
Have you ever been at a point in your business where you we’re ready to pack it all in and then uncovered something ever greater??

.⁠D O  W H A T  Y O U  L O V E 🧡⁠ and you'll never work a day again.⁠⁠⁠⁠                                                ...

D O W H A T Y O U L O V E 🧡⁠ and you'll never work a day again.⁠⁠⁠⁠

.⁠R E V O L U T I O N⁠⁠Can anyone else feel it?⁠⁠For a long time now I have been feeling a revolution coming.⁠⁠A revolut...

R E V O L U T I O N⁠⁠
Can anyone else feel it?⁠

For a long time now I have been feeling a revolution coming.⁠

A revolution in;⁠

- the way we work⁠
- the way we do business⁠
- the way we live⁠
- the way we educate our children⁠
- the way we are governed⁠
- the way we see things⁠
- the way we travel⁠
- the way in which we behave and connect with one another.⁠

With all the 'chaos' in the world right now you can either choose fear OR you can choose we are on the path to LOVE. And a revolution is exactly what we need.⁠

We as a family have questioned everything in our world and are right now making massive decisions to buck the 'norm' and do life and business the way it FEELS amazing to us.⁠

You'll see some interesting announcements from us over the coming months, plus you'll see a shift in my business and how we support our women entrepreneurs.⁠

It's all part of coming back to LOVE. FREEDOM. TRUTH.⁠

How about you?⁠

Genine x⁠

.⁠P U R P O S E⁠⁠I believe we were each born for a purpose, to contribute in some way that makes the world a better plac...

P U R P O S E⁠⁠
I believe we were each born for a purpose, to contribute in some way that makes the world a better place.⁠
Whether that be raising beautiful humans, solving world peace or simply spreading kindness, we each were born for something bigger than ourselves.⁠
if you know you were born to be a transformational leader than we are looking for you.⁠
Join us to build your empire and finally be seen and heard for the greatness you are here to bring. ⁠
DM for more xx⁠⁠⁠⁠

G O D D E S S⁠⁠A Goddess doesn't need to rule the world.⁠⁠⁠She is the world. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠                                      ...

G O D D E S S⁠⁠
A Goddess doesn't need to rule the world.⁠⁠⁠
She is the world. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Y E S  Y O U  A R E 💖⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Y E S Y O U A R E 💖⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

F E M I N I N E  P O W E R⁠⁠We are fierce. ⁠⁠We are brave. ⁠⁠We are powerful in our femininity. ⁠⁠Embrace all of who you...

F E M I N I N E P O W E R⁠⁠
We are fierce. ⁠⁠
We are brave. ⁠⁠
We are powerful in our femininity. ⁠⁠
Embrace all of who you are. 🖤⁠

📷 by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

S I M P L I C I T Y⁠One of my clients said to me 'I now do less and earn more', and that was music to my ears. We DO get...

S I M P L I C I T Y⁠
One of my clients said to me 'I now do less and earn more', and that was music to my ears. We DO get to earn more, work less and really focus on our core talents.⁠

I see too many women spending far too much time in trying to do everything - it just doesn't work. By redesigning your business model and focusing your efforts on your genius zone, ANYTHING is then possible.⁠

We are taking a small number of women through an incredibly transformational process of redefining the way they do life and business - with less work and more money.⁠

if you want in, you need to be willing to let go of the old way of making money and step into a while new frequency. Hit me up on DM for more xx⁠

B E  Y O U R S E L F⁠One of the most incredible things a client has ever said to me was that now she gets to be paid to ...

B E Y O U R S E L F⁠
One of the most incredible things a client has ever said to me was that now she gets to be paid to be her, exactly as she is. ⁠

I actually cried on the call when she said this as THIS is what it's all about! I love that I don't have to pretend to be anything other than who I am - and my clients get to do this too.⁠

We find their genius zone, double down on that and clear the way for them to sit beautifully in the femininity by being fully supported to be who they are.⁠

We are looking for a small number of women who are looking to have the masculine structure and strategies built around them so they can sit in their FEMININE GENIUS ZONE - doing what makes their heart sing. ⁠

This is for you if you are over the hustle and just want to serve. We look after the lead generation, the systems, the procedures, the marketing - everything! You then get to develop your feminine wisdom AND all the while we support you with high level healing so that you can embody the frequency required to hold this kind of feminine receiving.⁠

Sound amazing? DM to find out more, Genine & team xx⁠

B R E A K T H R O U G H S⁠Looking at the world today, you might think it is in chaos. ⁠⁠However, trust that 'chaos' alwa...

B R E A K T H R O U G H S⁠
Looking at the world today, you might think it is in chaos. ⁠

However, trust that 'chaos' always has order to it - there is an end greater purpose.⁠

I know for me that all my biggest breakthroughs have happened after the times when it all seemed 'too hard' or I was about to give it all up.⁠

I remember a time I was so paralysed by fear in my business that I decided to give up my coaching business and go work for someone else. It just sounded so much easier than worrying about making the mortgage payments every month from my business.⁠

I don't think I lasted three weeks.⁠

What that experience taught me - quickly - is that all I had to do with step into TRUSTING myself that I would make the money. And so I did. Month after month, year after year. And lots of it ;)⁠

My coaching clients now know why my saying "the breakdown happens before the breakthrough" is so important and therefore they welcome the tears and the triggers!⁠

So if you are going through a time of fear in your business, allow the feelings - in fact WELCOME them and know your greatest breakthrough is about to happen.⁠

W E A L T H⁠I was a middle class girl from the burbs and wealth was something for the elite. Those 'rich bastards' who w...

W E A L T H⁠
I was a middle class girl from the burbs and wealth was something for the elite. Those 'rich bastards' who were clearly awful, greedy people because they had money.⁠

Sound familiar?⁠

I never associated myself with money, in fact I actively disassociated myself from money for most of my adult life as I carried a subconscious belief that to have money meant you had to be greedy and as us Aussies would say "up yourself". 😂⁠

Over the years I have had a love / hate relationship with money - it came... it went. Like a swinging barn door, it also hit my on the arse on the way out.⁠

I am now making beautiful money helping incredible people get paid to be the highest version of themselves. For a girl from the burbs, I surpassed any dreams I ever had for myself. And now mix that with a loving family and a truly freedom-based business and life I am so grateful for what I have been able to to create... and even more grateful for the beliefs I have let go around money.⁠

So if this post triggers you about your own money story, know there is hope, know there is the YOU that can be paid for being who you truly are.⁠

If a girl from the burbs can do it, so can you. Hit me up on DM and let me know if you are ready to shed your money beliefs and get paid to be you. xx⁠



D R E A M S⁠We may not be able to travel OS right now but don't let that stop you from dreaming BIG. When this pic was t...

D R E A M S⁠
We may not be able to travel OS right now but don't let that stop you from dreaming BIG. When this pic was taken I was feeling so FULL of gratitude for the life and business I had created for myself.⁠⁠
I had worked my butt off to ensure I was able to get myself to Paris for a mastermind and I was so proud of who I was becoming. I found out how resilient I was, how resourceful I was, how courageous I was... all because I was brave enough to dream big and go for it.⁠⁠
So what are your BIG dreams? By daring to share them here know they are already done! 🖤⁠

♥️ Let's allow others to shine too. Tag someone who deserves to shine today! xx

♥️ Let's allow others to shine too. Tag someone who deserves to shine today! xx

H I G H  E N D  F E M M E P I R E S⁠⁠If you know me, then you know I love an empire. Building, scaling and systemising.⁠...

H I G H E N D F E M M E P I R E S⁠

If you know me, then you know I love an empire. Building, scaling and systemising.⁠

I've been doing this since 2008 - magazines: print and digital, speaking, coaching, consulting, radio, online shows and as an author. It's my J A M.⁠

My big difference is though, that I will NEVER compromise family in my empire-building quest. I have strong values, boundaries, I'm efficient and I get sh*t done when most phaff about. It's how I get to have BOTH business empires AND family time.⁠

If you are looking to build your own feminine high ticket empire, than I am your gal. We are opening applications for our newest program: FEMMEPIRE ACADEMY for women who are ready to step into their highest level empire... with feminine abundance, style, ease and grace.⁠

Want to apply? Hit me up on DM or see link in bio 💃 👯 🧘⁠

⁠P L A Y  B I G ⁠⁠There is no other way. Agree? ⁠⁠Genine x 😍

P L A Y B I G ⁠

There is no other way. Agree? ⁠

Genine x 😍

⁠F R E E D O M⁠Are you truly free?⁠⁠Over the past few years the term 'freedom' has been bandied around loosely - entrepr...

F R E E D O M⁠
Are you truly free?⁠

Over the past few years the term 'freedom' has been bandied around loosely - entrepreneurs claiming their 'freedom-based lifestyle'.⁠

However... is it really freedom?⁠

I believe in questioning everything and for the past several years I have constantly question my definition of 'freedom' and if I truly am free.⁠

In many instances, the answer was hard to swallow. ⁠

No. I was not free.⁠

There are so many ways in which I have uncovered (and still doing so) that I was not free. From schooling to the work week, to school holidays, to debts to society expectations, to social media expectations, own expectations and judgements... the list goes on.⁠

So bit by bit myself and my family have cleared off anything that doesn't fit to our definition of freedom.⁠

My definition of freedom is my own, yours is your own - all I encourage is that you take some time to really dig down and ask, 'am I truly free?'. ⁠

The answer may surprise you⁠

Here's to F R E E D O M on your terms ✌🏻⁠

H E A R T  L E D ⁠Are you doing what you love? 💜⁠⁠⁠⁠

H E A R T L E D ⁠
Are you doing what you love? 💜⁠

S O U L  P U R P O S E⁠When you tap into your soul purpose and align everything you say, everything you do and everythin...

S O U L P U R P O S E⁠
When you tap into your soul purpose and align everything you say, everything you do and everything you think to that purpose, nothing can hold you back. ⁠

C R Y S T A L S⁠I have long used crystals for releasing emotions and raising my vibrational frequency. I find crystals n...

C R Y S T A L S⁠
I have long used crystals for releasing emotions and raising my vibrational frequency. I find crystals not only beautiful but powerful and love having them around me.⁠

My fav is ROSE QUARTZ, the crystal associated with the heart chakra and unconditional love. I use it to get myself back into a space of love when things sometimes go a little off track!⁠

What's your fav crystal? Genine x⁠

R E C E I V I N G⁠As a woman, one of my greatest challenges has been to learn how to receive; receive a compliment, rece...

R E C E I V I N G⁠
As a woman, one of my greatest challenges has been to learn how to receive; receive a compliment, receive money, receive support... even to receive love ♥️⁠

Yet when I open myself to receive and truly surrender to that receiving, I am able to give more of me.⁠

It's that true balance of giving and receiving that makes us feel complete and whole, and my hot tip is that perhaps YOU may give a tad more than you receive... (am I right?!).⁠

So take TODAY to receive: receive that compliment, receive that gratitude, receive that love in whatever form (aka disguise) it may come 💕⁠

D E S I R E S⁠⁠One of the things I have learnt along my entrepreneurial journey is that when we tune in to our DESIRES, ...

D E S I R E S⁠

One of the things I have learnt along my entrepreneurial journey is that when we tune in to our DESIRES, manifestation is easy.⁠

This image was taken in Florence at the hotel a few years back. At the time I was so incredibly excited to up-level my business, my life and to travel the world. I desired to FEEL worthy of the best luxuries and lifestyle.⁠

And so I manifested 3 nights in this incredible hotel, fit for a Queen (I remember it even had an in-built TV in the bathroom mirror!). It was an experience where it looked as fabulous as it felt ;)⁠

Trust that when you desire an experience; feel it and trust it is on its way. ⁠

T R U T H⁠⁠Throughout the last several years it's been a journey of shedding layer after layer of OTHER people's beliefs...

T R U T H⁠

Throughout the last several years it's been a journey of shedding layer after layer of OTHER people's beliefs of who I should be. ⁠

Year by year I notice I am becoming more and more of the REAL me, and she is far more interesting than the one I thought I SHOULD be!⁠

For me, the journey really started when I had my first baby, Jack. I realised I aligned with home birthing, and even though the world external to me never thought I would be a 'home birther' I had two incredible births at home surrounded by my loved ones.⁠

From there I began to allow my spiritual nature come to the surface: I began delving deeply into quantum energy, 5D, timeline therapy, family constellations work, reiki, meditation... my thirst for the spiritual was released!⁠

From there I am now an Akashic Record Reader, an energy healer, a warrior woman, a wise woman and a soul-led feminine coach. All the things I don't need to be defined by and just am.⁠

Who, REALLY, are you? ⁠

S I S T E R H O O DOver the past few days I’ve hosted a client retreat in the divine Hinterland.The women were feeling t...

Over the past few days I’ve hosted a client retreat in the divine Hinterland.
The women were feeling the bounds of lockdown and were ready to be released - literally and metaphysically!
There were breakdowns, breakthroughs, tears and tantrums all supported with the unity of the sisterhood... and nourishing food made with love 💓
The power of women is undeniable in allowing others to feel safe, supported to create quantum leaps.

If you are interested in our next gatherings send me a DM 🙏💕💕



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