The original "The Connoisseur Magazine" was launched in Mayfair, London in 1901. It was a periodical and chronicle for collectors and investors in Fine art, Collectables and Antique furniture. The name of the magazine title "Connoisseur " is derived from the French word "connoisseur"and from Middle-French words "connoistre" and "connaître" meaning "to be acquainted with" or "to know somebody/som
ething". A person described as a "connoisseur" is a person who is said to have a great deal of knowledge about the fine arts, or that is believed to be an expert judge in matters of taste. Including arts and antiques, antique furniture, modern art and contemporary society, the term has evolved so that internationally, the term "connoisseur" is also used in the context of gastronomy, i.e. in connection with Fine wine, GastronomyBeverages such as Cocktails,Tea or Coffee and many other products whose consumption can be pleasing to the senses. Modern "connoisseurship" is also related to museums, art galleries and "the cult of originality". "Connoisseurs evaluate works of art on the basis of aesthetic conclusions." The responsibility of the connoisseur is to "attribute authorship, validate authenticity and appraise quality." The current Connoisseur Magazine, has been developed as a "vehicle" for showcasing Art & Culture, Fine Wine and Food, Restaurants, Travel and Luxury Lifestyle.
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