Donna Maree - Choice Choose Change

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  • Donna Maree - Choice Choose Change

Donna Maree - Choice Choose Change Im here to help those in asimilar position to me after divorce! Unlock your true earning potential! I am not a life coach but I do love life. Donna

As a person who has always been extremely creative my passions have changed over the last 4 years. This page is now about lots of different things, information regarding change, improvements in yourself, personal growth, health, tips and tricks for motivation. I hope you find this page fun, lighthearted and inspiring.


Don’t miss out on our brand new masterclass comjng in the 15th and 16th July.

This is going to be so exciting. We have professionally qualified ladies to discuss money mindset and techniques to overcome money blocks and limiting beliefs.

Day 2 will about our online business and all the nuts and bolts on how this business runs!

If you have been wondering about any type of online business this is a fantastic starting place.

Send me a dm amd I will send you the link to our private Facebook group where this event is being held.

See you in the inside.


Will your employer pay you for life?
I don’t think so!

Its called legacy and it does exist!

Last night I was watching the news and a story came on about the rising costs of houses!It made me curious so I did a li...

Last night I was watching the news and a story came on about the rising costs of houses!

It made me curious so I did a little digging.

According to the domain website it is not unreasonable to predict in aaprox 3 years the average medium of a house in Sydney will be $2m - that’s a 22.9% increase. Currently the average is $1.6m..
And the other cities arent looking much better.
Melbourne. $1.03
Brisbane $924
Adelaide. $902
Canberra $1.02
Darwin $573
Perth $777

Then I decided to check out average incomes.
Apparently you can live in Sydney comfortably as a single for around $80,000- wtf.
A family of 4 is approx $12000 a month. This doesn’t even take into account savings for those bloody big mortgages!

Is it any wonder now more than ever people are looking for that life saving side hustle!
There are plenty out there but where does the living happen, where does the time go to enjoy life.

I am very fortunate to own my apartment after my split. I was one of the lucky ones, but divorce also takes its toll on any persons finances and the stats are shocking for the person on $60k. I would love to be back in a house if Im completely honest but its not reachable at these numbers🏚️

This is the exact reason I dived into this online business. I understand our time is gold, I understand that in 3 years time when Im 61 life will be just as tight then as it is now if something doesn’t change. Time is against us at this age that is the kicker. TIME ⏱️

Im not poor but I’m very tired and I understand to do the things I want I need to either supplement my 9-5 or replace it completely and regain my time! I prefer option 2. How about you?

Thats the goal! TIME. Are these scarey fu***ng numbers enough to make you think about your plan B❤️

I can show you what Im learning on a fully automated platform ready set to go and train you on all the juicy stuff and what others going before me are earning its bloody amazing.

So if your in your fifties and these facts scare you - let me show you an alternative….

Much love Donna

A little bali inspiration as I wait for our time to head out to the airport ✈️————————-By the sea by the seaThis is wher...

A little bali inspiration as I wait for our time to head out to the airport ✈️

By the sea by the sea
This is where I love to be
Orange sunsets and glowing skies
Relax and smell the frangipanis
Walk with your feet in the sand
Take your lovers hand and say
I love you
Take your own hand and tell yourself
Your beautiful just the way you are
Be your own hero in your beach story
Run off into the sunset
And forget your worries tonight
Tomorrow is another day
Everything will be alright
Find your groove and make your move
Life is a ride for better or worse
Your in it so play like your winning it

Your friend Donna

Enjoying life.

Enjoying life.

When you make a choice to make bold moves with your life, nothing feels sweeter than knowing the company you aligned wit...

When you make a choice to make bold moves with your life, nothing feels sweeter than knowing the company you aligned with is secure, 50 years strong and paying solid commissions to its affiliates!

So who are you aligning yourself with in life❤️

Want to know more - are you ready to make some bold moves?
Lets go and make some changes.
Dm for more info

Easter Sunday saw me dust off my camera and get out and enjoy my photography.  As my many of you know, I love it but ove...

Easter Sunday saw me dust off my camera and get out and enjoy my photography. As my many of you know, I love it but over the past few years I have been bogged down with life and lost my passion for many things.
I felt something this Sunday and also last weekend in the country. It was like a shift, a mindset shift.
Why oh why have I shelved something that I knew I was good at.
I know I have a pretty eye for looking at things differently.
I shelved photography because I didn't follow my heart and I have missed it.

Just like when I think about the online business I have aligned myself with it resonates with the way I think.

I have never been one to do things by the book, much like these photographs, they are unusual in there creative form simply by a switch of dial in the camera I use.
Life can be like that as well, just a switch of the dial and your mind making changes to the normal way of seeing things.
Online marketing is the same, it scares the s**t out of people cause its different, its not within the realms of 9-5 and traditional methods. You may have to work differently but don't we all just crave time freedom to chase those dreams, take more photos, live more joyously....

If your looking for a change and you are brave enough to step out of your comfort in order to chase your dreams - shoot me a DM and I will send you the link to a free webinar for more information.

Literally that's what I did to find out what all the excitement was about and now I drink amazing water and get to share the excitement.

Tell me your bucket list travel destinations?I’ll go first!  Back to the Maldives

Tell me your bucket list travel destinations?

I’ll go first!
Back to the Maldives

Your never to old to start something new!When my marriage fell apart I felt useless!I felt like a failure!🥲I was depress...

Your never to old to start something new!
When my marriage fell apart I felt useless!
I felt like a failure!🥲
I was depressed!🥲
I felt dumb! 🥲
I felt unlovable! 🥲
I felt igly! 🥲

I was the victim of my own circumstances- but what I realise now I was looking at the circumstances all wrong!👀

Yes I did survive and you 🫵will too - but in the surviving so many more wonderful things can open up for you and you can take back your control - just like me!


You might be asking what Ride? I say the ride of life , life is exactly like the rapids I paddled down 30 years ago in B...

You might be asking what Ride?

I say the ride of life , life is exactly like the rapids I paddled down 30 years ago in Bali, bumpy and unpredictable, exhilarating and fun, unexpected - sometimes you might feel like your paddling uphill without a paddle!

But one of the very unexpected things I found recently is the amazing community of entrepreneurs of all ages doing amazing things in the online space - making high commissions retiring their spouses, retiring themselves and thriving,breaking fom the traditional methods of working hours!

Im in and you can be too - nothing is to hard if you really really want something bad enough!

I can show you exactly the same
model these people are doing to break free!

The past is done!We only have the very present moment we are living in - the right here right now!   Thats it in a nutsh...

The past is done!
We only have the very present moment we are living in - the right here right now! Thats it in a nutshell…

The future will come , but technically when it arrives you will still be in the present lol🤔⏰

Confused? Don’t be its very simple.

However whatever you are doing in the present moment will set you up for your future present moment!

We get one shot at this life! It is not a dress rehearsal- so if your going through the motions ask yourself why? 🤔As a ...

We get one shot at this life!

It is not a dress rehearsal- so if your going through the motions ask yourself why? 🤔

As a society we have to work harder and harder to make ends meet just to keep up with the rising cost of living and then we get so caught up in the humdrum of just surviving its like a vicious cycle! 🥲

Believe me, more than ever in my entire life of 57 years I understand this more than ever before! 🤔

I have been blessed in many areas of my life, I have been blessed to be able to be a stay at home mum in my 30’s and 40’s to give my kids my time⏰ the one most valuable asset we all have, but my life now looks very different to how it looked before. 👀
And now I want that asset of time freedom back for me and my next chapter.

We can’t always control what will happen to us, we can’t control the thoughts and feelings of other people. 🤔

However we can always take back control of our own lives and how we choose to make our present life a better life.

We only ever live in the present moment , the past is gone and the future will still be the present when it gets here!

Are you running 🏃‍♂️on the hampster wheel, are you feeling the weight of not enough time.

There are always alternatives, sometimes you may not even know your maxed out until you witness other people working those alternatives in a very powerful and enlightened way and then you start to question the paradigm!

There’s no right or wrong here and I am certainly not in the business of convincing- I am just in the business of sharing what I am waking up to…

Do you feel what I am saying?

Do you want to see who is getting it and how you 🫵can too?

I am witnessing women young and older grab onto this with both hands to take back their control and not be dictated by the limiting beliefs of society!

If this sounds like you I would love to share more- so drop me a hell yes and I can send you the link to a FREE webinar that will give more of the good juice!! No obligation!

Keep on dancing💃💃💃


Here’s what I know
Never let the other broke people squash your dreams!
Other people beliefs are not yours❤️

A belief is just a thought that we think over and over again- until we believe it.  All beliefs are limited because they...

A belief is just a thought that we think over and over again- until we believe it. All beliefs are limited because they come from the mind.

Here’s cheers to me!Last week I started a brand new online business and to be honest it’s all about my future!A business...

Here’s cheers to me!

Last week I started a brand new online business and to be honest it’s all about my future!

A business thats totally automated while I work my normal job, but helps me walk the walk towards time freedom…

A business thats got all the training, all the systems already in place so you can get on with your day.
But don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t have to do anything- there is an element of learning and education, you don’t become an expert overnight!

If you have ever wondered what all the fuss is about in the online space and how people accomplish the knowledge and information- I can show you a brand new webinar that is running this week 28th and 29th with all the juice and lowdown on structuring your mindset to get to where you want to be for time freedom, abundance and business strategy!

Doesn’t that sound cool!

Do you want another way out of the humdrum and into time freedom!

Come and get it baby!

How cool is that!🎉

If you ready for me to send you a link for a free webinar h- send me a message and I will send you the link for our make it rain webinar!

Learn from the experts in this free masterclass amd tap into your abundance mindset!

We are offering an amazing 2  day webinar with all the juicy trainings of how to go about an online business👏👏Hosted by ...

We are offering an amazing 2 day webinar with all the juicy trainings of how to go about an online business👏👏
Hosted by respected leaders in the online space giving up the juicy nuggets of how to go about this global business🌍

Day 1

Commencing on 28th and 29th our freedom era will be offering some pearly insights of how to envision your dream life. They will inspire you with money mindset and reshape your money beliefs.

Embrace unlimited Freedom and wealth! Actionable strategies to unlock your boundless potential!

Unlock the secrets of legacy income💰

Day 2
Conscious Business Evolution
Learn the principles of aligning your purpose and profit.

Learn how to create a visionary business model that has significant impact, on you, your family and world scale.

And lastly harness the power of social media for financial success.

This webinar is run by amazing people already having massive success in this business with an amazing wealth of knowledge to share!


If your a dreamer searching for more like me, this is the kick you may just need!

Calling traditional business owners
Total newbies wanting to crack the online space secrets
Free spirited traveller🌍
Mums and dad needing more time! ⏰

Dont limit your expectations of what you can achieve !

Hit the message buttom below and I will forward you the link😀


Be fearless and dream big.

Let me reintroduce myself for those who are new here…My name is Donna and I am 57 yrs young!   My life took a drastic ch...

Let me reintroduce myself for those who are new here…

My name is Donna and I am 57 yrs young!

My life took a drastic change 4 years ago and I found myself in a very different life circumstance.
I was scared!
I was heartbroken!
I was depressed!
I was on autopilot trying to survive!

I pushed through and came out the other end with a very different perspective on life!


I am on a quest for more freedom of time, the ultimate dream for most people!
We live in a society that puts boundaries on our beliefs- and we buy into the belief of normality and traditional methods…

However as the world changes and evolves right before our very eyes - its time to review those beliefs!

Im watching women in my very own age bracket kick the normal and grab hold of what the online space can offer.
There are no limits to what your mind will allow you to believe !
Challenge your own beliefs and break free!

If they can do it, then I can to!

The choice is yours, do you want to stay stuck in your humdrum?

Are you scared for the security of your future?

The choice is yours - borrow the belief of others if you truly cant see a way out of your humdrum. If you are dying inside but want another way to live, I can help show you.

Success leaves clues and there are alternatives- I am living by the moto of

Choice Choose Change…

Nothing changes if nothing changes❤️

Where do you want to be in 3, 5, 10 years from now? Still doing the same thing? I know I dont!

The online space is not going anywhere its an industry that is booming! The world can be your oyster and you can experience the new normal! 🌍

All you need is a company that can give you the support, mentors, training, guidance an educational platform and a hunger for more to change your direction.

Will you sit on the fence complaining about your circumstances or will you change your direction?

The answers are always where you least expect to find them❤️


Its never to late to change things up❤️It just takes one little word….

There are lots of things that make me happy big and small I’m grateful for all.

There are lots of things that make me happy big and small I’m grateful for all.

Dare to dream ! So many people in this life just accept the normal!   What if there was another way to make ends meet an...

Dare to dream ! So many people in this life just accept the normal! What if there was another way to make ends meet and still suck the best out of life….. I’ve been watching others do it now for a few years so Im ready to do something different !

In life, we face numerous challenges! I have experienced many changes in the past 4 years and had to adapt and grow.The ...

In life, we face numerous challenges!
I have experienced many changes in the past 4 years and had to adapt and grow.

The world also kept changing as well right before our very eyes👀

I have made a decision to reinvent my page - just like the title says choice choose change!

I’m choosing to embrace change and the 🔥 in my belly for something different has grabbed hold….

The digital 🌍 is not going anywhere and I want in….

Stayed tuned….

Time to sing🎤quite lead into the NYE weekend.

Time to sing🎤quite lead into the NYE weekend.

Another Christmas done very well thank you to our gorgeous hosts Aaron and Laura

Another Christmas done very well thank you to our gorgeous hosts Aaron and Laura

Recently I had the pleasure of sailing on a friends boat and we happened to be joined by these amazing dolphins 🐬ducking...

Recently I had the pleasure of sailing on a friends boat and we happened to be joined by these amazing dolphins 🐬ducking and diving alongside the boat. I am always amazed what am impact these animals have on our emotions! I remember feeling such happiness, love, calm, excitement and peace all those beautiful emotions we want to be feeling everyday!
Here is the thing, with some practice you can transport your mind/emotion back into that space when things might be going a little haywire! Yes it does take some practice but it can be done..
One such way is to practice mindfulness or meditation. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

I have recently been super interested in NLP and this is another way people can change their state of mind and control your own state or emotions. 🐬🐬🐬

Have a wonderful day and stay happy😀😀😀


I was recently out on one of my powerwalks and the strangest thoughts kept entering my head. It often amazes me what weird and sometimes wonderful thoughts enter into my mind when I am concentrating on a good quality powerwalk.
Perhaps it is the surrounds of nature, trees, birds singing and quite often I like to walk along the esplanade at Cronulla.

You may find it interesting to know getting in touch with nature can inspire all sorts of wonderful things. It can relax you, calm you, regenerate your energy and whilst these things are happening it is then you can really bring out the best in your self and get back in tune with your feelings. That is when the magic can really happen and what may have been a s**tty day can no longer bother you or at the very least not be such a big burden.

When was the last time you took time out for yourself. When do you last think to take a stroll among the trees or the beach and not talk but just enjoy the calmness.....

Send a message to learn more


Well here we are in 2018.

The new year has begun and I feel lots of exciting things coming my way for this year.

I think it is a great way to begin every new year with this attitude even though you may not even know what exactly is in store for you. What other alternative do you have? Was last year not your ideal year or was it fantastic. Either way why let it stop you from making this year even more amazing.

What can you do to make this year your best ever? What would you do different if indeed you need to do anything different at all.

Keep going and smile at the little things, laugh at the ourtrageous, hug your loved ones but my personal favourite is just be grateful.

Start a gratitude journal and see if it makes any kind of difference to the way you think or feel......







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