There's a load of solid advice out there explaining why it's hazardous running too close to others in the age of corona. Exhaled breath is dispelled with more vigour and over further distances when under respiratory stress. So, to keep cabin fever as well as the virus at bay, Outdoor is running a program of 400m sprints, away from the masses.
It's been a while since we ran at pace, instead making do loping along on weekday runs around the park when time allowed. Well, there's now plenty of time allowed. Pools are shut, even the beach is off limits, so we've become creative.
Here's what we're doing:
At least 15 min of stretching, especially fluid stretching like sun salutation, warrior pose, full bridge... even the odd headstand. Of course full hamstring, groin and calf stretches before running is recommended as well.
Next we embark on a light 1km run around our local footy oval. We measured the circumference on Google Earth. It's about 440m. Three or four easy warm-up laps.
Once warmed up, we set off on a series of 440m laps at about 70 per cent of max pace. In between each, while resting, we do 10x deep squats, 10x push-ups.
5 x 440m laps @ 70 per cent max
The rest interval between each is around 2min, longer if needed. It's often needed. Lactate build-up is more or less immediate and prolonged.
We record our times for each repeat, trying to stick to an even pace for all 5. HR is off the chart, especially the last 2.
It's fun to record times and compare as you go. If feeling brave, let one rip at 90 per cent, or faster. It's awesome to run fast. It feels good. Run like you've stolen something, as they say.
Note: if starting a running program, especially one like this, where your heart rate is gonna be up there, perform a solid self-diagnostic or even consult a doc. Slow your effort down to below 50 per cent to start with, then work up to a faster pace, gradually.
Hoping to get it to 8 x 440m laps by the end of the month.
Let us know your iso-programs!