Power FM Gatton and Lockyer Valley

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Power FM Gatton and Lockyer Valley Power FM Gatton and the Lockyer Valley. We play the soundtrack of your life and cover local sport.

We cover the Gatton area on 87.8FM, and the rest of the Lockyer online at www.powerfmradio.com.au or by going to the PTV Channel 0 App

Sunday session is back this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a ...

Sunday session is back this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more SENSATIONAL 70's HITS .....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show.
Keep your radio dial locked on 87.8 Power FM Gatton or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au

The EOFY Sunday session is on this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catc...

The EOFY Sunday session is on this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more SENSATIONAL 70's HITS featuring GERRY RAFFERTY, HUSH, JOE COCKER, SKYHOOKS and PETER FRAMPTON .....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show.
Keep your radio dial locked on Power FM88 Toowoomba, 87.8 Power FM Gatton or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au


The Sunday session is back again this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more SENSATIONAL 70's HITS.....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show.
Keep your radio dial locked on 87.8 Power FM Gatton or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au

The Sunday session is back again this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.First up at 6am, the best in surf music with C...

The Sunday session is back again this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more SENSATIONAL 70's HITS.....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show.
Keep your radio dial locked on Power FM88 Toowoomba, 87.8 Power FM Gatton or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au 🎸🎧🎤🎼

Power FM Radio Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley playing one great song after another. Music through the decades from the 50's 60's 70s 80's 90's and beyond. Advertise with us 07 4600 2354.


Sad news John Blackman has passed away best known for many voices on hey hey its Saturday. Including Dickie Knee. RIP

Good morning friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors.Yesterday I was measured and marked up for the position of m...

Good morning friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors.
Yesterday I was measured and marked up for the position of my stoma.
This mark has two important functions:
it shows where the surgeon needs to bring the stoma through my stomach. Since my surgery will be about 7 hours, it also provides an opportunity if the surgeon gets a bit tired, for him to play "join the dots"!🤣
This will probably be my last post for a while - surgery is at 6.30am tomorrow. Yukie Knights will keep you updated for the next few days until I am well enough to re-engage with you all.
Thank you again for your love and support.


Hello friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors.
Tonight ends the last week of life with a bladder for me.
It's been a s**t of a week (literally) and I can't wait for next week when it will all be over.
I spent a couple of days in hospital this week, with another kidney infection and uncontrollable diarrhea. Everything I eat of drink goes straight through me, which means I'm in the loo every half hour or so. I've had 3 accidents over the last two days and am now living in adult diapers to try and contain the damage.

We leave for the hospital in Brisbane on Monday and they will do another blood test when I get there. My surgery isn't until Thursday, but if I still have these problems and the blood tests show more kidney decline, they will probably admit me early and put me on IV antibiotics.

I have an appointment with the surgeon and the stoma nurse on Tuesday, then surgery is at 7.00am on Thursday. By Thursday night, it'll all be over and I can start to heal and reclaim my life.

I'll let you know how things go on Monday.
Thanks for your ongoing support.❤❤❤❤

The Sunday session returns this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catchin...

The Sunday session returns this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more SENSATIONAL 70's HITS.....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show.
Keep your radio dial locked on Power FM Gatton or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au


Hello lovely friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors; I hope you are all doing well today.
This time next week, we will be on our way to Brisbane for my surgery. I had my last urine test today and also attempted to have bloods take. The first pathology nurse tried three times but couldn't find a vein, so she gave up. When I called my urology nurse, she told me not to worry about it and they'd do it when I'm in hospital - phew, that's one fewer thing to worry about.

I had an email from my big sister today; she was saying that they have just installed a new drip system in their garden. Unfortunately, my drip system got cancer and I'm having it removed next week!🤣
After my brain surgery 30 years ago, my sister started to affectionately began calling my "Arfa" (half a brain)!
In line with tradition, I have decided to name my urostomy bag "Arthur"!😃


Well, this has been a day of major surgery today. Firstly, the house owner came round to check the smoke alarms, so the sensory organs are working well now, The AC stopped working the other day, but today the electrical surgeons came and fixed it, so the 'lungs' are working well again.
The dishwasher broke down the other day and became quite incontinent, leaving mess all over the floor.
The plumbing surgeons came to fix that this morning. Fortunately, replacement of some of the urinary tract and installing of a temporary catheter was all that was needed; no need for an RC (Radical Cleanout)
Finally, it's only 13 days until my own plumbing job. In my case, they're going to remove the damaged part completely; they'll also clear out any of the unused parts that are just hanging around taking up space. Using the miracle of modern medical science, they'll build me an 'outside' bladder (more portable and easier to service than an 'inside' one) and the 'dishwasher' will be ready to go again!
I'll go into hospital for it rather than having them come to home, since the 'call-out' fee is horrendous!
Hopefully, the next couple of weeks will see the end of all the plumbing and electrical issues and I'll be able to start my recovery.😀

The Sunday session returns this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catchin...

The Sunday session returns this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more SENSATIONAL 70's HITS.....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show ..this weeks golden album of the week is Michael Jackson's Thriller....
Keep your radio dial locked on Power FM88 Toowoomba, 87.8 Power FM Gatton or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au


Only 3 weeks out from my RC (bladder removal) and my bladder is showing its objection to being terminated!
I'm still struggling with this damned infection and last night I spent more time on the loo than I did in bed!
Every time I tried to get off to sleep, my bladder would wake me up:
"So, you think you can just get rid of me hey? Well, if you think I'm going to go without a fight, you're wrong! So go on, try to sleep, but just remember, I'm still here (for now)"
And so I'd slip into a light sleep and the bladder would yell
"I'm still here! Time to get up AGAIN! Don't forget that while I'm still here, I'M IN CHARGE"
Can't wait for the next three weeks to go, so I can get some sleep and start to live again.


Good morning friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors; I hope you're all well today - may the fourth be with you!

With my bladder surgery only a few weeks off now, I am trying to do things that will help me adjust emotionally and psychologically to what will be my new normal.
I ordered a free-trial urostomy kit the other day and it arrived yesterday. Yukie helped me to connect it all and attach it to where I think my stoma will probably be positioned.

I had grave fears about how the device might impact me life, but have discovered that (as many of you who live with urostomies have already told me) it is much less intrusive than I had expected.
I have been concerned about how the appliance would affect my ability to sleep, but last night I slept really well.

Tonight Yukie and I will go to the club to check that it doesn't have any impact on our ability to dance.

I think I'm ready.
Stay strong my beautiful cancer warrior friends.❤

Welcome to the month of May, World Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.This is an important month for me especially this year...

Welcome to the month of May, World Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.
This is an important month for me especially this year, since it will be the last month of my life in which I still have a bladder! Radical Cystectomy (complete bladder removal) scheduled for June 6.

On this important international day, let me plead with you to be aware of the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer; I wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with the pain and suffering of this insidious disease.


Hello lovely people.

Well, we left home early this morning to be in Brisbane for my pre-op appointment. Sadly, the hospital screwed up and didn't have my name on their list!
We waited an hour for the registrar to finish his rounds and then spent around 5 minutes signing a consent form!
Tomorrow I have my cystoscopy at 12 noon, or at least I am booked to show up at noon! That means that by the time I have checked in, done all the pre-op checks and changed into an operating gown, it will be more like 2pm or 3pm before my surgery actually takes place.
With surgery so late, I reckon that means I will be in hospital overnight having a bladder wash.
The upside of this is that with a radical cystectomy (bladder removal) scheduled for a few weeks, this will be the last cystoscopy and bladder wash I will ever have - yay!
It'll b e a couple of weeks before I have biopsy results back and I'm hanging out for a good report.
Thanks for your ongoing support; I love you all heaps.


The Sunday session returns this weekend thanks to Berger Houseboats.
First up at 6am, the best in surf music with Catching a wave followed by Breakfast with the Beatles from 7, then Gary Turner is back at 9AM with more Aussie classic hits.....Followed at 10 by the Krazy Kevin Show ..this weeks golden album of the week with ZZ Top.......
Keep your radio dial locked on 87.8 Power FM Gatton and the Lockyer Valley or on line at www.powerfmradio.com.au


Appointment with cardio department and GP yesterday and today.
All good news with everyone happy with my latest BP and pulse results.

This time next week, I'll be recovering from my next cystoscopy. Just hoping that I can break my track record of always ending up with an infection of some kind after cystos.

Generally feeling good at the moment. Watched a video about my bladder surgery on YouTube last night. I like to be well informed so that I know exactly what they will do.


Hello Friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors.
Just a quick update.
Apart from my most recent trip to hospital for another infection, I have actually been pretty well lately. I'm pretty much over the infection now and have been pain-free for a few days again.

The next couple of weeks are really busy. Today I had bloods and the first of my 3-day urine cytology in preparation for my next procedure. On Wednesday I have an appointment with the cardiac team to review my medication, then a GP appointment to follow-up on my latest bloods. He is concerned about my ongoing lethargy and wants to check iron and Vitamin B3 levels.

Next week I am scheduled for another cystoscopy. They booked this because I am scheduled for a radical cystectomy (complete bladder removal) on June 6th. Next week they want to have a final look at what's happening in my bladder and do another TURBT and biopsy.

After that, it's a matter of waiting for results and then preparing for major surgery.

Love to you all; thank you for your ongoing care and support.


Hello friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors,
This has been a very frustrating day for me.
I have recently registered for an aged care package so that I can get some assistance while I'm recovering from surgery in June.
The person I spoke to at Services Australia, registered me and gave me some codes which she said I could use to access services immediately.
Today we went to 2 service providers here; the first one b egan with a barrier because there was no where to park! When we got inside, they had a look at the codes I had and informed me that they no longer supply those services!
We called another provider and asked if they could tell me what services I could access with the codes I have. Their response was:
"Oh, we have no way of looking up those codes, so we can't tell you what they're for! Oh, and BTW, we don't offer any allied health services any more; we stopped all that in March!"
Finally, I need some dental work done before my surgery. Unfortunately, the only provider covered by a subsidy scheme, is booked out solid until next July! (which is too late).

I have an appointment with the cardio team tomorrow - just a follow-up, nothing serious.

Stay strong fellow warriors.


Good evening friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors.
Well, tonight I have some really cool news.
I finally have a date for my RC IC!
I'm booked in for another cystoscopy with TURBT on April 26 (the surgeon said "We'll go in and mow the grass and trim the bushes a bit and then burn off any rubble that's lying around"!

I'm then booked for the RC IC on June 6th

Seems like this is it! Trying to process emotions.


First they took the Balmain Tigers away, then the leagues club an now Leichhardt oval..not happy Jan


Evening supporters, friends and fellow cancer warriors.
Yesterday I had my appointment with the cardio nurse at Kobi House in Toowoomba.
They've given me some information on how to manage my heart condition, so that was a really useful meeting and because I am now part of the hospital follow up system, I will be closely monitored by staff.
Had an appointment with my GP today just to follow-up with him. Unfortunately, I have had a persistent headache for the past week and have been struggling with really severe body, bladder and stomach cramps. I haven't been sleeping well and have had to go back on melatonin.
Last night I struggled through the night with pain and became increasingly aware that I probably had a kidney infection. Unbelievably painful and with frequency back down to 30 minutes and extreme urgency, I knew I needed to do something. I'm so over hospitals that I postponed calling an ambulance (I knew I had my GP appointment today and could talk to my GP today.)
Long story short; I'm back in pain again and back on antibiotics.
Thank you for listening to my rant. You folk are my rock . ❤


Dear friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors,
I'm so excited to be able to share some news that we can celebrate together.
Today I got a message from the Mater Hospital; I have two meetings with the perioperative and the anaesthetics teams scheduled for March 28th!
That'll mean that we are close to setting a schedule and dates for my surgery.
I must confess that emotionally, I'm not sure how I feel; it brings everything into a new perspective where it's no longer just a 'hope for the future'. This has suddenly become very real and I'm dealing with a new set of emotions (this is not necessarily a bad thing, it's just different, that's all).
I'll keep you posted.❤


This morning I got a call from Toowoomba Cardiac Dept. They have been reviewing my angio results and other cardio tests and have been communicating with Mater Urology.
They told me they have recommended to my urology surgeon that they should get on with my bladder surgery even though it is high risk.
This is great news because it means that things are starting to move in a positive direction. I expect to hear from the team at Mater shortly, with a date for meeting with the team and setting a date for surgery.
I'm feeling good today and I seem to be over my staph infection, so I'm pain-free, which is a bonus.


Today Yukie Knights and I had coffee with Geoff Roberts Media and James Royal. Thanks guys, it was really great to catch up with you both. Should do it more often.


I’m home from hospital again after a stressful few days.
I’ve been in pain for 4 weeks or so, ever since my last chemo treatment. I hate hospital, especially when I have to wait for hours to see someone, just to be told that they’re giving me a prescription for more opioids and sending me home!
As a result, I tend not to go to emergency until I am in so much pain, I can’t stand it any longer.

This time I let them know up-front that I would not be leaving the hospital until I had answers to my pain – that they were NOT sending me home with Panadol!
They got things going reasonably quickly and they decided the best thing to do was to admit me as an inpatient.
This decision meant that they had more time to investigate - as an inpatient, I was essentially a hostage for as long as they wanted!
Now, this sounds like a good thing, however, what I discovered was that it took them three days to do nothing except for bloods and urine (no scans, no ultrasounds, no x-rays – nothing!). Normally it would have taken them about 24 hours to complete all this nothingness and prescribe Panadol– this time it took 3 whole days to complete it and get the same answer!
So, what’s the outcome of all this?
I have (and have had for four weeks probably) a Staph infection! It’s not antibiotic resistant and it hasn’t turned into sepsis – yet! - so I’m likely not to die for a bit longer yet.

An interesting side story: I discovered that the guy in the bed next to me is a bladder cancer survivor (a BCG success story)! That gave us an instant connection and we were able to empathise with each other’s pain.

In the end, the hospital sent me home this afternoon with antibiotics and pain killers (again!)
The bottom line is that I am prone to every infection around.
Also, my treatment has crashed my veins so badly that the only way to get a canular in is to use an ultrasound guide - even then, the doctor had several goes at finding and accessing a vein - she even tried my feet - bloody painful!
I also discovered that the triage system in Emergency, tyriages cancer patients as Cat3 no matter what level of pain they are in, unless you are CURRENTLY having chemo! If you're "chemo hot" and might be a risk to others, they'll bump you to Cat 2, regardless of your pain level. It's very scary.
Have an appointment with the urology team at the Mater tomorrow, to discuss getting the ball rolling on a cystectomy.

Thanks everyone for your support - This is one of the places where I feel safe.


I have some really positive news today.
This morning I got a call from Toowoomba Hospital Cardio Dept to say they have had a cancellation from their Angio list! They have a spot on Friday which they have offered to me!
So, it looks like my angiogram is going to happen on Friday rather than having to wait another two weeks. This is probably the best pieces of news I've had for months.
Naturally, I took my gorgeous wife Yukie, out for a celebratory coffee, but I wanted to share my joy with my wonderful Facebook support community.
Hopefully, this will be the first of many celebratory posts as we get closer to surgery to get rid of my homicidal bladder.
Thank you again for your ongoing love and support.


Morning friends, supporters and fellow cancer warriors.
When I was in hospital las time, I made a fuss about the fact that my bladder surgery is being held up by my heart condition and the need for an angiogram.
While I am listed for the angio, I am 19th on the list!
Yesterday I got a call from the Cardio department, offering me a pre-admissions appointment at 1.00 pm TODAY!
This is exciting news and means that things are finally starting to move along a bit.


I have a question for those fellow cancer warriors out there.
Over the past few days I have been dealing with a new scenario that I'm not sure how to respond to; I need you advice please.
With the lack of information about my impending surgery coupled with the lack of information about my heart condition, I feel like I'm living in no-man's land.
I'm not having any treatment of any kind, no-one has done any checks to see what's happening with my cancer and I still struggle with ongoing pain from time-to-time.
If I had a date or something to aim for, I would probably feel differently, but at the moment I'm struggling to know how to feel. I feel numb most of the time; I feel like I want to cry, but I seem to have forgotten how to. I don't feel angry, I don't feel sad and I'm not depressed (as an anxiety and depression sufferer, I know how it feels to be depressed and I'm not feeling that way.)
I feel a bit lost. It's a bit like I am disconnected from myself; I'm in pain, but it's been so long since anything has happened in terms of treatment, that it's hard to connect my pain with the cancer. It's a bit like I'm talking about someone else that has cancer, not me. It's like the whole thing is not real.
My question to other cancer warriors is this: is what I am experiencing unique to me, or is this something that others experience too?
And, if it's something others experience, how do you deal with it?
Thanks in advance.
Love to all my wonderful supporters.❤



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