Exploring the psychological factors that drive consumer behavior in marketing 🧠 🧐
1️⃣ The Journey from a Stranger to an Engager: 🗣
This journey focuses on transforming a stranger into an engaged customer by meeting their desires for progression and growth, safety and security for their family, a sense of power and influence, wellness and health, and financial and time freedom. The tools used in this journey can include cold advertisements, organic posts, blog posts, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach the target audience.
2️⃣ The Journey from an Engager to a Lead: 📝
This journey focuses on converting an engaged prospect into a lead by triggering emotions, creating a sense of scarcity, using social proof, and providing problem-solving solutions. The tools used in this journey can include lead forms, calls to action, landing pages, and a company website to facilitate a conversion.
3️⃣ The Journey from a Lead to a Customer: 🤝
This journey focuses on converting a lead into a paying customer by solving their problems, offering a reasonable price, and building trust. The tools used in this journey can include retargeting advertisements, emails, a sales team, and a landing page to guide the lead toward making a purchase.
4️⃣ The Journey from a Customer to a Promoter: 🫂
This journey focuses on turning a paying customer into a promoter of the business by providing great service, great support and giving the customer a reason to return. The tools used in this journey can include excellent customer service, retargeting ads, emails, and loyalty schemes to encourage repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.