Posted • We know at Tandem Birthing Co, we often post about pregnancy, birth and motherhood but we also celebrate womanhood and this is a topic that needs to be spoken about! 🤎
Trigger warning: mention of miscarriage, infant and child loss.
Let’s delve into it! 👇🏽
• Because they may have experienced pregnancy loss or child loss and your questions can be so triggering and distressing.
• Because a couple may be suffering with infertility and infertility sucks! Being asked when they are having a baby is upsetting and difficult for them to answer.
• Because they might be childfree by choice. And that’s okay! Women shouldn’t have to explain their journey.
• Because they might want children in the future but now is not the right time. They may want to further their career, find the right partner, get married, buy a home or travel first. Whatever their reasoning is, it’s their choice. They shouldn’t be questioned.
• Because they may already be pregnant and are waiting for a certain time to announce it.
• Because they already have a child/ children and don’t want to have any more.
• Because they may be dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.
• Because they don’t want to hear advice on how to fall pregnant. If they wanted advice on conceiving, they would consult professionals.
• Because they don’t want to be told “well you’re lucky you’ve got one”. This is not reassuring in any way for a woman who is longing for another child.
• Because they may be dealing with or healing from birth trauma.
Asking a woman when she is having a baby may seem harmless and whilst you may have all the best intentions, we need to stop it.
Motherhood is not a woman’s only identity.
A woman’s fertility is nobody’s business.
A woman should never have to explain her journey.
Womanhood is not defined by the ability to carry a baby.
This question can be emotionally distressing.
To all the woman who have been questioned and have experienced anything in the above list, we hear you. We support you. And we are playing our part by not asking when women are having babies. 👏🏼