Are you reading this and wondering why?
(example face shown below)
Fair question.
Let me explain - Ben here, and Frankie's Lab is the business that I set up when I came back from overseas and wanted to keep doing what I was doing in the Netherlands.
It's all about helping Entrepreneurs, Startups and Small Business owners to use Social Media to grow their presence and achieve business goals.
Now, understandably this might not be for you. And that's ok. Before I get started on new posts, I wanted to let you know you're following and if it's not what you're looking for right now, give you instructions on how to not hear about it again (don't worry, I won't be offended - promise).
1. Click ... on the top right of this post.
2. Select Unfollow Frankie's Lab
It's really that easy.
- Have an awesome day