Many people are looking for a way to learn about ‘Crypto’ without it being too complicated, and without too much risk on their behalf.
If you’re one of those people who’s interested, one way of getting your feet wet in the crypto sphere that is essentially risk-free is through one of the next generation social media sites that internally generate their own crypto.
With the censorship, theft of data, going on with the traditional platforms, people are now flocking to these platforms by the hundreds of thousands, partially because they are seeing a curtailing of online freedom of speech.
There is currently one platform that implements these concepts better than any other: Minds.com has created something rather unique through its combination of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and traditional social media experience and blog posting.
Minds allows you to earn tokens which are based on the ERC-20 coin and have real monetary value, through interaction with others on the platform. All upvotes (likes), comments, reminds (shares), posts, etc go towards rewards for users, while the content is what keeps users on the platform and the site earning and growing.
Minds, on the other hand, allows users to earn tokens, with real monetary value, simply from engaging with others on the platform. All upvotes (likes), comments, reminds (shares), posts, etc go towards rewards for users, while the content is what keeps users on the platform and the site earning and