Come on... the guy's not Steve McCurry who staged, photoshopped and manipulated the f%*k out of photographs whilst pontificating about the 'ethics' of photojournalism. De Keyser was up front about what he was doing, but
“There were a lot of negative comments on my Insta post, like 600 in two hours. I was not used to that. I always had great reactions to my posts … but this time the box exploded ... Some said that they were my biggest fans before but not anymore. AI still provokes automatic disgust, whatever the approach or progress made.”
.. and yet, I have no doubt that some of De Keyzer's critics have no qualms with 'photoshopping' an image to within an inch of it's life. To the point where it barely resembles the truth of the subject but that's ok, that's 'pre-visualisation' or 'fine art' or some such other bu****it.
When Russia's invasion of Ukraine stymied his travel plans, photographer Carl De Keyzer decided to take a virtual trip instead, creating a series of AI-generated images. He was unprepared for the consequences.