Relisha’s Light Healings and Hauntings explores modalities focused on physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing utilising holistic & alternative methods of Healing I am the Founder and Principal of Light Hands Healing now Relisha’s Light Healings and Hauntings. I am an Energy Healing Practitioner / Instructor, a registered Metaphysician with the AMpA *Australian Metaphysical Association, a registe
red Member of the WRA *World Reiki Association. My Qualifications and Certifications included the following: Quantum Touch® Practitioner and Instructor, Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Master Teacher, Access Consciousness BARS® Practitioner and Facilitator, Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner and an Intuitive reader and Lightworker in many systems of Spiritual Development. I offer non-invasive, natural and safe methods of healing, that must literally be seen or experienced to be believed, results are often surprising and unforgettable. I offer Distant Healing sessions, I randomly offer readings if drawn to. I’ve held Healing circles, Meditations and various Courses which have been taught in either Workshops or via web. As an Energy Healing Practitioner and here to assist you with your many and varied healing needs. Over the years I have studied & delved into many areas of healing, I use in my own style incorporating various systems to stimulate your bodies own healing. I am a healing facilitator for you. I practice energy healing or
laying on of hands. It is a holistic alternative method of healing, it cleanses toxins from the body's subtle energy system, it induces relaxation, aids in healing, enhances meditation and helps to reduce stress, it increases our energy levels and intuition and helps us to reach our own spiritual fulfilment. It is a safe non-invasive method of healing, by using a very light touch and the age -old concept of Life-force energy to accelerate the body's own healing response where needed. You can observe bones spontaneously adjusting into their proper alignment, experience pain relief, reduce inflamation, induce relaxation, relief of stress. From the DNA to the bones, all cells and systems effortlessly respond to the resonance of love. This is very profound & powerful. I send healing remotley or via distance, this is beneficial where hands on healing is an impossibitily due to distance or circumstance. More about me, as far back as I can remember I have a gifted ability to sense, see, hear, feel, taste or smell life from beyond the veil or Spirits. This does not scare me as I believe and trust in God and follow Him. I may choose to share some of my experiences with you or invite you to investigate or explore various places with me from houses, historical sites and even graveyards. I may sometimes assist in sending a Spirit to the light if it’s what is needed. I always use protection, prayer and positivity, love and respect while working in all realms. You can chose to watch or move on if this is not for you. Relax, enjoy, explore, experience and learn, with reassurance and confidence with me in our journey of Discovery.