I’m always grateful for opportunities to master anybody’s project.
Often I’m asked is there anything or anybody I wouldn’t work for.
My standard answer for years now has been this.
If in my heart of hearts I don’t believe the mixes presented aren’t up to s***f (im not picky by the way), and my client won’t get the value they deserve, then I won’t touch it.
Feedback and constructive input will always be offered.
It’s often solicited anyway as the vast majority of my clients roll their own mixes and are keen to get suggestions that might help their cause and in turn mine.
It’s part of the all-important communication that’s imperative to ensure the optimal result in any given scenario(s).
Sometimes it can take 2 even 3 rounds.
This is time I invest unconditionally and without obligation.
Recently some clients have expressed their displeasure at my decision to not work on their project despite them soliciting for constructive input.
Expect no apologies from me for not taking on your project when ethically it would not serve either of us.
It’s never personal.
All will be reasonably done to assist you directly and / or indirectly.
This may mean referring you to another engineer for more detailed feedback or engineer who can work at your price point.
Nobody gets thrown under the bus.
If other engineers want to take your hard earned because they can make some improvement that’s on them.
We all have a subjective view when it comes to art, but regardless of where you sit on the taste scale there’s a line where we will overwhelmingly agree that something’s not quite right.
I’ll avoid that at all costs even if you’re pi**ed off at me and protest by going elsewhere or by sending me a nasty email.
My piece of mind and reasonably good standing in the puddle of my scene is worth infinitely more than your approval.
Happy Wednesdee Kids.
Image Barry C. Douglas