Finally, a trailer for SAHELA, in cinemas soon!
Don't miss the special preview of Under Streetlights Feature Film at Classic Cinema Elsternwick this Friday 22 November, 7pm, featuring a live musical performance and a Q&A with the main cast & crew from this beautiful film.
You won't forget Jacob Harvey from Under Streetlights, in cinemas 12 December
Heart of the Man is screening (and streaming) at the Melbourne Queer Film Festival on Friday 15 November
More info here: (albeit, the screening is sold out, but you can put your name on the waiting list and/or stream it)
Ice Maiden, the gripping and inspirational story of Lisa Blair Sails the World's world record attempt to circumnavigate the Antarctic sails into Coffs Harbour, screening at Sawtell Cinema for 1 night only on 3 November
Tix here:
As ICE MAIDEN continues playing in cinemas around Australia and New Zealand, world record breaker LISA BLAIR wanted to send a note of gratitude for all of the people who have seen the film already.
Find out where ICE MAIDEN is playing, here:
ICE MAIDEN sails into New Zealand this week. Do not miss this gripping and inspirational story of solo sailor Lisa Blair and her attempt to break the world record for circumnavigating the Antarctic, on the big screen!
Kia Ora!
After its sold out sessions at Doc Edge, ICE MAIDEN is off again to New Zealand, screening in cinemas from later this week.
Do what Lisa Blair Sails the World says!
Ice Maiden screens at Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace on Wednesday 11 September, with Lisa Blair in attendance, and at Avalon Cinema from 12 September
Don't miss this gripping, inspirational tale on the big screen!