Well this will be my last post for a while. I'm back from 6 weeks in Europe and in hibernation until I'm back for work.
heres a video taken by @ryanblundendrums of my last show with Kaosis two weeks out from the end of the tour. If you want to know why just message me. I will be taking some time to be a husband and soak in the married life and putting the sticks down until the time feels right.
A lot happened in Europe and I'm eternally grateful to everyone in these two bands @sinsotomusic and @pistonfist . If it wasn't for them, Europe would never have happened and I would have been a broken man without them. Nothing but love to everyone in those camps.
It was an epic time with the Aussies and so many memories made!
Until then it's time to hibernate 🤙
I'm incredibly excite to finally announce this event. Coming off the back off the tour, I thought that there was so much that happened with it that didn't get to the public eye and there was a lot of people that couldn't make it!
Because of this I thought it would be great to put a clinic on to showcase all of this. More details to come but for now tickets are on sale!
A little about the event 👇
Witness exclusive insights into the challenges and triumphs of stepping into the shoes of metal legends. CJ and James will share exercises and experiences from their tour, dissecting the nuances of performing 'Mate Feed Kill Repeat' live.
Don't miss this chance to be a part of the Nu Metal Mayhem Drum Clinic, an evening filled with pulsating rhythms, gripping tales, and invaluable lessons from two stalwarts of the music scene.
Dream Cymbals
Anders Colsefni
Rail Records
Riffs & Licks Music
Happy New Year everyone! Back with another glimpse behind the drums from our recent Nu Metal Mayhem Tour 2023 gig! Here's the second drum cam footage, this time featuring "Throw 'em Up." Full video up on youtube.
Vater Drumsticks