THREE OF CUPS- Three dancing maidens, celebrating with joy. Hopefully that has been your Yule and Christmas- let us not forget our late decan Sagittarians who were born in this time, nor the Capricorns who will celebrate their birthday this month. If you are doing so, this card calls out for a great feast and even more merriment than you have had already. This card and the next work well together- stop to read the other- the 3 also shows success in the beginning of new ventures- which is very much part of the-
KNIGHT OF SWORDS- Shows the knight at full pelt, sword drawn and head down out on the plains. Hasty action may be required, or you may be moving with really good pace and getting lots done at the moment. Either way he is showing you things are happening quickly and positively this week. However, be aware of acting with too much haste with any new ventures or movements. This card has also historically been linked with the knight on a mission to seek revenge for some wrong- be careful as this may well be linked to the next card if you chose-
THE DEVIL- Pre-Christian (not Satanic by ANY means) beliefs worshipped the Horned One- the deities such as Cernunnos, Pan, Cunnomaglos- the god of the hunt, dogs and the wilderness. He is also the Major Arcana of the Capricorn. Then the Christians came along and banned the Goddess and the Horned one and made him the Devil- the dark, evil one. Consequently, he is now linked only to excess- debauchery, addiction, pain, deceit, depravity⦠What I think this card is asking you right now to consider are what the attachments of Samsara you have? The Buddhist notion of what we do which makes us empty- excess and attachment to anything- see the chains around the necks of his acolytes. What do you need or want to release- revenge of the knight? Attachments- this is a new year- but please, no resolutions- can we just stop making ridiculous self-emasculating ultimatums and just continue to work on the attachments?
SUMMARY- After the feasting there will be haste and success in our actions and time to reflect on the unhealthy attachments which are holding us back.