Hello, I’m sure you are all aware that Wild,Wise and Worthy is no longer operating. However, being that our community is predominantly made up of women between the ages of 35 and 60, it made sense to me to use this platform for my new offering, which is coaching women in midlife with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
What is CPTSD? One of my favourite people to listen to on this subject is Tim Fletcher who is a pastor, addiction counsellor and independent researcher. He describes CPTSD as a result of an ongoing childhood experience that makes a person feel unsafe or unloved.
When we grow up in these environments we create coping strategies for survival. This can look like extreme people pleasing, self-abandonment, addictions, codependency etc…. We were brilliant as children in learning how to cope, but now as adults these behaviours and habits are detrimental to our wellbeing.
My passion is to help women in midlife to create authentic and fulfilling lives that aren’t limited by their negative core beliefs and trauma.
What I believe qualifies me to be a coach in this space is my own lived experience. A health crisis in my early 30’s (I’m now 50) acted as catalyst for me to understand myself on a deeper level. I’ve always been fascinated by human behaviour but my own eluded me at times. Over the past 15 years I have gone on to educate myself on childhood trauma in an attempt to alleviate my own symptoms and to help others. I became an NLP practitioner, rites of passage facilitator, mentor to girls and young women, attunement therapy practitioner and now a coach.
I had imagined taking over this space at the beginning of 2023. However, my partner was diagnosed with terminal cancer and his health began to rapidly decline. He passed away in November last year. And just for an extra twist I lost my home in the housing crisis and found it near impossible to secure another.
The stress that my system went through at this time was exponential as well as navigating the many layers of grief. But I am now in a good place and ready and excited to be of service.
As I step gently over the threshold and back into the coaching arena I’d like to start by offering one woman 5 sessions in exchange for feedback regarding your experience. If you receive value and I am sure you will, a testimonial would be greatly appreciated.
If this interests you, please send me a direct message. We can arrange a 20 minute call so you can ask questions and we can feel into whether we’d be a good fit.