We're proud to be the selected broadcast provider for the Gippsland Ranges Roller Derby event 4th Annual Roller Derby Pride Cup - Gippsland. This showcases roller derby in its proper raw form. It is a sport that provides opportunities for gender non-conforming skaters of all ages to showcase their unique talents when they aren't treated like a political football for points scoring. In the sports case, the jammers in these teams ACTUALLY SCORE POINTS and do it with incredible skill. You don't need to be any body type, you don't need to be a specific gender, you need to be a person with heart, passion and soul, and most importantly, you aren't a jerk to play in roller derby.
The schedule as it stands:
9am - Junior Low contact
10am - Junior Modified contact
11am - Adult Modified contact
1pm - Formalities
2pm - Exhibition bout
4pm - Presentations
This event put on by Gippsland Ranges is proudly supported by the Victorian State Government, Pride Cup and many local sponsors who work hard to support GRDL. And we're proud to bring their event to the world.
Did you know that many of the techs and camera peeps behind SCA are gender diverse as well, and do it at a significantly reduced cost because we struggle to see funding for sports that don't have a "ball" of some kind.
(The image is from the Gippsland Rangers Roller Derby event and features a skater on a wavy coloured rainbow with logos from the team, gender ending story, aboriginal flag, victorian state loco, pride cup logo, and the date and location detail. The image was proudly created by the Gippsland team).