The first Japanese soldier captured in the Second World War is a pilot who crashes on the Tiwi Islands, some eighty kilometres North of Darwin. His name is Hajime Toyoshima and the man who captures him alone and injured in a remote and humid forest, is named Matthias Ulungara. One might imagine two more different men could not be found but both belong to deep cultures stretching back to the dawn o
f time and the creation of the Earth. Matthias Ulungara is a Tiwi warrior, a man from the oldest culture on Earth, a direct descendent of the spirit woman Mudungkala, who made the Tiwi Islands and everything alive, while Hajime Toyoshima is a Samurai of the sky who serves a divine Emperor, a direct descendent of the spirit woman Izanami who made the Islands of Japan, and everything alive. Matthias could have killed Hajime with impunity, but he tends to Hajime's injuries and then both young men who cannot speak each other's language, begin a journey across the Islands together. A journey of discovery for each that will culminate in great redemption and shocking tragedy. Matthias will fight a dangerous war, unrecognised and unpaid, Hajime will incite the greatest prison breakout in history, and a terrible mass su***de. The Curious Collision of Hajime Toyoshima and Matthias Ulungara is a story about a collision of cultures wrapped carefully in the journey of two young men from polar opposites forced together. It's a story about common humanity and the life of story we share, told with an exhilarating and vibrant mix of styles: theatrical performance and dance; archival film and documents; dramatic recreation and animation. The potential of attracting a broader audience than is normally expected to this type of subject is high and with this new direction, the project will travel well.