Sharna d'Fern

Sharna d'Fern Multi award winning international celebrity medium. SA's Inaugural Psychic of the Year.

Winner of the 2015 Australian Hall of Fame Award and SA's Inaugural Psychic of the Year. Evidential Spirit Medium
Renowned and Registered Nationally and Internationally.


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Fictitious names are used for privacy.
A very strong Spirit:

After setting up my stall at the recent Body Mind and Psychic Fair in Adelaide, I had to stand in a queue at the main information desk to collect my car pass and badges. I stood behind a man who was also waiting to collect his pass and badges plus to locate his site. Whilst we were standing there, he was looking from side to side awaiting his turn and I then caught sight of a very tiny skinny lady standing to his side. I have no idea of who the man was, never seen or met him in my life but the little lady was insistent on me telling him what she wanted to say. I was unsure how to approach him but this is how it went

ME: Hello, Ive not seen you here before is this your first time? Not letting him know that the lady has already told me this was indeed his first time.
HIM: yes, it is and he smiled and sort of turned to the front again.
ME: hope you won’t mind me saying, (which got his attention again) but there is a lady standing next to you in spirit and she is very strong. She tells me she raised you but she’s not your mother!
HIM: Oh?
ME: she is a skinny tiny lady and is saying her name is Lil or lilly and ma or mama think she’s saying lilly mummy does this make sense to you!
HIM: Yes sounds like my granny I called her Lilly mumma.
ME: She says Samantha, Samuel, Sam do you know who she is referring to?
HIM: yes that’s my name.
ME: She is saying that She is surprised to see you here because you a bit of a skeptic.
HIM: no I wouldn’t say that (found out later that he was a little bit sceptic)
ME: I cant believe how much she is saying, she is saying that she is aware that your daughter has built a 2 storey house and she’s proud of her and also gives me the name Cath, cathy.
HIM: Yes that’s my daughters name. OMG your good!
Me and she gives me the name Dave.
HIM: Geezus that’s my daughters (Cathy) husbands name.
ME: Well she wants you and your daughter know that shes holding a baby in her arms and says it’s the baby that she recently mis carried.
HIM: Are you for real? How do you know all this? Yes she had a mis carriage!
ME: I know only because she is telling me. She says you have 2 girls, the other one is Tracy and shes doing everyone’s head in over rings. She is becoming more confused and undecided the longer she looks and she is showing me her commitment finger so either an engagement ring or a wedding ring but shes taking ages to find what she wants. She gives the name Lee
HIM: Yeah it an engagement ring and Lee is her fiance.
ME: Shes now saying George or Georgia who is that to you?
HIM: That’s my wife!
By this time his eyes were so popped they almost fell out their sockets and his jaw was on the floor!
ME: She tells me shes pleased you got all that money, its helped you out and she gives me the number 5 in regards to the money so $5k? $50K $500K? And your taking lots of cruises lately
HIM: he just nodded out of shock! And admitted to the cruises.
He then was next at the information desk to get his passes and he said the the lady behind the desk, Omg shes been reading me, shes good, shes very good and the lady told him “yes shes is, she is one of our most popular readers, we have all been to see her. Then as he was walking away, the little lady had to say just a little bit more.
ME: Tell him im proud of him, hes a good plumber and she knows about what happened to his left foot. An accident involving a car “So is she referring to a car accident then”?
HIM: not quite, I was run over by a car and my foot got very damaged.
There was more said and he just got so spooked that I felt I had to stop plus he had to get to do his stall, ready for the weekend.
His stall was in a position that I had to walk passed it a few times. I used the toilets in front of them as those toilets were quieter and no queues. I also had to go by his stall because the exhibitors lounge was there and in my breaks, I went for a cuppa and also sat and listened to my daughter doing her workshop (yes, I demanded breaks this year).
Each time I went by, he looked scared lol
Then I went up and said
. “so these are your daughters yes?” He said yes and I said “don’t tell me who is who, because the little lady is standing there and telling me” and I told him who was who! There was more and if the daughters are reading this and want to fill in any blanks, they are free to do so.
He looked scared every time I walked past lol But I wasn’t trying to scare him or to keep giving him messages, I had to go to the loo and have my breaks so not my fault he was in my pathway hahaha Poor man was shocked
I don’t always get names but when a spirit is vivid and strong, it is almost like im seeing them as a physical person, same the hearing them and she was very strong so hence all the correct names. She is a lovely woman to be there for the family like she is. This family is blessed by her presence in their lives.
Blessing to the family

A few years ago, I was booked to do readings at one of my popular Psychic Tea Parties. There were approximately 8 people wanting to have a reading at this party and one by one they sat with me in a private room away from all the other guests. I got to about the 4th client when this transpired.

Names withheld and changed for privacy reasons.

ME: The first thing that I am being told about you, is that you were encouraged to come to this tea party by a friend who wanted you to experience a reading with me but you kept resisting, is that true?
ANGELA: Nodded (and was blank faced) and said “yes I heard you were the real thing and wanted a reading by you but I didn’t want to come”
ME: I laughed and said “well, the reason why I know that little bit of information, is because there is a spirit lady who has entered the room behind you and she’s the one who’s telling me. She is desperate to talk to you and very excitable. She tells me that she died of cancer and tells me it was in her liver and kidneys to begin with. Anyway, without telling me who she is, do you know this spirit person is?
ANGELA: noooo, im trying to think who it is but I have no idea.
ME: ok she’s telling me that you know her, she says to tell you that its Pat, Pattie!
ANGELA: nooo I still don’t know who she is, the only Pat I know is in hospital and alive!
ME: This lady is laughing and saying, “don’t you dare call me Patricia my friend” and giggles.
ANGELA: Well that sounds like something that my friend Pat would say but she alive! She’s the one who made me come to this tea party. She told me to have a break from sitting with her and have a bit of fun!
ME: This spirit is saying “yes yes that’s me, I wanted her to go. Ange has been sitting with me without any breaks and has been reading my favourite book to me and I wanted my privacy to die. I didn’t want my friend seeing me pass away”.
ANGELA: Im confused because you are describing my friend in hospital and she’s very much alive as of 45 minutes ago. Or could she be dead!!!! Ive been reading her favourite book to her.
ME: Well my love, it seems to be her (As I held her hand).
ANGELA: Well I won’t know until I return to the hospital but it does sound like her. Could you be picking all this up because she’s very ill and on her way out? Could she be astral travelling or like are you reading my mind?
ME: lol no sweets, I don’t know how to read minds plus im actually talking to this spirit lady. Now she shows me a red mark on the side of her face and over her left eye, do you know why she’s showing me that?
ANGELA: omg yes!!! That’s the lady in hospital it’s a strawberry birth mark!!! But im so confused! I have to go and phone the hospital

After my client had left her reading feeling and looking very bewildered and concerned. I went on to read for the next client. After the next client left her reading, Angela came back into the room with others from the party to say that she had a miss call on her phone to inform her that her friend Pat had died and the time of death was the exact time that she came through to talk to her in her reading!!! Tears all round and total amazement and astonishment all round. :)


hahahahahaha awww so cute


Sharna d’Fern is a genuine Australian Spirit Medium, the most honest and down to earth channeller you will ever come across. She is also very funny and lighthearted and makes you feel very at ease. It doesn't really matter how long she has been doing this work, I think the public have heard a trillion times just how many years a Psychic has been reading for but what does matter from a reading, is the strength and the accuracy of any given connection.

Sharna is also a Certified Psychic Counseller and is the one person you can confide in and trust with total privacy and confidentiality. She can also give strong advice on how to deal with any of your difficult situations and give you a source of upliftment, direction, hope and even closure. She likes to guide you according to the direction spirit would like to encourage you to go, the path that will lead to your greatest happiness and absolution.

Sharna will also outline upcoming difficult situations, giving you the opportunity to alter your thought patterns and responses so that everything can change if you so desire.

A good accurate reading can make you feel strong, confident and in control of your life. She prides herself on her unwavering honesty and dedication regarding her psychic work, with down to earth and easy to understand the informative reading that can give you the tools to improve your life, change direction and more.

Sharna often states: “There are always positives in our life somewhere but we tend to become blind to them”. Sharna wants to try assisting you in finding those positives so you can use them to create a good momentum.

Keep in mind that she has a fantastic two way communication with your loved ones who have left this world, often receiving messages of who they are to you, how they passed away and how long they have been gone. Spirit give off very intimate and personal messages leaving you without a doubt that she is literally speaking to them like it was a telephone conversation. If the connection is very strong with your loved ones, she can even describe them to you.

Please in box us for bookings and inquiries.
KJ manager


7 Ways to Awaken Your Psychic and Mediumship Abilities

Learn these 7 ways to improve and awaken your psychic and mediumship abilities.

Do you want to awaken your psychic and mediumship abilities?
Get clearer messages from your spirit guides or loved ones in spirit?
How about access the Akashic Records and learn what’s in your “Book of Life”?
Here we’ll look at what the main psychic abilities, notable psychics and mediums and where you can get resources and materials to help you with your studies.
Let’s begin with defining what the psychic abilities are:

1. Learn about the different types of psychic abilities:
Psychic abilities are often referred to as the “clairs”. This stems from the French word meaning “clear”.

Each ability is related to a physical ability or sensation in which information is “picked up” or received through psychic energy.

Learning about the different psychic abilities can sometimes awaken your abilities as you become more aware and connected to a particular “clair.
As you learn about the different psychic abilities, you may start to become aware of what you’re more adept at.

A great psychic will have some proficiency in all the clairs, but most people will have one or more that they are more skilled at than the other clairs.

At some point, many psychics will experience all the clairs during their lifetime.

You may have experienced some of these psychic abilities and not realised it at the time.
Here are the main psychic abilities that you’ll want to learn more about:
This is clear-seeing.
Clairvoyance is often experienced through mental images in your mind.

The main misconception of clairvoyance is that the psychic actually sees visions (such as the way of a hallucination or seeing a ghost.) This isn’t always the case and most often the image is a mental image in the mind.
Clairvoyance can be seen sometimes as:
a black and white image of a person, object or place
a shape or outline of a person, object or place
a coloured image of a person, object or place
a moving picture / scene playing in your mind
Clairvoyance is often used during divination such as scrying.

Claircognizance is clear-knowing.

This ability is often perceived as just “knowing” something without any outside information or sources.
Claircognizance is often recognized in divination such as tarot as just knowing information about a situation, person or place. This information can often come from spirit guides and the Akashic Records or even loved ones in spirit which the information is received through claircognizance.
Claircognizance is sometimes felt physically as a “gut feeling” about something or someone and is closely connected to the solar plexus chakra.

Clairaudience is clear-hearing.

This is the ability to “hear” spirit, spirit guides, loved ones in spirit, etc. through a psychic ability.
Clairaudience is mostly heard inside the mind of the psychic or medium, often in the same tone and voice as the psychic or medium but there are a few that can hear as they would hear a physical person.

You can also use claircognizance and clairsentience to weigh the information source and get a better feeling of who you’re speaking with.

When uncertain about your source of clairaudience information, you can ask questions to get more information and evidential evidence about whom you’re speaking with.

Clairsentience is clear-feeling.
This is often confused with claircognizance as they are similar, but different.
Clairsentience is frequently experienced by empaths and mediums.
This psychic ability is the reception of psychic information through emotions and sometimes physical sensations.

For example, a medium may experience pressure or pain in a certain area of their body as a way to know or understand how a person died.

Clairsentience can be experienced in places where there is a lot of emotion, trauma or history in a place.
This can be for example in places such as hospitals or even former battlefields.

Three other psychic abilities that aren’t as well known are:

Clairgustance is clear-tasting.
This ability can be peculiar and anywhere from pleasing to unpleasant tastes.
Some people may taste things such as blood, certain foods or even ci******es as a way to receive psychic information this way.

Clairalience is clear-smelling.
People will sometimes experience “phantom smells” in a place or room when there’s no source of the scent.

This is often in the form of colognes, perfume, cooking, baking or cigar/cigarette smoke.

Mystery “scents” such as that can often be a sign of spirit visitations.

Clairtangency is clear-touching.
This psychic ability is also known as psychometry.
This is often psychic information that’s received through touching or holding a physical object.

Metal objects carry the most psychic information for the longest amount of time compared to fabrics and clothing that’s often washed.

Metal is also a conductive material and therefore retains psychic information.

Through psychometry, information such as history and people who have owned or come into contact with the object can be received.
Study a specific psychic ability or mediumship through materials, courses or groups
Everyone learns differently and there’s an endless supply of courses, materials and online resources to further your psychic abilities.

Depending on how you learn and your budget, you can find anywhere from free resources (such as this blog) and paid courses online.

The key to learning from anyone is that you must resonate with the psychic or medium, how they write or speak, in order to get the most out of it.
If you like to learn from printed materials, there are some excellent books and websites available (which have helped many of my students.)

If you want to meet other people and practice your abilities, you can find local and global Facebook groups to connect with other people.

Some Facebook groups offer practice readings in exchange for feedback and some groups have group exercises for everyone to practice.

The important thing about Facebook groups is finding a community that is supportive. A lot of Facebook groups have a lot going on and can become chaotic. If you’re up to joining a Facebook group, try a few and see if any of them resonate with you. If not, don’t be afraid to leave the group and try somewhere else.

Not every group will be a good fit.

Read about or watch other psychics or mediums
Learning about other psychics or mediums can help you to connect and relate to their experiences and may help you to realise some of your own psychic experiences.

Every psychic has their own “origin story” about how they became psychic or a medium.

Some psychics started at a very young age, while others didn’t develop their abilities until late childhood or even adulthood. Just because you weren’t seeing dead people as a child (like in the movie, The Sixth Sense) doesn’t mean you can’t ever be psychic or a medium.

Some notable past and present psychics and mediums to learn about:
Doris Stokes (my favourite)
Sylvia Browne
Edgar Cayce
James Van Praagh
Theresa Caputo
John Edward
John Holland
Tyler Henry
Irene Hughes
Ruth Montgomery
Colin Fry
Colette Baron-Reid

Read books or resources about their lives, their “origin story” and biographies about them. Some psychics have printed works about their experiences as a psychic or medium.

Sylvia Browne books were popular in the 80s and 90s and Edgar Cayce (aka The Sleeping Prophet) has several books containing his life’s work.

This can also include watching these psychic and mediums during their performances to get a sense of how each of them works.

This can teach you the process of giving a good reading, plus you can learn to ‘tap’ into the energy that is raised and created by the psychic.

This can be done in a live performance or through watching online videos of seminars and readings.

Learn about the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is a source of information similar to a records hall where all the information that ever was and ever will be is stored there. This records hall is accessed psychically and through astral travel to retrieve information, which is then interpreted through one or more of the psychic abilities.

Most notable of the Akashic Records is called the “book of life”. The Book of Life is a recording of events (past, present and future) of the past, present and future incarnations for each and every living being.

Everyone can access their own book of life and psychics can access the Book of Life for their clients to get information needed during a psychic reading. Accessing the Akashic Records requires raising your vibration and activating their Higher Chakras.

Learn about spirit guides
The key to being a good or even excellent psychic or medium is to remove the ‘ego’ from all readings and psychic development. The purpose of psychic work is to be of service rather than for self-gain. However, that isn’t to say that psychic abilities can’t be used to improve your life.

When you accept that you’re a receiver of information, that spirit will only tell you what you need to know and that spirit feels is necessary for you to know or to relay to others, then psychic work comes from being of service to others.

That being said, most often psychic information can come from spirit guides who are assigned to you and help you on your path. Everyone has spirit guides, while some people have more spirit guides than others.
This all depends on what type of work the person does and what their life purpose is during a specific lifetime.
For most psychics and mediums, they work closely with their spirit guides and know who is on their “spirit team.”

A gatekeeper spirit guide (which everyone has) works with psychics and mediums to help them to connect with Spirit and the spirit guides or loved ones of other people.

Meditation can help you to connect with one or more of your spirit guides as well as divination such as tarot.

Learn a divination technique
Divination can help to awaken psychic abilities, but it doesn’t happen overnight.

Learning a new divination tool takes a combination of practical study, a little bit of memorization and then adding your own intuitive insights to the mix.

Tarot is super popular right now, but for some people it can be a struggle. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t be psychic just because you can’t get the hang of tarot.

Experiment with different types of divination tools, sometimes people become very skilled and adept in less common forms of divination.
Try some other divination tools to jumpstart your psychic abilities such as:
oracle cards
dowsing (such as with dowsing rods or a pendulum)
tasseography (tea-leaf reading)
blibliomancy (book divination)

Develop a spiritual practice / keep faith
You don’t have to have any particular faith or belong to any religion to be a good psychic or medium.

However, it makes sense to have some kind of belief or faith that there’s more to just what we see in front of us.

Spiritualism is a religious movement that’s founded on the principles of mediumship and is growing as a revival since its beginnings in 1848.

Lilydale, New York is a spiritualist town that flourishes for mediums and was documented in the HBO documentary called “No One Dies in Lily Dale” (2011).

You don’t have to be a spiritualist member to be a medium, but it can be of interest to some people.
Having a personal connection to your own faith and spirituality can help you feel more in touch with spirit and what’s beyond. Spirituality can vary from mysticism, witchcraft, Qabalah, paganism, reconstructionist faiths (such as Greek, Roman or Slavic), ÁsatrĂș or any mix of these to create your own connection with Spirit, source or the divine.

You can still be part of a major world religion and be psychic or a medium. It’s all up to you.

To be a medium or psychic doesn’t mean you have to pray or do rituals every day, weekly or regularly. But, understanding what you believe in exactly and why can help you to understand your personal relationship to the divine. Things you can ask yourself to dig deeper into your beliefs when it comes to your psychic or mediumship abilities:

Do you believe in star people and/or extra terrestrials?

Do you believe in indigos, rainbow or crystal children?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in life after death?

Do you believe in life after death when it comes to su***de?

What are your personal thoughts about the afterlife?
You don’t have to share these answers with anyone, if you don’t want to. As long as you have an understanding of your spiritual beliefs, it’s all that matters.
And it’s OK if your beliefs change over time.

Everyone evolves and grows spiritually as we mature and develop a better understanding of who we are.

And finally for mediumship:
Know that you have connection to deceased loved ones

For most people as we get older, we’ve all lost someone close to us or that we’ve known. Death can be tragic and difficult for some of us to cope with.

For a medium, we know that we’re never disconnected from our loved ones. However, even mediums will grieve for the physical death of someone and what’s lost. It can take months for even a medium to get over a death of a loved one, even though we know that the loved one is still nearby. When there’s a deep connection with someone in the physical world, the spirits are also connected.

Many times, when one spirit crosses over a “link” or connection is still maintained between the spirit and the other person in the physical world.

A spirit (or soul) bond is never broken.

More often than not, people’s psychic and mediumship abilities will awaken sometime after the death of a loved one as they become more aware of the spirit energy and presence of their loved one. Think of it as leaving a private doorway open between you and your loved one or a private telephone connection between you both.

If someone feels a personal spiritual and mediumship connection with their loved one in spirit, they may or may not be able to sense other spirits.

For some people, they may only be attuned to spirits that they’re familiar with and not receptive to other spirits that they don’t know or recognize. This can be a scary experience for some people while for others, it can be comforting to know that their loved ones are still with them.

These different ways to awaken your psychic and mediumship abilities will hopefully help you to develop your own abilities.

Psychic and mediumship ability takes time and dedication to work on. It’s a skill like any other.

Knowing where you’re adept and what comes more naturally to you is the first step.

After you find what you’re adept at, then you can work to improve that psychic ability. Above all, have fun with learning psychic and mediumship abilities.

Learning should be fun and exciting to keep you interesting in knowing more.


This is a reading that I did at the Royal Adelaide Show recently that really stood out as a strong contact even though it was very noisy there and that there was lots of energy.

The clients name will be changed to Lucy to respect her privacy.

Lucy, there is a man standing right up close behind you and tells me that you are his daughter and he can’t wait to talk to you because he said when you were waiting to sit down with me, you asking him constantly to come through for you. He said he has been gone 3 years now. (it's strange but he is glowing really bright like a bright light bulb!) He says to tell you that he is sorry and so stupid stupid stupid!

OMG yes I was asking him to talk through you! While I was waiting for your chair to become empty, I told him to give me a sign that its him!

ME: He says to tell you he can do better than give you just a sign and says tell her its me, her dad Kelvin.

LUCY: (crying loudly and everyone looking) Yes that’s him, that’s his name omg omg!

ME: I asked him why he’s saying he’s so stupid and he tells me, “because I should of practiced what I preached!”

LUCY: Yes yes know what he means omg

ME: He is telling me that he got electrocuted and that is why he’s showing himself so brightly because he is hinting to me that he had electricity go through him, is that correct?

LUCY: Yes yes!!

ME: He is showing me lots of paddocks but I don’t know what he means by that symbology sorry luv.

LUCY: I do, its because he was out in the fields when it happened, we had a farm!

ME: omg how can one get electrocuted out in the paddock? Hang on let him answer that question not you. He’s telling my that he was always warning the family of the low hanging wires and then he’s showing me banging a rod or a stick! He says he wasn’t found straight away and that your mother was angry with him because he was late getting home to get ready to go out with her!

LUCY: Omg I can’t believe you are talking so clearly with him omg wow (still bawling) yes, he was always warning us, he feared it would be a danger to us.

ME: Ahhhh so that is why he said he should of practiced what he preached then, ok it makes sense now. He is now telling me that cows were watching him. Says they wouldn’t walk past him and was looking down at him. It was your mother who found him.

LUCY: Yes, she was ready to blast him for being late. She thought he had gone down the track to the neighbouring farm and had forgotten about going out that evening. She kept looking out the window to see if he was on his way and he wasn’t answering his phone. She saw that the cows were behaving strangely and thought she would go and investigate and see if there was a snake or something and it was him!

ME: omg but what was the rod or the stick he was banging?

LUCY: It was a metal pipe and he detached it because it was clogged up with mud and debris and he stood it on its end to bang it and shift the gunk out of it. It was when he lifted it up that it touched the electrical wires.

ME: He says he wants to say happy birthday to you and that he couldn’t miss out on your special birthday.

LUCY: OMFG its my birthday today! (bawling uncontrollably) And its my 21st!

ME: he says to tell your mother that he likes her pink hair and he smiles and winks.

LUCY: He must be laughing because it was a mistake but everyone likes it pink lol

ME: Your dad says congratulations on your pregnancy!

LUCY: Really? Im very late and I have been saying I think im pregnant so is he saying that I am?

ME: Yes luv, he’s letting you know that you are pregnant. He’s now telling me that he has to go but says that you spray his aftershave in your room sometimes and you did it this morning and sprayed too much and you had a coughing fit.

LUCY: Yeeeesssssss! Omg dad I love you so much!

ME: he says likewise buttercup.

LUCY: That’s what he always used to call me!

ME: He tells me that he has tried to talk through other mediums and he said what a load of hoo haa and they were making things up. Oh Lucy he is beginning to fade now luv but he is showing me thick hair as he is leaving.

LUCY: omg God Sharna, Yes he had lovely thick hair and you were so spot on. It was amazing and it was just like he hadn’t left us. You are amazing and yes, ive gone to many mediums and they ask me if my grandad is passed on and when I say no, they ask me if an uncle has. I have to end up saying that my dad has passed over. Then all they say is that he is around you and he loves you and is protecting you.

ME: sweetheart, any psychic out there can say that, even a psychic imposter pretending to be a reader at a fancy dress party. Its wishy washy but some people get enthralled by all that nonsense. In future, if you go to any reader who claims to do mediumship, make sure nothing they say is followed with a question mark. You need concrete proof even if it is just one single thing.

LUCY: Sharna, your wonderful and thank you so much for the work you do. I feel so much more at peace now knowing he is happy and is ok.

Of course there was much more that Lucy got in her reading, like past, present, future, health, relationships, finances, work but that is my account of how I work as a evidential channelling medium.


Salisbury Park
Adelaide, SA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 2:30pm
Tuesday 10am - 2:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 2:30pm
Thursday 10am - 2:30pm
Friday 10am - 2:30pm
Saturday 10am - 2:30pm
Sunday 10am - 2:30pm



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