Leading a bold vision for educational growth across the African continent. The ‘challenges’ in Africa are seen as opportunities with a plan to transform the lives of thousands of people through the educational model of innovation and transformation.
Susan Knapp grew up in Adelaide and left straight after finishing university and moving to Kenya. She spent the next twenty five years living and working in Africa, Asia and The Middle East.
She has four children, two she adopted as babies in Kenya who are now 24 and 17 and to who she gave birth to while living in Qatar. In 2014 Susan was held under country arrest in Qatar, with her passport taken and bank account frozen and having to put her three children then (5,10,16) on a plane to their father in Australia. She subsequently didn't live with her children for three and a half years.
Upon her return to Adelaide in 2017 in a state of financial, spiritual and emotional bankruptcy, Susan found her purpose and founded In2EdAfrica, a social enterprise designed around empowerment.
She and her children have built the project from the ground up and her children now run their own enterprises in Australia, profits of which go into running projects in Kenya. They live every day with peace and gratitude and fully embody the fact that in life Nothing is Too Big!