PLAN 9 TRASH Records

Austria isn't shaped like

🔥OUT NOW🔥 Double 7“ Vinyl The Rioters „Four Riot Songs Vol. 1“ on Plan 9 Trash Records ☄️ … check your own copy here: ww...

🔥OUT NOW🔥 Double 7“ Vinyl The Rioters „Four Riot Songs Vol. 1“ on Plan 9 Trash Records ☄️ … check your own copy here:, check it out on Amazon or Discogs or ask the record dealer if your trust … 💫

Rockabilly Mailorder, Schnitzelbilly, Record Label & Vinyl Recording Service, Labelcode

31.8. - CRAZY CUBES  in the City, Linz Stadtliebe

31.8. - CRAZY CUBES in the City, Linz Stadtliebe

Thanx to Slap that Bass, AJ's Rockin Music Reviews. … 👍👍👍

Thanx to Slap that Bass, AJ's Rockin Music Reviews. … 👍👍👍

Lonesome Dave Fisher 7” 45 RPM “Brand New Shade of Cool” c/w “Cherokee Bluff”

2022 on Plan 9 Trash Records (P9S375)

This is the first I have heard from Lonesome Dave Fisher but I will definitely be checking out more of his recordings. Dave is from Austin Texas but records for an Austrian based label, Plan 9 Trash Records, who use the slogan the “Home Of Schnitzelbilly”. Dave was born in Austin, Texas but is currently based in Baltimore, Maryland.

Brand New Shade of Cool is a nice mid paced rockabilly track with Dave on vocals. He’s backed with some good slap bass to drive the track along. Along with a vintage sound the fact the track is just 1 minute 51 seconds long is a nice nod back to the days when tracks were often under two minutes in length to help get them on the radio.

Cherokee Bluff, the B side, is more straight country and definitely has a Johnny Cash feel to it and I do like the twangy guitar.
Dave is the singer-songwriter responsible for both sides. He has brought well-known musicians into the studio to record; Spike Katz on bass, Shaun Young on drums and lead guitarist Sean Mencher both of the band "High Noon".

A bit of trivia about Dave, he’s apparently a distant relation of the Texas rockabilly hero, Therman “Sonny” Fisher!

You can order the single from Plan 9 Trash Records or get it on download from Amazon.



… wir wünschen Euch allen ein fröhliches Rocken um den Weihnachtsbaum 🎄mit besinnlicher Musik -

Thanx a lot to Unleashed Magazin and Micha Ha for these fine reviews of the latest 7“ vinyl releases on Plan 9:Dave & Th...

Thanx a lot to Unleashed Magazin and Micha Ha for these fine reviews of the latest 7“ vinyl releases on Plan 9:
Dave & The Pu***es / Balu & die Surfgrammeln - „Breadcrumb Beach 1 1/2“ and Lonesome Dave Fisher „Brand New Shades of Cool“ …

Thanx a lot to Die Psychocouch for this fine review of the fantastic Balu & die Surfgrammeln / Dave & The Pu***es mini s...

Thanx a lot to Die Psychocouch for this fine review of the fantastic Balu & die Surfgrammeln / Dave & The Pu***es mini sampler - „Breadcrumb Beach 1 1/2“ …

Pulp from the alp: The 7‘‘ „Breadcrumb Beach 1 ½“ celebrates Austrian Surf with verve

Sometimes a cover artwork is enough to put a smile on your face. In the case of the 7‘‘ „Breadcrumb Beach 1 ½“ (Plan 9 Trash Records) it is the rough copyshop-style-black-and-white version of an amazone from legendary „Planet Stories“, an American pulp magazine published from 1939 to 1955. The axe is replaced by an …well axe. A Flying-V-guitar. The acoustic content is more based on the Fender Surfcaster-Sound and perfectly suited to make mountaineering in austria feel almost like chillout at the sea in australia. Malibu is close to the summit cross, if you want it.

In case you know the fantastic compilation „Breadcrumb Beach“ (Plan 9 Trash Records) with contemporary Austrian instrumental surf music, you also know BALU & DIE SURFGRAMMELN from Vienna and DAVE & THE PU***ES from Fieberbrunn/Tyrol. The two band joined forces for a short sequel to the longplaying surf-collection (limited to 200 copies). The concept is old fashioned: Every band covers a tune by the other band in their own style. Which means „Bonánza“ by DAVE & THE PU***ES gets a makeover with more rocking elements, especially in the middlepart. A great production guarantees for a full-bodied sound with a driving surf-beat and a lively bassline as a fundament. The melody shows that eight tones are enough to create ear candy. Simple, but simply irresistible. The guitar-soloing proves the ability to impress but does not exaggerate. So the siren-imitations at the end of the track have nothing to do with self-promotion and fiddle-diddle alarm. To bad, this is over so soon.

DAVE & THE PU***ES chose the Breadcrumb-Track „Tongkoko“, named after a vulcano on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Musically this interpretation sounds a bit as if Quentin Tarantino would have done a mash-up between the „Space Patrol“ and the „Munsters“-Theme. All in all the three-piece is closer to a classic surf sound, still bringing in some rough undertones and a style of their own, which devides traditionalists from imitators. Some years ago DAVE & THE PU***ES set a world record in record-production, playing two songs, recording them and transfering them onto vinyl within three hours. Here they prove their musical mastership on a B-side that obviosly is a double-A.

Two songs may not be enough to call this release „Breadcrumb Beach 2“. Yet the „1 ½“ does not mean, its only a half job the bands did here. While another full album with austrian surf would be great, this limited soon-to-be collectors item can only be recommended.

In the absence of a listening-link for the 7‘‘, here’s a live version of BALU & DIE SURFGRAMMELN performing „Tongkoko“:

Pulp von der Alb: Die 7‘‘ „Breadcrumb Beach 1 ½“ feiert den österreichischen Surf-Sound

Manchmal reicht schon ein Cover-Artwork aus, um einem ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zu zaubern. Bei der 7‘‘ „Breadcrumb Beach 1 ½“ (Plan 9 Trash Records) handelt es sich um die grobkörnige Copyshop-Schwarzweiß-Version einer Amazone, die einst das Cover einer Ausgabe der legendären „Planet Stories“ zierte, eines amerikanischen Pulp-Magazin, das zwischen 1939 bis 1955 erschien. Die Axt aus dem Original wird durch eine… nunja… andere Axt ersetzt. Eine Flying-V-Gitarre. Klanglich orientiert sich die Veröffentlichung eher am Fender Surfcaster-Sound und ist perfekt geeignet, beim Bergsteigen in Österreich ein dezentes Gefühl von Chillout am Meer zu vermitteln. Miami liegt am Gipfelkreuz, wenn Ihr es wollt.

Wer die fantastische Compilation „Breadcrumb Beach“ (Plan 9 Trash Records) mit zeitgenössischer, österreichischer Instrumental-Surfmucke kennt, kennt auch BALU & DIE SURFGRAMMELN aus Wien und DAVE & THE PU***ES aus Fieberbrunn/Tirol. Die beiden Bands haben sich hier für eine kleine Fortsetzung der Langspiel-Kollektion (limitiert auf 200 Exemplare) zusammengetan. Das Konzept ist altbekannt: Jede Band covert einen Song der anderen Band in ihrem eigenen Stil. Das heißt, „Bonánza“ von DAVE & THE PU***ES wird um einige rockigere Elemente erweitert, vor allem im Mittelteil. Die tolle Produktion garantiert einen vollmundigen Klang. Ein treibender Surfbeat und eine lebhafte Bassline bilden das Fundament. Die Melodie zeigt, dass acht Töne ausreichen, um einen Ohrwurm zu kreieren. Einfach, aber eben auch einfach unwiderstehlich. Das Solospiel an den sechs Saiten zeugt von der Fähigkeit, zu beeindrucken, wirkt aber gleichzeitig sehr zurückhaltend und geschmackvoll. Die Sirenen-Imitationen am Ende des Tracks haben also nichts mit Selbstdarstellungs- und Frickel-Alarm zu tun. Schade, das das Stück so schnell vorbei ist.

DAVE & THE PU***ES haben den Breadcrumb-Track „Tongkoko“ ausgesucht, benannt nach einem Vulkan auf der indonesischen Insel Sulawesi. Musikalisch klingt diese Interpretation ein wenig so, als hätte Quentin Tarantino ein Mash-Up zwischen dem „Raumschiff Orion“-Titel und dem „Munsters“-Theme inszeniert. Alles in allem nähert sich der Dreier eher einem klassischen Surfsound an, bringt aber dennoch einige raue Untertöne und einen eigenen Stil mit ein. Eben das unterscheidet Traditionalisten von Nachahmern. Vor einigen Jahren haben DAVE & THE PU***ES übrigens einen Weltrekord auf dem Feld der Schallplattenproduktion aufgestellt, indem sie innerhalb von drei Stunden zwei Songs live spielten, aufnahmen und auf Vinyl übertrugen. Hier beweisen sie nun ihre musikalische Meisterschaft auf einer B-Seite, die offensichtlich eine zweite A-Seite ist.

Zwei Songs mögen nicht ausreichen, um diese Veröffentlichung „Breadcrumb Beach 2“ nennen zu können. Das „1 ½“ bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass hier halbe Sachen gemacht wurden Während ein weiteres komplettes Album mit österreichischem Surf fraglos großartig wäre, kann dieses limitierte kommende Sammlerstück nur wärmstens empfohlen werden.

In Ermangelung eines Listening-Links für die 7‘‘, hier ist eine Live-Version von BALU & DIE SURFGRAMMELN mit „Tongkoko“:

… today El Ritmo de las Cavernas Radio Show, two great PLAN 9 TRASH Records artists: Andi & the Hemenex Rockabilly Gang ...

… today El Ritmo de las Cavernas Radio Show, two great PLAN 9 TRASH Records artists:
Andi & the Hemenex Rockabilly Gang
Lonesome Dave Fisher

Esta noche,a partir de las 21h, volvemos,tras las vacaciones de verano,a las ondas de "La Aventura Americana Radio" con un programa íntegro de novedades discográficas,avisaos estáis!!!

Tonight, starting at 9:00 pm, we return, after the summer vacations, to the airwaves of "La Aventura Americana Radio" with a full program of new recordings, so be warned!

… official 7“ Vinyl release Lonesome Dave Fisher „Brand New Shade of Cool“ on PLAN 9 TRASH Records17.09. Kultur HOF, Lin...

… official 7“ Vinyl release Lonesome Dave Fisher „Brand New Shade of Cool“ on PLAN 9 TRASH Records
17.09. Kultur HOF, Linz
live on Stage:
Lonesome Dave Fisher
CRAZY CUBES Rockabilly
Harry Davidson

… thanx to Slap that Bass, AJ's Rockin Music Reviews. for this review of this fine Plan 9 release: Rhine Valley Ramblers...

… thanx to Slap that Bass, AJ's Rockin Music Reviews. for this review of this fine Plan 9 release: Rhine Valley Ramblers „Woman in the Moon“

Thanx to Cruzin Magazine for this fantastic review of Rhine Valley Ramblers‘ „Woman in the Moon“ album 👌👍

Thanx to Cruzin Magazine for this fantastic review of Rhine Valley Ramblers‘ „Woman in the Moon“ album 👌👍

Rockabilly Mailorder, Schnitzelbilly, Record Label & Vinyl Recording Service, Labelcode


Ready to catch some waves again & having a wild ride from RockvilleBeach to AlphaSurfari? Grab you board & have fun with: Tremolo Beer Gut - Das Modell Mikrowelle - Fluorid Les Robots - Standoff Planet T Halibuts - Mr. Mysterioso Montesas - Voyage To Sirius Mieters - De Ruit Is Uit Incredible Suckin...

Out now: Breadcrumb Beach 1 1/2 … Balu & die Surfgrammeln / Dave & The Pu***es … fantastic 7“ splitvinyl … www.schnitzel...

Out now: Breadcrumb Beach 1 1/2 … Balu & die Surfgrammeln / Dave & The Pu***es … fantastic 7“ splitvinyl …

Nun ist sie da: Die neue Split Single von Dave & The Pu***es und den Surfgrammeln. Erhältlich bei uns, den voll super Balu & die Surfgrammeln unserem voll super Label PLAN 9 TRASH Records, und voll super sortierten Plattenläden.

We are very happy to anounce- new vinyl is coming soon: „Breadcrumb Beach 1 1/2“ by great Balu & die Surfgrammeln and fa...

We are very happy to anounce- new vinyl is coming soon: „Breadcrumb Beach 1 1/2“ by great Balu & die Surfgrammeln and fantastic Dave & The Pu***es … feel free to pre-order now 😃

Sooo ... two years into the pandemic and both us and our dear friends Dave & The Pu***es were very, very active. In fact, both of us recorded one song and it will be available in a month or so - as usual on PLAN 9 TRASH Records!!!
David Obwaller Mex Wieshofer Lukas Obwaller Josef Birkfellner Katharina Birkfellner Fabio Nocchieri Walter J. Friedinger DR.DUB vinylrecording - mastering - schallplatten pressen

… check out the fantastic debut album of the Rhine Valley Ramblers „Woman in the Moon“ … ask the dealer of your trust, c...

… check out the fantastic debut album of the Rhine Valley Ramblers „Woman in the Moon“ … ask the dealer of your trust, check in out on Amazon, Discogs or directly here: 👍

Three of our artists on todays El Ritmo de las Cavernas radioshow:Rhine Valley RamblersThe RaccoonsBlue Danube Gang - Ro...

Three of our artists on todays El Ritmo de las Cavernas radioshow:
Rhine Valley Ramblers
The Raccoons
Blue Danube Gang - Rock & Roll
… thanx a lot to host Angel Garcia Esteban 👍

… cool review of our latest release „PANIC“ by The Raccoons …...

… cool review of our latest release „PANIC“ by The Raccoons … check out your own copy asking the dealer if your trust, check it out on Amazon or Discogs or order here:

When Tasmanian rockers The Raccoons first hit the scene, it was 1987 and the world was a very different place. Inspired by English Teddy Boy bands and pub rockers like Dr Feelgood, they were a band in a league of their own, championing a unique blend of rockabilly blues and old school rock ‘n’ r...

… fine Slap that Bass, AJ's Rockin Music Reviews. review of our latest release The Raccoons „PANIC“ https://open.spotify...

… fine Slap that Bass, AJ's Rockin Music Reviews. review of our latest release The Raccoons „PANIC“

Panic- The Raccoons
20 th November 2021-Plan 9 Trash Records
Reviewed by Mike (Snowy) Snow - 05/11/2021

Panic from The Raccoons out of Tasmainia, is the new offering from the band and consists of 16 tracks, self penned, that if anywhere near the standard of “All Draped Up”, will be a fair dinkum deal. Blasting out British Rockabilly in the best of Teddy Boy, Crazy Cavan style. The band consists of Dave Hughes on Vocals,
Phil Grinham Guitar, Grant (wockko) Watkins Drums, `
and Campbell on Bass. So lets get started.

• 1.Hot Rod Dawn. This track starts at a good lick, and makes you want to get up and bop straight away. A great rocking number that shows off the individual band members skill sets. Nice to hear the exhaust at the start setting the tone.
• 2. Bombshell. This one had us up jiving in the kitchen. A good track to drive the motor with it blasting out the windows. A nice little hint of country to it too.
• 3. Crazy Days, Crazy Nights. This one could have been lifted straight from the Cavan songbook. This track for epitomizes Teddy Boy Rockabilly. Great track, love it. Drives along at a bopping pace.
• 4. Devils Coat. A nice change of pace for this one. I can see this being a favorite with the strollers. A show of versatility from the band.
• 5. Black Knight Satellite. This little number made me think of Sandy Ford, and got me and she who must be obeyed strutting round the floor again. Another good bopping track.
• 6. Electro Shock Boogie. True British Rockabilly with this one. Very much in the Matchbox style. I think this number has the makings of pleasing a wider audience then just us rockers.
• 7. Hipster Shake. Another for the strollers here. Or if you are and old beggar like me. A slow jive!
• 8. Picturehouse Riot. This is the only track that I felt wasn't on par with the others. That's just my personal opinion, don't get me wrong, it's still better then a lot of stuff put out these days. But is not one that got my foot tapping. Each member of the band was still playing at the same standard as before, just the song itself wasn't for me.
• 9. Torpedo Alley. As this started, I was afraid it would again not be for me. Wrong, this rocks itself along. Not one to dance to, but ace for listening to in the car.
• 10. Panic. Back on the British Rockabilly track again, with this the title track. Nice breaks thrown in too.
• 11. You've Got It. As this started, it reminded me of Cast Iron Arm. But this one will find it's fans who like something different from their Rockabilly. I found it really interesting and well put together. Not my favorite on the CD, but not one I would fail to listen to again. 1
• 2. Cold Shoulder. Now this is another great dance tune in 70's style, with some neat little references to Johnny Burnette. I liked it, and in a nod to a early British TV music show. I'll give it 5!
• 13. Swing Dog. This is only the second track on the CD that didn't have me jigging around. Reminded me of the Stray Cats for some reason. I know they have their fans, but I was never one of them. I will probably get some hate mail for that statement. But it does not detract from the fact that the guys perform the number with the same skill and enthusiasm as the rest of the CD. And I'm sure it will find plenty of lovers. Just not me.
• 14. Shop Girl. A good stroller/slow bop. Had me bouncing along with it's driving beat.
• 15. Lay It Down. Now this one had me playing it in the car on the way to band practice. Good job I didn't see any State Troopers on the way. It did make my right foot heavy. Nice one guys.
• 16. SkullBuster.. I'm not sure the Gene Vincent fans will be so enamored with the lyrics of this one, but I liked it. Just the right tempo to jive to, without leaving me in a gasping heap on the floor.

So in summary this CD has something for all the folks who like British and Teddy Boy Rockabilly. It's a CD to add to the collection, and one to play when you want something different. For me it's going to get put onto the play list I have in the car and on random, that the boys will make a great change from what I normally listen to. I'd recommend buying this, and giving the guy's a look at if playing near you. A good CD, and one I would recommend.

Hot Rod Dawn
Crazy days Crazy Nights
Devils Coat
Black Knight Satellite
Electro Shock Boogie
Hipster Shake
Picturehouse Riot
Torpedo Alley
You've Got It
Cold Shoulder
Swing Dog
Shop Girl
Lay It Down

Night time, dirty streets, sepia memories, razors, fights, cigarette soaked rooms, decay, up!




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