ABS -CBN and GMA series updates and gossips by Amor

ABS -CBN and GMA series updates and gossips by Amor Content creator 🌟
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SAVING GRACE EPISODE 8After discovering Anna's past, an unjust manipulation of their interview compels Miranda to choose...

After discovering Anna's past, an unjust manipulation of their interview compels Miranda to choose between helping Anna and protecting her career. A heated confrontation between Miranda and Helena causes past pains to resurface. Grace's and Anna's safety are put at risk when Princess makes a reckless decision and Julius' father discovers his involvement in the missing girl's case.

Mr. Alden Richards' looks🥰🥰 at Jose Manalo's Wedding in Boracay .

Mr. Alden Richards' looks🥰🥰 at Jose Manalo's Wedding in Boracay .

She's my favorite ❣️❣️

She's my favorite ❣️❣️

Sir chief and Maya 🤭😍😍😍🥰

Sir chief and Maya 🤭😍😍😍🥰

Young Kathy 😊❤️❤️❣️

Young Kathy 😊❤️❤️❣️

Trying new diversities ❤️new nature 😍👌new culture 💯

Trying new diversities ❤️new nature 😍👌new culture 💯

Coco Martin's girl looks pretty ❣️❣️❣️❤️👌Super Ganda😍😍

Coco Martin's girl looks pretty ❣️❣️❣️❤️👌
Super Ganda😍😍

Hello Friday 🥰💯

Hello Friday 🥰💯

ON THE SEMI FINAL OF MINES OF PASSIONJoaquina enters the place Roberta asked her to meet up. After Roberta does her usua...

Joaquina enters the place Roberta asked her to meet up. After Roberta does her usual Leonardo-blaming and Joaquina defends him, Joaquina tells Roberta to leave her family alone. Roberta agrees, but only if Joaquina gives her life in exchange for Leo's! Joaquina replies that Roberta can do whatever she wants with her, but she won't do anything to Leo. Roberta goes on and on about feeling she's different ever since she was young blah blah. And hold up, did I hear that correctly? Roberta confesses to murdering their father? Oh well, at least he got what he deserved...

Leo, instead of leaving with Marijó, Cayetana and Nicolás, decides the best thing he can do is risk everyone's safety and go search for Roberta's secret room. Emilia calls him and tells him to leave with the other 3, she has a bad feeling about this and fears something will happen. After the call, Sebas tries to calm her down but Emi freaks out more when she deduces Joaquina is Roberta's next target.

Leo, meanwhile, is still searching for the room. Ezequiel and the bad miner are watching his every move. Leo is close to discovering them and Ezequiel gets his gun out. Leo enters the room and immediately get a call from Sebas, informing him Joaquina isn't at hospital. Leo leaves before Ezequiel has the time to act. Later, Ezequiel reluctantly tells Velos he was just about to shoot him, but he didn't because of... Roberta's orders? Did she tell them -off camera- not to hurt Leo until she figures out things with Joaquina or something?

Back to the Meeting Place of Hell, Roberta insults Joaquina some more and gets a KITCHEN KNIFE out. I thought she had a gun with her? She asks Joaquina the cliché "any last words?" Joaquina replies that she did everything she could to make her leave behind all the things that happened to them in the past. Quite many last words, but I'll accept it. Roberta tries to attack her with the knife. I say "tries" since Joaquina hits her in the head. Yep. Out of all people, JOAQUINA is able to make Roberta fall unconscious. Believable, surely. Joaquina kneels down and sees blood coming from Roberta's head. She checks for a pulse. Joaquina, instead of leaving like any normal person would do, starts screaming that she killed her sister.

Emi manages to communicate with Nico.

Ezequiel and Velos come up with some plan.

Dan, Gigí and Jenny are with Sara. Dan says for like, the 500th million time to leave. Sara insists on getting revenge on Roberta. And they randomly throw at us that Sara and Gigí will be co-presidentas municipales. Sara talks about Adalberto.

Said guy's body is randomly lying in some part of the town, next to the dumpsters. At least they put the garbage with the garbage. Some couple sees his body. Do they call the cops to notify them? Of course not! Like any normal people would do, they calmly talk about Adalberto's bad decisions bringing him there.

Fidel is still holding the gun at Aleida's head. After some talk, Fidel tells Aleida he wants to kill Orlando! Aleida tells him he won't harm Orlando.

Zaira tells Marat she isn't sure about her feelings, without knowing Tigre is listening.

Dan talks to Sara about how he wants to be with her and Romy.

Emi tries to get up from the hospital bed to go see Nicolás. Seb tries to calm her down. Tigre and Gael enter and Tigre tells Emi he'll protect her no matter what.

Fidel and Aleida aren't sitting anymore, but the gun is still in Fidel's hand. Orlando enters holding a gun and tells Fidel to drop his gun. Fidel uno reverse card-s him and Aleida tells Orlando to leave.

Aleida arrives home, looking terrified. Míriam asks her what's going on and Fidel pops up with a gun pointed at Orlando's head. The house employee, Andrés AND Míriam leave. I thought Míriam would finally get an act of courage and stay to help, but nooo. Fidel starts hitting Orlando for exactly the time Aleida needed to find a gun and point it at Fidel. Do they have gun spawners or something? Where do they find guns so quickly?

Leo is searching for Orlando, to no avail.

Gigí learns about Adalberto's death and for unspecified reasons, starts crying. Overreaction... Dan is there for her.

Zaira and Tigre fight about Marat. I honestly hope Zaira leaves him with his whining. Emilia wakes up after some sort of nightmare and screams about Nicolás. Of course, no one thinks Emi is right to be worried for Nico, left with Leo.

Marijó realises that the doors are locked.

Fidel is arrested! Aleida and Orlando are in the police station. Leonardo enters searching for Joaquina. Joaquina does her usual teleporting and says she's come to turn herself in, she killed Roberta!

In what I assume is the last scene, long story, Orlando and his gang go to check the place Joaquina told them Roberta's body is, but there's nothing! Joaquina, shocked, says Roberta was here.

And with that scene the episode ended

𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐀 𝟐𝟎𝐓𝐇 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐂 Follow ABS -CBN and GMA series updates and gossips by Amor 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 Neema akiwa na Alphose ...

Follow ABS -CBN and GMA series updates and gossips by Amor
Neema akiwa na Alphose hapa kwa hotel,alimwambia kuna evidence yenye inaonyesha Mark hakua hapo wakati Serenge anaulizwa. Alphose akajifanya kufurahia akasema ahaa hadi pia nilikua nataka sana Mark aachiliwe. Neema chenye kinamsumbua ni,k**a si Mark ndio alimuua Serenge as per evidence,then ni nani alimuua Serenge? Alphose akasema maybe ni watu alikua na deni zao but Neema akamwambia nop,wallet yake ilikua na pesa zote akipatikana so lazima mwenye aliua Serenge,ni mtu alitaka sana kumset up Mark ju mbona ifanyike tu minutes after Mark na Serenge kutofautiana. Neema anaona kuna kitu hakiadd up...

Turudi kwa wabenzi walazimishwi🤣🤣Eddy alikuja akamwambia Karen,unaonaje tujaribu ile kitu tena maybe tunaeza pata mtoto? Karen alkataa,akamwambia hayuko ready kupata mtoto na mwanaume mwenye anytime wakikosana anakimbilia kufikiria wife wake na watoto wenye aliacha🤣🤣Eddy alijaribu sana lakini Karen alikataa,akamwambia hadi sai I dont feel it anymore. Nimechoka Eddy,nimechoka kukaa place sipendwi kabisa. Karen alikataa hadi akaamka akaenda kukaa kwingine.

Alphose na yeye alipigia mtu wake akamwambia sikiza, lawyer wa Mark anaenda kotini sai na nataka Mark akiachiliwa tu hivi mniambie. Utashindwa sana Alphose ana mipango gani anafuatilia fuatilia Mark hivyo but niwaambie tu ukweli wa mambo, Alphose hataki Mark aachiliwe.

Leo Jayden wakitembea tembea na Jojo,kumbe walipita sides za Karen, former resdential estate kwenye Jojo walikua wanaishi hadi akaonyesha Jayden,akamwambia this used to be our gate,hapa ndio tulizaliwa na hapa ndio tulilelewa before life turned sour na Jayden akamwambia for now,thats past tense, you have another life now. Its called memory,nik**a upite kwa kina Ex alafu uone kaumbw akao,jiwe moja tu!😂😂

Val alikuja chemist kubuy vitamin pills na wakati aliulizwa gani specifically,,akasema yeye hajui type but akaitisha zote kisha akagoogle one by one ju anataka specific type ya vitamini pills na baada ya kugoogle,akapata yenye alitaka. Tutakua kujua ni ya kazi gani.

Huku hotelini, Serenge is gone, Sam pia ashafutwa kazi na sasa Paul ndio amebaki na tena Brian ama mwenye tunajua k**a Tom ndio atakua anasaidiana kupeana orders huku. Neema akiwa hapo,akapigiwa simu na Richard akaambiwa kila kitu kimeenda sawa na Mark anaachiliwa anytime from niw. Neema was soo happy kusikia Mark anaachiliwa.

Wacha sasa Alphose apate habari ati Mark anaachiliwa,mwanaume alijam,akararua rarua makaratasi hapo kwa ofisi yaje huku akipiga nduru ya hasira,mbaya mbovu. Kisha akaambia jamaa wake, hii plan ishafaill ambia huyo jamaa mwenye ako na cancer awe ready. Ready kufanya nini? Tutakuja kuona

Naomi alikuja kumuona Alphose na akamwambia kathee,who are you,ju baada ya kukuchunguza chunguza nishajua ushawai ride horse na ukaanguka ukavunjika mguu...Alphose akamuuliza so unataka unyambe ama? Naomi akamwambia sikiza,nishajua wewe ni mtu tricky sana na nimeanza kufikiria na kushuku ,hii issue ya Mark na Serenge,what if you took advantage of that situation ukamuua Serenge ndo uwekelee Mark? Alphose akaona enyewe ameshikwa akaambia Naomi sikiza, you are very inteligence woman na chenye umesema ni ukweli lakini chenye nataka ujue ni,leo hii watch news za saa nne usiku ju naweka kila kitu kukuhusu kwa media watu wajue wewe ni nani,ukora unafanya,ukora ulifanyie Eddy na kila kitu chenye najua kuhusu. Hee! Naomi kusikia hivyo,akarudi chini akamwambia bossie,mbona tufike hapo sasa...tunaeza ongea k**a watu wazima. Alphose akamwambia sasa,ndio nikusikize,nataka uambie Neema maneno mazuri mazuri kuhusu mimi,failure to which,nakumaliza na uhakikishe Neema anakuamini na ananipenda kwa maneno utamwambia 😂😂😂woi! Imagine mtu akutume umkatie dem na uhakikishe huyo dem anakupenda😂😂😂

Neema asharaukia polisi station kuja kumchukua Mark na wakati alimuona Mark alimkimbilia mbio,wakahugiana mbaya mbovu hadi Neema alianza kulia akiambia Mark manze kuishi bila wewe imekua hard sana...Mark akachukulia hii chance anaoa sasa maybe Neema ako ako in love akamwambia Neema mbona usimove in na mimi tu sasa...Neema akawambia noo,we are just good friends,please hakuna cha kuguzana.😂😂😂

Mark baadaye walifika home na hata akina Jayden na Jojo walikua hapo huku Jojo anafeel guilty kwa kumshuku lakini Jayden alimwambia usiworry, but ushajua alikua innocent just dont judge people anyhowly. Wakati Jayden wameenda,Cate alikuja akaambia Jojo,naona ushamanage kumelt heart ya father in law? Jojo akamwambia come on, we are just friends...Cte alimwambia zii hakuna ufriend hapa anjua kuna kitu inagongwa na si mayai😂😂😂

Richard k**a lawyer an Naomi walikuja kuona Mark na hata Richard akamwambia k**a si Neema kupeana tip ya foottage ya CCTV hatungejua. Mark akauliza kiaje? Akaambiwa Neema venye alitoka usiku akaona kuna CCTV kwa building na akaenda hadi wakaitisha CCTV na ndio imefanya Mark is out now. Mark alfurahi sana lakini chenye kinamshangaza ni mbona Neema anaonyesha love but akimwambia story za love hataki? Hii inamshangaza sana Mark.

Upande wa Eddy pia mambo yashakua sawa alichapia bonge la surprise kwa mpoa wake Karen na nik**a reuniona worked out.

Congratulations, Zia Dantes 👏❤️🏆So happy for her 💯🥰🥰🥰

Congratulations, Zia Dantes 👏❤️🏆
So happy for her 💯🥰🥰🥰

Isadora Carrillo 💕💕💕 she is Romina in Mines of Passion❤️Isn't she amazing ❣️❣️❣️?

Isadora Carrillo 💕💕💕 she is Romina in Mines of Passion❤️
Isn't she amazing ❣️❣️❣️?

  and   🌹

and 🌹

SAVING GRACE EPISODE 7 Helena urges Anna to return Grace to her mother, while Sarah's persistent harassment causes an ac...

Helena urges Anna to return Grace to her mother, while Sarah's persistent harassment causes an accident at the Sarmiento's inn. Julius helps Anna and Grace hide, but Jessica soon finds their shelter and gets incriminating evidence against Anna. Meanwhile, a stolen bracelet leads Miranda to uncover a shocking truth about someone she has been searching for over the years.

Anyone following this series in Novela E. Plus❤️??

Anyone following this series in Novela E. Plus❤️??

The Megastar, Ms. Sharon Cuneta, and the Prime Actress, Ms. Julia Montes in a feature for Saving Grace in Metro Style th...

The Megastar, Ms. Sharon Cuneta, and the Prime Actress, Ms. Julia Montes in a feature for Saving Grace in Metro Style this month.

Team lavender fields ❣️❣️❣️👌

Team lavender fields ❣️❣️❣️👌

Hello Thursday from my love ❤️❤️❤️💯💯🥰Ageless beauty 😍😍😍💕

Hello Thursday from my love ❤️❤️❤️💯💯🥰
Ageless beauty 😍😍😍💕


Mar Del Plata



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