I'm loving the pick mes - the ultra feminists - the members of the online rude-personality society being so triggered at the basic subject of male-female dynamics!
It's so funny that, what we as brown culture represented naturally seems to have lost and the west is picking up on it faster than ever!
A white girl now knows better than a brown girl that femininity is not just about lipstick lol.. She works out, is educated, looks pretty, stays happy and creative, has her money, her career all of the good stuff but also knows she's the 'girl' in a relationship not a full GROWN MAN HERSELF who's ready to compete at all times because she's better than everyone!
Don't forget before you speak girls, even if you are a feminist, your fight is to get females equal opportunities in education and pay and respect in society. Your fight is NOT to go against men as whole. Ladies who do that, tend to have not very healthy male figures in their life!
It's sad to see that even when you talk about healthy relationships or how to keep dynamics right in a marriage young girls see that as pick-me! This will only result in you staying single for too long and keep having bitter experiences! sorry
May be watch some of my very old youtube videos to get a better idea! Start seeings things for what they are and be aware AF! That's all.
I remember I knew a close friend who was a doctor, very educated, senior to me, very very intelligent and high achieving! Now most my friends are high achievers but the only difference is, the doctor went with the same high achieving energy in her marriage too. She was normal everyday average looking female, and never took the time to ever visit a salon or look pretty for her husband ever! it was not important to her. It was apparently a waste of time because the society pushes you into masculinity making you think you have to be productive 24/7 or else you have no value! (the reason I don't suggest productivity channels for females) for men it's good on the other hand!
So she would look down on other girls who had education, career, the body, the lashes, the clothes, the fitness and all that! It triggered her enough to call them bi**os! but remember bi**os are the ones who win. lol it is what it is! A bimbo in my eyes is very smart. She may be educated, has money, has information, but she does not lead with this energy in relationships! she stays fit and happy. Her mission in life is not to be the smartest person in the room. She always marries up, someone who's better so she can respect him!
but the doctor lady, wanted a man younger to her, she wanted to be the boss, she wanted the control! so she did! The pretty man didnt even have a good paying job when they got together. Soon enough he married her and she took him abroad! (mother energy)
Few years passed she was having her 3rd child and by now shes close to 40 and is exhausted and tired! Now his job is paying more and he is finally thriving thanks to all her help she provided. What he gets paid, he invested in his looks, gym etc, he also supports his mom back home and stuff. But does NOT give her a dime!
She was on maternity leave and now the fights started to happen. Now she wanted to be the girl, and wanted him to lead but he wasn't used to this. (You can't reintroduce these dynamics by the end, it has to be from start)
After months of fights and craziness he said he needs a break and flew back home. Stressed and depressed she went into early labour. He wasn't even present. He called and did what he could but obviously thats not enough for any female. She resented him even more for this reason.
Soon enough he left and promised to contribute a little bit for the kids but thats all. She hd no house to her name, no security, she never needed it from him anyway right, she sacrificed so much, she supported him along the way, now that he was fully capable he went ahead married a younger one, a girl who your average woman calls a bimbo, the one who was smart, educated, soft spoken, classy, happy, fit and most importantly FEMININE! She wasn't the one who was triggered, bitter, bossy etc! She was just like a normal nice person!
And guess who he gave a new whole house to? yep this new one!
you can hate this one all you want but she's smart, she stayed feminine and knew what she wanted and asked for it from day 1.
Is it fair? no
Is this how it should be? no
Did she deserve it? no
Does the new one deserve punishment? nopp
Is he an as***le? may be..
Is he good for the new one? Hell yes!
let this be a lesson! theres countless times you will see this all around you, open your eyes! Don't work against mother nature. You will stay bitter and in lack and you will see younger people doing better than you and you swill stay jealous! Don't put yourself in those shoes!
be happy for yourself, put that lipstick if you want lol for you. People only see your worth when you put enough worth on yourself! you attract what you become! So don't act, become! Become the successful, classy, pretty, happy, feminine girl because you want the best out of life! it's not always just about a man! its about dressing for success! for your dream life! Define what success looks like for you and work towards it! Don't listen to bitter men on internet but also don't listen to triggered unhappy females online either! listen to your own intuition.. Let it lead you
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