If you are that desperate to travel abroad like I used to be my friend marry YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Google!
I know couple of people who traveled through a job they got in LinkedIn. International jobs are on LinkedIn. When last did you go to look for schools in Twitter or even follow influencers abroad? Stop asking a lot of questions and doing nothing. Get your documents together and ready then marry YouTube.
There are lots of YouTube videos on how to travel abroad but you do not have the strength to watch to the end. There are lots of YouTube videos on how to get scholarship abroad but you get tired watching the introductory part.
I have told you several times to leave my inbox and go to YouTube and watch all the videos Waka Waka Doctor has made. Before you finish it you will see yourself abroad. I didn't even watch upto half of his videos but I'm flying from one country to another like a house fly...
Wait till I open my own YouTube account and begin to serve you hot videos. If you think I will be making videos on how to travel abroad my dear friend think again. Me that is planning to be posting food and beautiful places because I love food well well..
Ask me questions that the answer is not on YouTube and Google please stop asking lame questions like '' can I get scholarship or admission''. Please lemme oooo...